Monitoring & tracking the criminal toxic chemical spraying of Beautiful British Columbia's land and people

Health Issues

The Sky Does NOT Lie by Rand Clifford for Veterans Today

The Sky Does NOT Lie

Posted by Veterans Today on February 2, 2015

Chemtrail Planet

by Rand Clifford for Veterans Today

I’m writing with a view of southern sky spanning fully east to west. The winter sun is going for a touchdown to the southwest. The sky is mostly clear except for the geoengineering aerosol spray engulfing the sun with milk and spilling eastward. A dot is creeping from the milky end zone of the sun, spraying eastward….

An official term for what I am watching, which is officially not happening, is “Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering” (SAG); another official term for what is officially not happening as I watch it: “Solar Radiation Management” (SRM). Funny thing, an aerosol assault on sunshine sure appears to be what I’m seeing.

When this morning’s fog began to clear, spray planes had obviously been very busy dogging the sun. Most planes sprayed horizon to horizon east to west or west to east, eighty percent of them near the path of the sun. Sometimes they don’t turn on the spray until approaching the sun…and turn off the spray a ways past the sun. Also, on moderate spray days, virtually all aerosol is sprayed near the track of the sun. So SRM is obviously an objective…but they also spray at night, often in the face of the moon. Complications galore, the aerosols are quite the toolkit, but SAG is uncomplicated in terms of exactly what it looks like right now: spraying of aerosol sunscreen.

Another plane is spraying east-to-west just below the plane clearing the Idaho panhandle, spraying Montana. In a stretch of a trail several minutes old, aerosols are getting ropy on the downside…weepy-looking…taking on an edge of teeth on a giant bandsaw blade; aerosols cutting through stratosphere to smear into cloud….

Touchdown, the sun has fuzzed out of sight in the creamy end zone.

A bulky new trail, aerosols still in the sun at 40,000 feet and blushing…on their way to flaming in orange and pink, even smears of purple as dusk creeps around down here….

“Conspiracy theory” right in my face, graphic display of why things branded as conspiracy theory usually turn out to be true; a sky full of why so many people are fouled as “conspiracy theorists” for telling the truth.

Here’s how Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines conspiracy:

1: the act of conspiring together 2:a: an agreement among conspirators b: a group of conspirators (see also, cabal)

conspire: to join in secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement b: SCHEME

cabal: the artifices and intrigues of a group of persons secretly united to bring about an overturn or usurpation esp. in public affairs

The definition of conspiracy is fundamentally and realistically the definition of not only government, but of most any exercise of power over the masses. Doesn’t that make the term “conspiracy theory” ridiculous? “Dry dust”, or, “wet water” make about as much sense. Ridiculous and stupefying—fundamentals of psyops, fueling: confusion.

The term “conspiracy theory”, linguistically barbaric, is a  potent psyop with amazing power to stifle independent thought. No thinking required, simply default to: “conspiracy theory” if you’d rather not…think about it. Independent thought is the enemy of government. Psyops like 9/11 are weapons of mass destruction targeting independent thought.

Again, exercise of government power over the governed is, by definition, nothing but conspiracy. Yet “conspiracy theory” has become an institution of social pressure to not question authority. After all:

The world’s so scary, somebody has to be trusted with authority—look what terrorists did on 9/11!

False flag terror like 9/11 is bad enough, but authority spraying the planet with death, shouldn’t that illuminate questions regarding trust in authority? Is it really so difficult to look up and think at the same time?


The unfortunate term, “chemtrails” was crafted to obscure what is obvious to anyone handy with looking up and thinking at the same time. Enormous difference between thinking, and reacting as programmed. Certainly, non-metallic chemicals are part of the geoengineering milk, but what of the cream? What exactly are we being sprayed with?
Researchers consistently identify in Geoengineering Aerosol Spray (GAS):
Aluminum oxide particles, barium salts, barium titanates, ethylene dibromide, cadmium, methyl aluminum, desiccated human red blood cells, nano-aluminum-coated fiberglass, sub-micron particles (containing live biological matter), polymer fibers, unidentified bacteria, enterobacteria cloacal, enterobacteriaceae, mycoplasma, human white blood cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA), mold spores, bacilli and molds, yellow fungal mycotoxins, lead, mercury, nitrogen trifluoride, nickel, calcium, chromium, radioactive cesium, radioactive thorium, selenium, arsenic, titanium shards, silver, streptomyces, strontium, uranium….

Millions of people seem happy to call GAS, “contrails”. Two main problems with equating GAS and water:
1) Contrails are born to die, cannot grow into clouds.
2) Virtually all military tankers and commercial aircraft now use high-bypass turbofan jet engines which rarely produce condensation trails. [1]
Check out what Wikipedia says about contrails:
“Depending on the temperature and humidity at the altitude the contrails form, they may be visible for only a few seconds or minutes, or may persist for hours and spread to be several miles wide. The resulting cloud forms may resemble cirrus, cirrocumulus, or cirrostratus, and are sometimes called cirrus aviaticus. Persistent spreading contrails are thought by some, without overwhelming scientific proof, to have a significant effect on global climate.”
Dear readers, witness Wikipedia at maximum disinformation. Streaks of condensed water: “…may persist for hours and spread to be several miles wide”.  Glorious psyop even without the imaginary “…cirrus aviaticus”! The only clouds “cirrus aviaticus” might be are condensation of authority to fog vulnerable minds into ignoring “chemtrails”.
Most of the air breathed by high-bypass turbofan jet engines bypasses where contrails are born,  the combustion chamber.
Compared to ephemeral streaks of condensed water, GAS is immortal…indeed spreading for miles—that’s the job of geoengineering aerosol spray. Wikipedia boasts of being “…THE major source of information in the world”, even bragging with standard Zionist chutzpah that:
“Wikipedia is “…under constant, paid review of Zionist assets.”
Zionist “assets” control virtually all commercial media and the majority of Internet traffic. Their spell is keeping millions of people oblivious to geoengineering aerosols. And of course, every effort is made to keep people from looking up.
Consider the dynamic: “Who wants to believe that people we vote for would allow us to be sprayed with poisons”?
It’s so easy to surrender to the default: “contrails”, so easy to ignore what the sky says. Problem is, geoengineering is perhaps the greatest threat to life on Earth ever conceived. Not an asteroid impact, or Yellowstone eruption…this is engineered biocide on a global scale.
Default: death.
But some people remember deep blue skies, can tell the difference between vanishing streaks of condensation, and geoengineering aerosol spray.


Goengineering Aerosols and HAARP
Some people even know that the exceptionally theatrical “Polar Vortex” is an engineered psyop. Here’s a superb video that details exactly how aerosols teamed with ionospheric heaters such as HAARP can alter the jet stream, pulling down frigid polar air until Dallas Texas and Northeastern Siberia share the same temperature. [2]
If you want to know how much GAS is going to be sprayed above where you live, please visit: Chemtrail Forecast Network [3]
Several times in the last few years it has been officially announced that HAARP was going to be terminated, yet its evil continues. Please visit: HAARP Status Network. [4]
A 1996 United States Air Force report titled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025″ states: “In 2025, US aerospace forces can ‘own the weather’ by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing on development of those technologies….” Geoengineering aerosols and HAARP are key “emerging” technologies.
The full report listing a wide variety of weather modification and weather weapon capabilities is available on the official USAF website.
Also of interest is this video from GeoEngineering Watch titled: “Military to Own The Weather In 2025 – Chemtrails HAARP Space Weapons”. [5]
The USAF even has a training manual for chemtrails.
For those confronting “chemtrails” with an open mind, some of the best information is on government/military official sites. For those inclined to pay attention, there’s the sky. Damage on the ground is more obvious every day. And the damage to human health is accelerating. GAS even has its own signature disease: Morgellons [6] to go with the more pandemic, “Chemtrail Syndrome”. [7]
Zionist-occupied government is spraying vast amounts of our money to GAS us while the fed (Rothschild parasite disguised as part of the federal government) sprays the elite with fresh dollars charged to us at compound interest.
Natural predators take only what they need to survive, improving genetic integrity of their prey. Humanity’s psychopathic predators destroy what they need to survive.
Please consider the elite’s contempt for humanity in terms of what humanity might achieve if not being hounded by psychopaths. The elite subject humanity to continuous and vicious demonic predation, mutilation of mind, body and soul—then scorn humanity’s condition! But…with so many millions of us writing off GAS as “persistent contrail”, even when it’s sprayed day and night right in our faces, we seem to earn the contempt.
The only way such psychopathic evil can flourish is for people born with a conscience, born with humanity, to just watch.








Rand Clifford’s novels are published by StarChief Press. Email contact:

Breaking News: Air Raids, Chemical Weapons Hit California by Richard Sacks

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Breaking News: Air Raids, Chemical Weapons Hit California

By Richard Sacks
Posted Friday, December 27, 2013

This Chemical Weapons Assault Targets Us, And We Don’t Even Complain

Since at least the 1990′s, chemical weapons have been used in a spray form against the American people from the air, on a more or less continuous basis.  The attacks continue today.  The planes are not the air force of some other country or terrorist organization.  Thanks to the courage of recent whistleblowers, we now have confirmed that they are military aircraft and private contractors working for the U.S. government or its agencies, in cooperation with similar programs under way in many other parts of the world.  Though even local and state government agencies have refused to test soil, water or air samples delivered to them from heavily sprayed areas to identify the chemicals dropped from these planes, we now have extensive data from private labs indicating some of the components of the chemical weapons being used.  We know there are may sophisticated “recipes” involved, but the majority include toxic metals, such as aluminum, barium, strontium, and sometimes others such as lead.  There are also sophisticated chemical ingredients that are capable of many types of destructive effects on soil and all levels of natural life forms, as well as disruptive effects on natural weather patterns and human health.

The Chemtrails – HAARP Combination And The Killer Drought

Possibly in combination with the effects of the HAARP system (see “Angels Don’t Play This Haarp” by Dr. Nick Begich), the calculated spraying of these toxic metal mixtures are capable of radically changing normal jetstream patterns, thus causing climate disruption, and this has now been used to create an extremely severe protracted drought over northern California, where reservoirs that are needed to sustain California agriculture are now near empty.  The implications of this fact are sobering.

This drought-creation effect is extremely important as it is being used in northern California, where it is causing severe damage to California’s agricultural crops, and threatening much worse.   This is happening at the same time as the as the U.S. government’s plan to destroy the U.S. economy moves into its final stages.  Together, these simultaneous programs could lead to non-availability of many foods in the U.S., and prices so high on what is left that most people could not afford to buy it.  For many months now, each storm that comes normally in off the Pacific Ocean to bring rain to the drought stricken area is dissipated with extensive spraying (see detailed accounts at  The small amount of moisture that does fall is toxic.  With orchards already dying and being pulled out due to lack of necessary water, California cannot withstand this continued attack on all its life forms and its soil, especially when combined with the nuclear emergency conditions that continue as a result of the Fukushima disaster.  See an in depth discussion of the details of this combined assault (chemical attack and radioactive fallout), including scientific commentary on the ingredients in the chemical sprays that are affecting human health, at .

Who Benefits

One of the interesting features of this multi-pronged chemical attack is that there are financial beneficiaries, even while the economic well being of the country as a whole and individual Americans is being decimated.  One class of major beneficiary is the financial interests that control America’s so-called “health care” system, which brings in far more money when huge numbers of people stay permanently sick.  Even those conscientious individuals who take care of their health by buying organic fresh foods and clean, non-fluoridated water, exercise regularly and use positive attitudes to keep stress low, are forced now to breathe poisoned air, courtesy of this massive government spray program, which officially does not exist.  The other big winner (or at least they hope to be) in this deadly scenario is Monsanto and its biotech industry corporate colleagues who produce GMO’s and sell out the public’s well being to build their fortunes and their control over agriculture.  When the chemical spraying poisons the soils with metals like aluminum, not only agricultural crops but even forest trees and other wild flora can no longer grow.  They are gradually dying out now, and much more rapidly in the artificially produced drought areas.  Monsanto and friends are planning to replace them with their toxic GMO counterparts, and they are working with universities like Cornell and others to develop the GMO forest trees as fast as possible, to complement their offerings of GMO agricultural crops that will grow in aluminum contaminated soils.  If you think you or your family will enjoy good health eating foods with any GMO ingredients you need to educate yourself to know how to avoid these “foods.”  See Jeffrey Smith’s “Seeds of Deception” and numerous youtube lectures, to learn what GMO’s mean to you and how to avoid them.

Program Goals: Kill The Weather, Kill The Soil, Kill The People

Dane Wigington, lead researcher for, says the spraying currently underway both over California and out over the Pacific Ocean is blocking close to 100% of the normal northern California rainfall, to make sure the killer drought continues, along with warm temperatures overall.  Interestingly in his own area, Dane has witnessed the falling of small amounts of toxic “snow” that stays frozen on the ground up to weeks at a time, in spite of temperatures far above freezing, due to an as yet unanalyzed chemical cocktail that changes the “snow’s” characteristics.  At the same time, of course, Californians and others in almost all parts of the U.S. are now breathing toxic air laced with nano-sized aluminum and other poisonous compounds that easily cross the blood-brain barrier and affect all organs of the body in destructive ways.  You are referred to famed neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock’s interview, “What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain” for more details, at .

All of the U.S. and now most of the rest of the world is being chemically assaulted by high altitude jets that have been photographed with the poison spray billowing out of nozzles specially mounted on the aircraft.  Combining the high-def video evidence of spraying n progress with the brave testimony of military and other whistleblowers, the debate about whether or not the chemtrails assault is real is over.   The media, like most government agency personnel, continue to label those concerned about the attacks as “conspiracy theorists” (a.k.a crazy people), but this tactic is not fooling the public as well as it has in the past.  More people are realizing that what we used to consider as the “news media” is in reality just the public relations mouthpiece of a few huge corporations that own most of the news channels in the U.S., and feed what they want the public to hear and believe, through teleprompters, to their paid actors called news anchors and commentators.  They would laugh at the concept of “telling the truth,” it is not their objective to undermine their own programs by letting the public in on what is really going on.

Dimming The Sunlight, Stealing Money And Food

What is really going on is a multifaceted attack on the people of not only California, and not only the U.S., but the entire world.   It is orchestrated by the very governments people rely on to protect them, and by the huge corporations that most people would never imagine were working to intentionally destroy them and their world, yet that is the case.  Now that the attacking aircraft have sprayed enough toxic metal into the atmosphere to blanket the entire globe, and about 22% of the incoming sunlight that sustains life on Earth can now no longer even reach the surface of the planet (, we are all breathing toxic metal particles so tiny that they can pass virtually any filter system and invade our bodies.  Yet the situation with the targeting of northern California is especially important, even against such a dire overall background, because of the implications for food shortages that could arrive at the same time as new levels of economic destruction, brought to us by the same people that are directing the chemtrail program.

Chemtrails Or Geoengineering?

People wonder what is the real difference between “chemtrails” and “geoengineering.”  The difference is mainly that if you use the term chemtrails, you are considered a nut, and will be laughed at as a conspiracy theorist by many who are ignorant of the ongoing program, or who are paid to help cover it up.  If you use the term geoengineering (referring to exactly the same phenomenon, of course), then you are deemed to be more “scientific” and it can be explained to you that if geoengineering is ever actually attempted on a large scale, which may be necessary to save humanity from global warming or climate change, whichever is happening at the moment, then of course your government will let you know, but as of right now, it is only a possible option being considered for sometime in the future.  If you are a person interested in stopping the spraying, whatever it is called, and you want to be able to hold a conversation with “scientists” or most government or media people, then you have to use the term geoengineering.  For myself, it bothers me to grace this kind of genocidal military attack on humanity with any term indicating it is some kind of “engineering,” when in fact it appears to be mass murder of both people and environment at the same time.  To call it some kind of engineering is about like calling an attacker who breaks into your home to shoot you, a home penetration engineer.  But then, perhaps that’s just my own extreme point of view, I don’t have enough respect for these criminals to make believe they are engineers.  I understand that game must be played to get into establishment circles of discussion on the subject.

A Note On Global Warming

As the debate rages on regarding whether global warming is really happening or not, many good people who care about the fate of planet Earth, waste their energy in this argument.  If global warming were not real, the undersea methane fields would not be melting at an alarming rate, releasing huge amounts of methane gas into the atmosphere, which they are unquestionably doing (see data at  Still, the debate about warming or cooling is practically irrelevant, as whichever is true will eventually be obvious to everyone.  What is important to realize fully is that clean and free energy systems that would successfully replace the dirty and unnecessary practice of burning fossil fuels would already be everywhere if they were not actively and violently suppressed by governments including that of the U.S. and industries that profit from the use of fossil fuels.

Even if fossil fuels did not cause global warming, they have caused massive pollution worldwide, and are not needed by humanity at this point.  Nuclear power has always been an insane choice or worse (intentionally destructive by those who knew all along), and now, when it is about to make the entire planet unlivable, even its supporters are hard pressed to deny this fact.  Only corrupt governments (unfortunately including the U.S.) and industry heads who are happy to profit from the destruction of the world, are still promoting nuclear power.

Making It Stop

Once you realize the reality of the assault that you and your family are under every day now, breathing the spray residue whether the jets are flying that day or not, then really the only question should be, how do we get this to stop?  Most people talking about this issue agree that informing the sleeping public that the attack is happening is an important first step.  Social media can of course be used to spread this awareness (see and associated facebook group now with over 14.000 members).  Excellent and effective educational posters are also available from  Some organizations like the Natural Solutions Foundation ( have developed sophisticated electronic systems to make it easy for millions of people to get messages to their “representatives” and others in decision making positions, and are using these systems in the effort to stop chemtrails and numerous other government and corporate crimes.

Since most of the public is still allowing themselves to be hypnotized by the lies of the corporate media, whose job it is to keep them completely out of touch with reality, it is important to keep a constant barrage of communications going to the media outlets.  There are actually good people in the mainstream media, and sometimes they have a chance to expose some important truths before they get fired for being so presumptuous (e.g. Judge Napolitano and others like him).  Local newspapers and radio stations need constant pressure as well.   Although most talk radio tries to pre-censor their callers to avoid anything they consider controversial or too close to the truth on air, you can certainly call in, and then at the last minute once you are on the air, just spontaneously decide to discuss chemtrails and give references for people to check.

Attorneys, Other Legal Professionals Are Needed

Legal professionals are also needed, who may be able to bring lawsuits against parties responsible for poisoning us and our environment.  The federal U.S. law actually does allow for lethal experiments to be done by our government on its own people (i.e. it says these activities are strictly not allowed UNLESS and then lists all kinds of cases such as for “science” that it is OK to go right ahead).  Highly recommended for those interested in learning more about how the federal government and its state and local counterparts actually work, is investigative researcher/reporter Clint Richardson’s great documentary, The Corporation Nation ( ) .  Even most attorneys are not aware of the vital information in this valuable presentation.  Remember, even though it is officially “legal” in the U.S. for your government to perform lethal tests on you as long as the motive is in the acceptable list of reasons, high visibility lawsuits to expose this criminality embedded in the law could be very helpful.  For example it could be shown that such laws allowing mass murder were unconstitutional.  If that could be done, the legal foundations that allow the spray attacks to be considered legitimate might be able to be removed.

What Happens When Mass Murder Is Called “Legal?”

At some point, however, making a law that some activity is acceptable does not really make it OK.  The original common law principles did not allow for murder, no matter by what name it might be called, and any law that did allow it would be considered of no effect.

To Respond Or Ignore – What Are The Odds Of Our Success?

Some have mentioned that once the government and the power structure above it that actually direct what government does (no, that’s not us, even in America) have the assault aircraft flying over our heads every day and once they have become a familiar part of the landscape to the average oblivious person being sprayed, then they have the mechanism in place to eliminate most or all of us suddenly by just changing the mix in the spray, any time they want to do so.  As a result, we have no guarantee we can win this contest to get our lives back from an insane power structure that sees us as expendable, or worse as its enemy.  However, if we don’t stand up and do our best to try, any chance we might have had for success is lost, and then we can say for sure that are chances are zero.  When our lives are finally ending, and we look back on how we spent the time we had, lets do what we have to now, so that at that time we will not be ashamed of our efforts, the principles we lived by, and the contributions we made, out of care for ourselves, our families, and all of our fellow creatures in the bigger family of creation on our beautiful planet Earth.   If we do are best, whatever happens in the end, we have already succeeded in the real effort to remain true to ourselves and to that which we love.

We are many, while those directing these programs of destruction from the top positions of power are few.  We are not the helpless, dependent and stupid beings they want us to think we are.  There is brilliance, creativity, resilience and courage in each and every single one of us.  Let’s live up to our real heritage and who we really are.


Chemtrails and Monsanto: Controlling & Culling the “Useless Eaters”

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By Arthur Topham

BCCA Moderator

My wife and I are both concerned about the source of our food and whether or not it’s been adulterated or sprayed or if it contains genetically modified organisms such as the frankenfoods that Monsanto is attempting to introduce throughout Canada and the USA and other non-European countries.

This evening while she was canning up some apples that we’d picked locally from a friend’s trees we were discussing the issue of ingredients such as aluminum that have been identified in the chemtrail sprays that are ever present in our skies on a daily basis now. Given that Monsanto has already patented particular GMO crops that are able to grow in soils containing high levels of aluminum it appears plainly obvious that the intent of these spraying programs is to eventually destroy our natural, God-given biological soil medium so that normal, organic plants won’t be able to survive and only the GMO varieties will.

The outcome of course will be absolute control of the food supplies for untold millions of people and from then on the negative effects of these frankensteinish ingredients will work their nefarious way into the living cells of all their victims and the ensuing sickness and disease that will follow will be an added bonus to these same criminals who are now responsible for poisoning the air, water and soil because, they just happen to also control the medical industry and the drug industry as well and we all know that sickness is an industry that makes megabucks for those who control the pharmaceutical end of it.

It’s all rather sordid and incredibly irresponsible on the part of these transnational corporations and those who are aware of what they’re up too had better start making a stink about it if they want to avoid what’s coming down the track. Another generation or two and we’ll all be looking like those Mutant Ninja Turtles that our kids used to play with!

Wireless, Chemtrails And You By William Thomas

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Next time you’re on a cellphone looking up at those long lingering plumes spreading across the sky, you might decide to end that call. If you spot any cell towers, roof-mounted transmitters or high-voltage power lines within a mile of your location, you may wish to evacuate the area immediately. And once home, you will want to permanently disconnect all wireless devices, including computer routers and “always-on” portable phone cradles. Because what you see in the sky is what you breathe. And chances are you’ve been breathing barium for more than a decade.

Barium Conducts Electromagnetic Energy

Ever since Captain Kirk teleported to the surface of an alien planet and whipped out his portable communicator, everyone Earthside wanted one. And the telecos gave us flip-phones. Along with compulsive texting, streaming video, online gaming and banking, the worldwide web and more.

It took more than 20 years to connect the first billion subscribers. But only another 40 months to connect the second billion. The three billionth “user” placed a cell phone call just 24 months after that.

Never before in human history have so many embraced such risky technology so fast. In Toronto alone, there are 7,500 cell towers. In the USA: over 190,000.

BioElectric Beings

Everyone fixated on Captain Kirk’s hand-phaser. But his wireless communicator was the real ray gun that could not be dialled down.

Cell phones and “cellular networks” are aptly named. Every transmission disrupts your cells directly. “Human beings are bioelectrical systems. Our hearts and brains are regulated by internal bioelectrical signals. Environmental exposures to artificial EMFs can interact with fundamental biological processes in the human body,” states the landmark BioInitiative metastudy.

As former microwave warfare expert Barry Trower points out, an invisible ocean of electromagnetic waves from radio, radar and TV transmissions, cell towers, smart grids and overhead power cables traveling at the speed of light “can all be reflected and refracted” by metal appliances, rain, snow, glass and conductive materials deliberately sprayed into the air.

You Are an Antenna

A water-filled upright human is a sizeable antenna. And since all moving electrons generate electrical current, all those electromagnetic waves inundating our everyday lives pass into our bodies, where they each generate an electric current. These induced electric currents change the charge on which our complex bioelectrical body/brain/heart network operates to maintain our health and vitality.

Microwaves at 1/10th British safety guidelines emit frequencies causing the biggest changes in cell calcium levels… as reported in the UK Daily Mail.

Wireless Headaches

Headaches can stem from microwave-induced leakage of harmful molecules through the blood-brain barrier. [Electronics Australia Magazine Feb/00]

At one-ten-thousanth of a watt, the blood-brain barrier opens, allowing blood proteins inside to disrupt brain signals and start killing brain cells. A cell phone typically transmits at 2 watts.

Just two minutes on a cell phone, or sitting near a wireless computer router or portable phone cradle, shorts-circuits the electrical ion activity powering the blood-brain barrier. This allows proteins and other blood toxins to enter the brain and resume damaging neurons in thinking and memory centers. Dr. Leif Salford is finding “astonishing number of dead neuron cells, actually suffering holes in their brains from the damage” caused by a single cell phone call.

No wonder wireless-altered brains lead to lack of concentration, memory loss, aggressive behavior, accelerated aging, impaired learning ability and dementia. Fibrils of proteins clumping in electromagnetically-altered brains are an identifying characteristic of Alzheimer’s, Early Onset Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis and cancer patients.

“There is strong evidence that… microwaves are associated with accelerated aging (enhanced cell death and cancer) and moods, depression, suicide, anger, rage and violence, primarily through alteration of cellular calcium ions and the melatonin/serotonin balance,” writes veteran EMF researcher Dr. Neil Cherry in New Zealand.

So Far, So Bad

While hundreds of millions of wireless addicts insist that nothing negative is happening, the effects of this invisible plague are worsening. In the United States, one in six children currently suffers neurological disability. With the much heralded new 4G LTE networks and devices “producing a waveform that maximizes radiation absorption for 3-6 year olds,” writes Simon Best, the accelerating trend is straight up.

The electrosmog blanketing cities worldwide would resemble the murky view from Shanghai’s high-rise windows if it were visible. Just add micro-particulate fallout from undisclosed aerosol spray programs and one in three people can expect to be diagnosed with asthma.

Low frequencies are directly linked with epidemic rates of dementia that threaten to bankrupt Canada, the USA and much of the world within a few decades – just as the challenges and costs of crop-killing climate-shifts, sea-level rises and increasingly costly oil will require all the smarts and cash we can muster.

“The scope of the looming medical-care disaster is beyond comparison with anything that has been faced during the entire history of humanity,” declares dementia expert Dr. Barry Greenberg in Toronto.

The medical-care system is going to be bankrupt by 2050 if we don’t figure out a way to delay or treat Alzheimer’s disease,” echoes U.S. health and human services secretary, Kathleen Sebelius.

Brain cell membranes made leaky by electromagnetic radiation exposure create enough energy to excite neurons into hair-trigger mode, overloading hyperactive brains. More than 1 in 10 children in the United States are currently diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

A 6,000% increase in autism diagnosis in recent years has kept pace with the proliferation of wireless grids and gadgets.

As reported in the UK Telegraph, 1980 to 2000 saw an increase of nearly 50% in the estimated number of new cases of Malignant Brain/Central Nervous System tumors in the United States.

Anyone who starts using wireless devices at any age can expect a 500% risk of developing brain cancer within 10 years – even sooner for children. Using cell and cordless phones is even worse.

“For such a risk to show up in cellphone users within 10 years, given what we know about brain tumours, which is that they can have a latency of 40 years, is deeply, deeply disturbing,” worries Dr. Devra Davis. [MSN June 7/04; Globe & Mail Sept 24/10]

Bye Bye Babies

Up to 16% of North American couples are already experiencing infertility – a near doubling since 1992. In cell tower-festooned Delhi, one in four couples cannot conceive after trying for two years or longer. Surviving sperm are increasingly found to be too damaged to achieve fertilisation. [TNN Aug 13/09]

At current rates, plummeting global sperm counts will hit ‘zero’ by 2048.

Barium Blues

Almost from the beginning of chemtrails consciousness, Clifford Carnicom began documenting high levels of reactive barium salts falling from chemtrails grids over Santa Fe, New Mexico. Carnicom claimed these salts are making the Earth more conductive.

He was right. In the fall of 2002, a long-time landscaper working for the City of Edmonton began noticing that carefully tended flowers and trees were showing signs of severe nutrient deficiencies. City specifications call for Electrical Conductivity readings no higher than “1” in local soils. But Dave Dickie’s soil samples tested for EC 4.6 to 7-times higher than this maximum permissible level.

Dickie wondered if elevated levels of electricity-conducting metals in the soils could be leading to the plants’ “chlorosis” condition. A $33 lab test of snow samples collected in a sterilized container confirmed elevated levels of aluminum and barium. Norwest Labs lab report #336566 found
•    q aluminum levels: 0.148 milligrams/litre
•    q barium levels: 0.006 milligrams/litre
Widespread tree and fish die-offs in California are also being blamed on abnormally high levels of barium and less conductive aluminum. At Lake Shasta, Francis Mangels, a retired soil conservationist and PhD wildlife biologist who worked for the U.S. Forest Service for over 35 years, told Dane Wigington that he blames pH over 10-times the alkalinity of normal soil on huge increases of aluminum oxide.

Dane Wigington reports that normal background levels of aluminum oxide in the Mt. Shasta snow is 1/2 unit. (In this case, ug/l). Allowable aluminum in drinking water is 50 units. Government action is required at 1,000 units of detected aluminum. The EPA-tested snow on Mt. Shasta shows aluminum at 61,100 units.

Barium clocked in at an elevated 83 units.

By July 2001, California state officials still could not explain why barium levels had nearly doubled since 1991. They still can’t say why barium levels in soils and water are rising, when industrial barium pollution has all but vanished.

In March 2002, two Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists at Wright Patterson Air Force Base told award-winning reporter Bob Fitrakis that they were involved in two aerial spray programs. One spreads aluminum oxide in the upper atmosphere to reflect incoming sunlight and slow global warming. The other lays down barium stearate aerosols for “over the horizon” military communications, 3-D mapping and radar. Soapy rainwater on highways is a signature of barium salts, one scientist said.

They also confirmed that HAARP transmissions from Alaska are being used to bend the jetstream.

In 2008, a Louisiana newscast focused on barium, which the news station called a “hallmark of chemtrails.” When KSLA had chemtrail fallout analysed, the 6.8 ppm barium levels was “more than six times the toxic level set by the EPA.” The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality confirmed that the high levels of Barium were “very unusual.”

Two years later, Arizona air particulates of aluminum and barium surged. Lab tests indicate how many times they are over the allowable toxic limit:
•    Aluminum: 15.8x
•    Barium: 5.3x

Clifford Carnicom now states that the amount of Barium in our atmosphere exceeds by eight-times the level deemed safe for humans to breathe. Smaller animals are simply out of luck. And, as Earth’s Sixth Great Extinction keeps rolling, maybe out of time.

Microwave Sickness and Chemtrail Related Illness

chemtrail-mask-300x232Embryos, fetuses, infants and children are especially vulnerable to pulsed wireless signals, which penetrate directly through their rapidly developing bodies and brains.

“Children who were exposed to cell phones before and/or after birth tended to have higher prevalence of emotional symptoms, behavioral problems, inattention, hyperactivity and problems with peers,” says prominent EMF researcher Professor Kjell Mild in Sweden. Children and teenagers are five-times more likely to develop brain cancer if they use cell phones.

Microwave Sickness is already of significant public concern in countries where wireless technologies were introduced some 10 years ahead of North America. “Hot spots” include Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Greece and Israel.

Sweden leads the pack. Data collected by the Swedish government has found that the introduction of cellphone technology nationwide in 1997 coincided with an alarming increase in prostate cancer, brain tumors, melanomas and lung cancers. So did deaths from Alzheimer’s, traffic accident injuries, sick leave rates, and the numbers of infants born with heart problems.

With a quarter-million residents now on permanent paid disability for microwave illness, Sweden changes everything. [Pathophysiology June/09]

Chemtrails are also reported over these countries.

Widespread common complaints of Chemtrail Related Illness and Microwave Sickness include, but are not limited to:
•    aching joints
•    asthma attacks
•    fierce headaches
•    sudden dizziness
•    rashes and sores
•    gastro-intestinal discomfort
•    persistent dry hacking cough
•    inability to concentrate or remember simple things
•    heart flutter, inflammation, stoppage
“Cell phones have enjoyed exceptional freedom from government oversight and control to protect against health and environmental hazards,” comments Dr. John Wargo, professor of Environmental Risk and Policy at Yale University.

Just like chemtrails.

After winning the German and European Solar prizes for his hometown solar energy projects, former Greenpeace activist Werner Altnickel warns that the stratosphere is being sprayed with chemicals and metals as a means to slow climate change, manipulate the weather and create inductive fields.

Based on a complex conductivity equation known as the VTRPE, the USAF continues to spread barium into the upper atmosphere to “duct” electromagnetic energy over-the-horizon. Even if commercial wireless frequencies are not conducted as coherent signals by chemtrails specifically “tuned” to HAARP frequencies, all commercial RF/Microwave energy is going to be randomly confabulated and conducted by the barium-strontium chemtrail mix.

If you think this is too much electromagnetic radiation for any body/brain to handle, you’re right. By 1971, a (recently declassified) U.S. Navy document summarized more than 2,300 studies describing health effects from microwave radiation. Today, more than 6,000 studies connect wireless and other EMR with more than 122 biological effects.

Total number of scientific studies on the potential effects on humans, animals, plants and insects from electrically-conductive contrails: zero.

There Is No Ducking Ducting

With highly conductive barium chemtrails being spread to propagate HAARP and other military radio and radar transmissions over the horizon, chemical “antennas” spread over urban centres are also ducting, amplifying and altering already dangerously high levels of Radio Frequency and microwave pollution from ubiquitous cell phone towers, radio and TV transmitters, civilian radars and so-called “smart grids”.

Pioneer researcher Dr. George Carlo headed the first extensive wireless radiation research for Motorola from 1993 to 1999 and lost his funding over his alarming findings.

Dr. Carlo now worries:
“EMR is most likely a synergen. The exposures such as pesticides, chemtrails, harvesting of forests and urban sprawl are not causes competing with EMR – they are additive and synergistic [or amplifying] causes. They are insults to the system that requires strong biological compensation to overcome. EMR depletes that ability to compensate, and thus the person or species succumbs to the effects of the environmental insult more severely and more rapidly.”

What Now?

Things are not getting better fast.

As EU nations begin reducing wireless exposure across Europe in the wake of the landmark BioInitiative study, the global roll-out of wireless smart meters and their supporting microwave grids threatens to push exposure levels beyond human endurance.

Exposure to microwave and radiowave radiation from these meters is involuntary and continuous. Unlike cell phones and other wireless distractions operating at the same frequencies, you can’t switch smart meters off.

Smart Meters emit these hazardous frequencies almost continuously, day and night, seven days a week. The 603 million smart meters slated to be installed worldwide over the next five years will begin emitting electrosmog from billions of new transmitters just as geoengineering efforts shift into even more desperate and relentless conductivity!

Exposure is additive, points out Santa Cruz County Health Officer Dr. Poki Namkung, adding:
“No FFC safety standards exist for chronic, long-term exposure to EMF, or from multiple sources.”
To handle all the wireless traffic from smart meters and constantly updated android apps, Fourth Generation 4GHz LTE may enhance the industry’s Long Term Evolution – while severely curtailing our own. Lower frequency 4G LTE boasts even higher “penetration rates” into buildings and bodies than higher frequency microwaves. And 5G is close behind.

Just Say “NO!”

To date, no agency or organization is examining the effects of electrically conductive chemtrails over towns and cities already saturated with electromagnetic transmissions.

They should.

For city dwellers, and increasingly in rural areas, daily exposure to EMF radiation is more than 100 million times higher than it was in your grandparents’ time. As author Simon Best wrote in his book “Electromagnetic Man: Health and Hazard in the Electrical Environment“:
“Certainly if mobile phones had been a new drug they would never have got out of the laboratory.”

Chemtrails and electromagnetic fields are synergistically linked.

Since October 2002, the Freiburger Appeal has been signed by more than 6,000 doctors and health professionals asking the German Government to revise wireless safety standards and prohibit portable phones.

Alarmed by the Freiburger Appeal, the BioInitiative Report and 165 million Europeans suffering from brain disorders, the European Council ruled that mobile phones and computers with wireless internet connections pose a risk to human health. In May 2011, the Council of Europe began removing all Wi-Fi devices from schools. [Reuters Sept 4 /11; Telegraph May 24/11]

Today, EMF experts with the international stature of Dr. George Carlo, Dr. Olle Johansson, Dr. Leif Salford, Dr. Neill Cherry, Dr. Robert Becker, Dr. David Carpenter and many others are publicly expressing alarm. They warn that continually blanketing our home planet with overlapping, pulsed wireless transmissions emissions never before encountered on Earth will result in mass brain-wiping, a worldwide inability to reproduce, and the extinction of the human race.

Unless stopped, the convergence of electrically-conductive chemtrails with wireless frequencies will only ensure this outcome at an accelerated rate.

What Can You Do?

1. Never expose pregnant mothers or children to wireless radiation.

2. Turn off all portable phone cradles and wireless routers.

3. Limit your cell phone use to a minute a month. Or talk for an hour a day and accept a 400% increased cancer risk over the coming decade.

4. Demand that your city and state emulate the recommendation from the European Committee of Ministers for all member states to “ban all mobile phones, [portable] phones or WiFi or Wireless Local Area Network systems from classrooms and schools.”

5. Don’t fall for “safer” wireless speakerphones and air-tube headsets. Regardless of the excuse behind their purchase, every additional wireless gadget jacks up the need for more relay towers transmitting at ever-higher frequencies. And the higher the frequency, the more transparent our bodies become to electromagnetic energy.

6. Stop Chemtrails! Continue educating media and the public. Attend local government meetings. It is illegal to introduce stray electrical fields that use human beings to complete the circuit. Alert lawyers to this new “Illegally Conductive Barium” approach to initiating class action lawsuits.

7. Stop Smart Meters! Keep educating the media and the public. Attend local governance meetings. Alert lawyers to these “Illegally Conductive Barium” findings to initiating class action lawsuits against wireless smart meters.

8. To dissipate electromagnetic fields and ensure proper rest, “power down” bedrooms and grounding your body to the planet’s natural electromagnetic field by Googling and using grounding pad under your sheets. As Earthcalm points out, “Manmade electricity has severed the connection. Instead of resonating to the planet, the cells are resonating to the electricity in homes/and workplace.”

Related Articles on Wake Up World:
•    Chemtrails: Do You Have Heavy Metals Poisoning?
•    Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health
•    Aerosol Crimes, Illness & Weather Modification in Los Angeles
•    The Most Important Topic of 2013?
•    Geo-Engineering: Chemtrails, Cover-Ups and Human Experiments
•    Chemtrails: Why In The World Are They Spraying? And When Will They Learn?
•    Agenda 21: The Dark Underbelly of Sustainable Development
•    The ElectroMagnetic War on Humanity
•    HAARP: Weather Altering, Earthquake Making Machine

About the author:

William Thomas is an award-winning investigative reporter with over four decades’ experience. His feature writing and photography have appeared in more than 50 publications in eight countries, with translations into French, Dutch and Japanese. A life-long environmental campaigner, his video documentary “Eco War” won the 1991 US Environmental Festival award for “Best Documentary Short”. Recipient of four Canadian feature-writing awards, William has been writing about wireless hazards since the publication of “Scorched Earth” in 1991. His most recent book “Chemtrails Confirmed” records his ongoing chemtrails investigations. Visit his website:

See also:

Chemtrails and Miner’s Tales

Being the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 and a Sunday to boot my wife and I and our placer mining business partners decided to go up to some of our claims and do a bit of panning. Mr. D had just bought a new sluice box (known also as a “Highbanker”) and was wanting to check it out so it seemed like the perfect day for a little adventure up into the gold creeks of the Cariboo.

We drove out to the claim which was about 60+ km from any type of urban center. Nothing in that region but mountains, rivers, swamps, meadows, old clear cut forests, rocks and gold. Hardly the spot where one would imagine the chemtrails appearing.

The creek is still pretty rich in gold considering that the the placer miners have been scouring the hills now for around 150 years and one would think that they’d have panned every flake and nugget by now.

It was a beautiful, clear, warm sunny blue sky day when we left around 10 a.m. Perfect fall weather for doing anything outdoors and the bugs by now were pretty well gone after some heavy frosty nights over the past while.

Mr. D set up his sluice box and we shoveled some gravel into it for a while before doing a quick clean up. Mr. B who has held the ground for a number of years now assured us that we’d definitely find some colour (gold). As one can see from the photo below he was right on the money.

It wasn’t too long after this that my wife happened to look up. The spot where we were panning and sluicing was in a narrow valley and the hillsides on either side were fairly steep so one had to look up almost directly to view the sky. Murphy’s Law being what it is she immediately announced, “Well now isn’t that a lovely chemtrail.”

Around this time we were just getting ready to pack up and head back home so within 15 minutes or so we were back at our vehicles and on the gravel road heading for Cottonwood on the Barkerville Highway. As we came out on the main gravel road the landscape opened up and we got some more panoramic views. The rest of the photos illustrate the mess that had built up in the sky from the time we had driven up to the claim.

As we followed the chemtrails home (they were, as normal, running in a north south direction in our region) my wife said, “You know I’ll bet the chemtrails are what’s causing all the leaves on the poplar trees in the region to have the sick, diseased and pale look that they’ve taken on over the past couple of years.” It’s so widespread and there’s not a single poplar tree that isn’t affected. I had to agree with her that the possibility of spraying being the cause of it was highly likely.

One thing for sure though these sob’s don’t stop whether it’s the Sabbath or the 10th Anniversary of their other attack upon freedom and life. They’re relentless and deadly. Something has to be done to stop their madness.




Comments on Chemtrail spraying over Barriere by Alex Hunter aka jokertattooo & captainchemtrail

Black Chemtrails Over Victoria, B.C.


We were up in Barriere BC last summer and saw them spraying the entire month we were there. We have/had similar symptoms and the same results when I contacted BC ‘news’ agencies/’authorities’.

Before we left Victoria for the interior last June the aerosol assault on the civilian population here in Victoria, BC, Canada had just increased dramatically. I filmed, photographed and published it as I had been ritually for the last couple of years.

After shooting the series “Black Chemtrails; What they Spray on us While We’re Sleeping” we had gone up there looking for fresh air, water and agricultural opportunity and to do a documentary on ‘Geo Engineering’ and its Effect on the Environment & Agriculture.

All the way up to the ranch in Barriere we saw chemtrails and planes spraying us.

As we went through Kamloops I filmed two jets as they flew right at and then past one another – extremely closely – right in front of the sun.

The first morning I was in Barriere I awoke at 5 am to film black, brown green and yellow aerosol banks floating down the North Thompson River beneath the tree line and filmed dozens of chemtrails per day.

Whenever we had to go to Kamloops we saw green, yellow and brown coloured aerosols coming from the smokestack there and black, grey and white crap coming from the US Military KC 135/KC 110 tankers and converted cargo/passenger aircraft. All the spray planes are painted blue/grey, have no ID #’s on the bottom and fly at heights and in patterns no commercial airliners would. As they’re flying erratic patterns/crooked flight paths, forming “X’s” in the sky, hammering us 6 jets at a time, sometimes flying in complete circles and always flying in and out of the US it is obvious they’re US Military planes.

In early August we left Barriere to go to the Okanagan and it was completely sunny and they had good air quality and weather while we were camping there. The powers that be seem to realise they’d never get away with spraying the Okanagan at peak tourist season because everybody would quickly become outraged and begin talking amongst themselves and very soon none of our mind controlled military minions would be welcome (or safe) at the Sunday dinner table… and therein lie our only hope. These military personnel have been desensitised, brainwashed and either compartmentalised or lied to and we need to do whatever we can to remedy that very quickly.

As we got back home to Victoria we saw the familiar mess in the sky, but there was something else. There was ‘man’ made aerosol coming from land and sea as well and the temperature would drop as much as 10 degrees suddenly whenever these strange aerosols appeared, bringing my health and hopes with them.

By the time school was about to begin in September the aerosol spraying program had increased another hundred percent. Since that time we have had barely a sunny day in a location which used to have them most of the time. The ;geo engineered’/’man’made skies look like Hell.

We experience the following health symptoms:

– sore to extremely sore throat
– lung pain/various respiratory problems
– various “24 month flu” and H1N1 ‘flu’ symptoms,
– allergies
– slimy, itchy skin
– lethargy/malaise
– body aches/pain,
– earaches,
– gluey/stinging/itchy eyes, failing eyesight and twitching eyelids
– diminished digestive/gasto – intestinal function
– acid reflux
– spasm, twitching and cramping muscles
– strange neurological symptoms
– extremely high frequencies/whistling in the ears
– fluctuating memory/intellectual capacity deficits

Some of the symptoms are caused by chemical weaponry, psychotropics and psychotronic frequency as opposed to those caused by the biological, nano bio polymer and advanced biological and genetic weaponry they spray us regularly.

The symptoms vary depending on the scale and type of the aerosol assaults and the time and type of exposure (ie filming atop a mountain, hiking, biking etc (not recommended!). I have interviewed medical practitioners/staff in the hospitals, clinics and family practices as well as those working in the peripheral healthcare fields. Most of them have reported a surge in the symptoms listed above as well as cancers and other degenerative diseases.

The last spraying cycle here in Victoria began on the 9th of July, 2011 and the symptoms increased almost immediately.

A cycle consists of moderate to extremely heavy spraying leading up to the point where they can turn the desired amount of aerosolised metals, etc into plasma gas with the HAARP System. Once they power it up, the HAARP system forms one big, uniform (consistency/thickness) screen overtop of us – usually from horizon to horizon.

When they power it down the aerosols/metals separate back into white, brownish, black and grey ‘clouds’. They may use this aerosolised material for days, adding to it as it dribbles down on us or they move it away to another location, then begin the whole process again. They can move pieces of the HAARP screen around, park it where they want to and bring it back into position in no time at all – even against the wind.

Normally it is a mixture of aerosolised aluminum, strontium, barium, cadmium, lithium, (and much more) and whatever chemical, microbial and advanced biological and genetic weaponry they might add according to schedule. Oftentimes the cycles are seamless – in other words they’re spraying us so much you can’t see the break between one cycle and the next. Occasionally weponised components are swapped and added to the mix and our symptoms are monitored “real time” on their international, electronic health’care’ database/registry.

We’ve tried to document all of the symptoms and photograph, film and post as many of the aerosol spraying cycles here to YouTube & FedBook as possible over the past 26 months.

We manage the symptoms with the following anti chemtrail cocktail and protocol:

– Vitamin A (to strengthen resistance to airborne pathogens/weaponry by repairing/maintaining the mucosa – the barrier between your insides and the outside world),
– B12,
– D3 (due to lack of sunlight),
– echinacea,
– Zymactive* (aids digestion when taken with food and acts as an immunity booster/anti inflammatory when taken without food),
– Chlorella (and Super Greens in health shakes)
– infrared saunas with copious amounts of reverse osmosis filtered, alkaline balanced water to detoxify the body.
– Proper use of either nano silver or oil of oregano (switch back and forth) to kill off absorbed aerosolised bacteria, viruses, fungus, molds and parasites. If you want specifics feel free to contact me.
– Avoid these ‘man’made aerosols as much as possible and above all avoid raising respiration in it.

* It should be duly noted that too much of anything isn’t good for the body so it is essential to take breaks from many of the herbal remedies and vitamins.

* Also, this chemtrail cocktail/protocol has little effect on symptoms derived from exposure to nano – bio polymers and advanced biological and genetic weaponry; for that one would need access to advanced military medicine. As that information/medicine/science is being hoarded and kept from public/private medicine via the dark powers that be the prognosis is anything but good and will remain that way so long as the inbred, psychopathic creeps remain in power. By the way, they have many cures for cancer – they just don’t use them (on us).

Furthermore, as prevention is better than cure, we should do everything we can to get those planes out of the sky and the arrogant and pathological parasites behind the ‘geo engineering’ program (psycholinguistics for the Global Green Dictatorship; Agenda 21 –  the global domination and population reduction agenda) incarcerated in their own FEMA Camps.

These are the same power hungry psychopaths that brought you every significant act of war and False Flag Terror (from Air India 06/’85, WTC ’93, Oklahoma Federal Building 04/’95 to 9/11/’01,the Madrid Train Bombings 3/11/04 and the London Transit System Bombings 7/7/’05) and they’re now perpetrating the greatest atrocities against us (under the guise of ‘protecting’ us) using God and Uncle Sam as the Fall Guys. Were they to have their myriad of crimes against humanity quantified and to receive an appropriate sentence, those at the highest levels would have to reincarnate themselves 10’s of millions of times to complete their sentences.

They’re not only killing our immunity, respiratory systems, and causing us a myriad of physiological and psychological ailments, they’re using the (Chemtrail/HAARP) psychotropic, psychotronic, tectonic and weather weaponry to keep us apathetic while they poison our ecosystems, cause catastrophes, floods and droughts and kill off the global food supply.

This is only a portion of what the ‘elites’ are doing to cull us, albeit one of the most significant. They are currently hitting us from so many sides few could comprehend what they were doing if they had a decade to study it 90 hours a week. Unfortunately we’re out of time. Using their latest “exotic weaponry” (see Bill HR 2977 introduced into the 107th Congress Oct 2, 2001 by rep Denis Kuccinich) they’re targeting activists, dissidents, investigative journalists and whistle blowers with directed energy weapons (DEWs) to bring down their resistance to frequencies and microwaves and to destroy their immunity in an effort to silence us (my son and I have experienced this firsthand).

‘Canada’ and the ‘US’ have always been merely British Colonies at best. At this point it is safe to say our respective Charter and Constitutional Rights, sovereignty and democracy are merely a charade to make us think we all have a choice. In reality ours is a master slave society with decrepit Globalist front men/manager/messenger boys like Zbignew Brezinski, Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller telling the political puppets what the shadow government expects of them. The political puppets parrot the policies and agendas to the media muppets who in turn parrot these lies to us and pathetically, we gauge our ‘sanity’ on our ability to regurgitate these lies to one another. Britain is obviously controlled by the Globalists who have managed to infiltrate and dupe the G20 countries’ military personnel and thus they control their munitions as well. These ‘elites’ have underground cities, bases, tunnels, agricultural operations, bio and seed banks and the medicine, science, technology, need, greed and arrogance to try to pull this off. As we are onto them for their myriad of Human Rights violations, atrocities, War Crimes, False Flag Operations and acts of Aggression and Genocide it is us or them. Welcome to WWIII. This World War is against humanity/the civilian population of the Earth.

The first casualty of war is the truth. It is, in fact an aristocratic, political, ‘legal’, Satanic, Masonic and Talmudic technique to completely reverse the truth – to tell a lie so big the public cannot possibly believe it or afford to spend the time it would take to do the research necessary to disprove it. As slaves we are preoccupied with the tasks of basic survival, paying our (carbon) taxes and keeping up with the Joneses. Under the guise of ‘protecting’ us from ‘global warming’, the Global Green Dictatorship have concocted their greatest and most destructive lie to date. Through the complete control of the ‘news’, Hollywood, TV, radio, the music industry, magazines and communication (all information) they have many of you/your men & women in uniform believing that the world’s population needs to be dramatically thinned out so that some of ‘us’ can survive. Meanwhile they’ve created bogus “carbon tax” and “carbon credits”, collapsed the bogus global economy and are causing ecological catastrophes to kill off the global food supply. Seeing as chemtrails are allegedly being sprayed to protect us all from ‘global warming’ that simply wouldn’t be happening. They are controlling the weather to achieve their global domination and population reduction agenda. History is indeed repeating, but on a much darker, more massive and devastating scale and there is no time left on the clock (as many of us have tried to warn you).

We must form/join the global resistance in an effort to put pressure on any/all military and law enforcement personnel or the world’s most pathological people will be our legacy here on Earth and in the Universe at large.

The Global ‘elites’ are decades ahead of us in technology and planning and via the upper echelon of the Masonic Order they control all of our industries and power structures.

Every moment they maintain air superiority from this point forward is another one of the last handful of nails in the coffin of humanity.

Throw out your tv’s, leave cellphones, laptops, GPS (etc) behind and get out into the public to spread the word to everyone you can.

– Alex Hunter,

Victoria, BC ‘Canada’


jokertattooo & captainchemtrail on YouTube

Chemtrails over Barriere, B.C.

      Thanks to Jody Haws of Barriere, B.C. we now have visual confirmation that chemtrail spraying is occurring in that region of beautiful British Columbia as well. I would like to encourage any and all viewers of the site to please do likewise. Send photos and comments so that we can increase the volume of data in support of our contentions that this illegal and fundamentally evil act of poisoning the Earth and its inhabitants must cease immediately.

Jody contacted BCCA on July 8th and had the following to say:

“I live just north of Kamloops. I have seen them spray alot. I counted 12 at once, and that even though the pics above look like contrails, when I took a picture of 12-14 of them at once in the sky above me I know they are spraying something. This year though, after they sprayed, then they curtained the sky for 4 hours, I was struck with a sore throat and headache for days and days. I have emailed my MP, and any other govt agencies near me to ask what it was they sprayed as I feared I had an allergic reaction, and every one of them sent me to someone else or just blatantly refused any information. I have the pictures and would share if you like.”

I replied to Jody asking her to send the photos for the site. She then sent the pictures and the following commentary:

“They were taken from my yard the morning of June 4, 2011, in Barriere, BC (60 km north of Kamloops). They may be a little grainy as I took them on my blackberry. And although could not get in the whole sky in the frames,  the pictures speak for themselves. They appeared to be making their way south and I watched until I was unable to see them anymore. The rippled sky lasted most of the day directly following the spraying.

I woke the next morning with sore throat, lungs, and headache which spurred me to contact authorities concerning what exactly it is they are spraying, they either acted like they have no idea what I am talking about, or just passed the buck to contact other agencies, until I exhausted my resources. I knew of chemtrails for years, and have heard that they spray the interior for fruit season (mostly Okanagan). Upon talking to others in the interior they have also confirmed that this has made them feel sick and have a sore throat in the past.

Jody Haws

We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.



Wednesday, 13 July, 2011





Our atmosphere is our life blood.

Like the proverbial frog in the warming pot of water,

we are acting obliviously

to our own demise.

Beyond this report, I have another to follow on even more sinister experimentation being worked upon on us, the unknowing citizens of earth, the perceived lab rats of TPTB. I thought I had found the worst when I learned about fetal matter and the other components of various vaccines, or being used in our soft drinks, but this, this, is a major shock. Truly the demons of hell are in power, running the laboratories; forked tails slipping out beneath their lab coats, the air about them shimmering and slithering with their spiritual filth.

I keep trying to convince myself, against the ever increasing odds, that it is always darkest before the dawn.  After reading this, I wonder.

The following is a special report that I found to be utterly shocking. It contains everything you have ever wanted or needed to know about chemtrails and has links to more information that you could possibly need to understand more this nightmare.

Obviously there is no understanding the megalomaniac psychopathic monsters behind these horrors, nor should there ever be forgiveness given to the Congress and Senate who KNOWINGLY endorse and support these crimes against humanity.

Yes THIS IS our world. Yes THESE are our representatives. YES they should be given a final meal of GMO-laced fast food, taken out at dawn, blindfolded, offered a last cigarette… and well, you know what logically follows that final puff.

Remember, the people behind these programmes are all funded flunkeys of the Zionist entity and many of them, including the creators and top promoters, are dual citizens. The Congresspeople and Senators are owned by the Jewish mob known as AIPAC, or perhaps Israel proper. The NWO/Illuminati/Freemason/Chabad depopulation, final solution narrative comes to mind.
Oh, and get THIS! MONSANTO has come out with patented seeds that RESIST these toxins, unlike the natural growth we see burnt and dying in the wake of these toxic clouds!
Ladies and Gentlemen, do the math. Once you have digested the following information, remember the ultimate source…  and GET ANGRY ENOUGH TO START DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

If you don’t take action
~ call your representatives, write letters, inform people, whatever ~
with all the evidence placed before you,
then who is to say you don’t deserve what you get?
Don’t worry that you are only one person:
Live your life as though it matters, and it will matter.

The Intel Hub
Shepard Ambellas & Avalon
March 30, 2011
© 2011 All Rights Reserved
July 13, 2011

Geoengineering has now been defined as: “the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate change.” ~ The Royal Society 2009

Recently, the question has been asked, What In the World Are They Spraying? The documentary with the same name answers many of those questions.

The question the world is now asking is “Who in the World Is Spraying Us?”


As an introduction to this article, we will first cover information to familiarize the uninformed readers as to the core facts and information so that a more complete understanding is possible, given this complex issue.

A recent report by CBS Atlanta detailed how some local citizens are outraged that such “crimes against humanity” are being carried out right before our eyes in secret.

In the report Sen. Johnny Isakson was interviewed on the subject of chemtrails saying quote:
“That is a theory that some people have, but there is no evidence this is happening. This is not happening.”
It looks as if members of the government’s upper echelon and even members of the Senate will go to extreme lengths to suppress this vital information from reaching the American people.

Not to mention they signed off on the multi-billion dollar per year budgets in an economic crisis, with little to no transparency to the public.

In regards to aerosol spraying into the earth’s atmosphere, a recent update to data assembled by The Carnicom Institute reveals the chemicals used and their respective levels of concentration. The toxic levels that are being used in these aerosols goes beyond shocking – it would appear that these levels are indeed criminal by EPA Standards.

An Updated Look at Aerosol Toxins ~ Part 1

By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri –
Copyright © 2011 ~ All Rights Reserved
February 3, 2011
(Excerpt from Report)

A new preliminary draft report by ArizonaSkyWatch shows dramatic increases in heavy metals that simply do not belong in our air. NOTE: The level of Manganese is so shockingly high that ArizonaSkyWatch also included additional information about it (see below). This report will be posted online shortly.

This is only a preliminary overview of Arizona Air Particulates.


These figures indicate how many times they are over the allowable toxic limit:

Aluminum: 15.8

Antimony: 63.3

Arsenic: 418

Barium: 5.3

Cadmium: 6.0

Chromium: 6.4

Copper: 9.0

Iron: 43.5

Lead: 15.7

Manganese: 513.8

Nickel: 10.7

Zinc: 7.5

Additional Research & Videos are at the & the

Interestingly enough, Monsanto has just released an Aluminum Resistant Seed which is Genetically Modified to tolerate Aluminum in high levels in the soil. Is this a coincidence, or do they know something?

“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” – Henry Kissinger

See also: Henry Kissinger National Security Study Memorandum 200

“The common enemy of humanity is man.  In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The  real enemy then, is humanity itself.” ~ Richard Haass ~ Club of Rome

Another famous quote;

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government. ~ Thomas Jefferson

Image from Our Changing Planet ~
and you still believe all these floods are of natural origin?


David Keith GeoEngineering

Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research (FICER)


The Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research (FICER) exists to accelerate the innovative development and evaluation of science and technology to address carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions and their environmental consequences.

The non-profit research fund focuses on early-stage innovative research where relatively small and timely grants can significantly advance understanding, especially of the viability and scalability of proposals to address global warming.

Funded research projects are intended to produce peer-reviewed scholarly articles in recognized professional scientific and technical journals. Any intellectual property that may be generated in the course of such research resides with the researchers or their institutions.
Grants for research are provided to the University of Calgary from gifts made by Mr. Bill Gates from his personal funds.
The activities of the Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research fall outside the scope of activities of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. FICER is not a Foundation project and has no relationship with it.

The fund has supported research in a wide range of areas. Some examples include:
• understanding carbon dioxide emissions associated with international trade in goods and services;

• developing technologies to capture carbon dioxide out of the air; and

• Climate modeling to understand possible environmental consequences of solar radiation management.

Image: Lawrence Livermore National Library


A select group of diabolic oligarch globalists and their puppet cronies embedded within the United States government are now involved in what some would say are crimes against humanity. These tyrants will stop at nothing to usher their hush, hush global aerosol agenda into full swing.

According to a report prepared for the Air Force titled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather By 2025” the U.S. Air Force wants to fully control the weather on earth by the year 2025.

Far surpassing even the most horrific act of terror (real or staged), posing as literal gods, these globalists will stop at nothing to control the world by not only controlling the fraudulent banking systems but by owning the weather through a process (blanket term) called Geoengineering.

According to globalist sponsored reports, our planet is in a constant state of threat and is being bombarded with radioactive solar rays increasing planetary temperatures due to human carbon emissions.

However, vast bodies of research now show that that is not the case and that global warming is another globalist myth, a ponzi scheme to collect a Carbon Tax worldwide, benefitting the very same group behind the curtain.

The myth the global warming “Carbon Tax” pushers have been spouting apparently can only be fixed by spraying deadly toxins in an aerosol particulate form into the earth’s atmosphere via large sprayer converted aircraft specifically assigned to perform Geoengineering tasks.

Aerosol sprays (slang: Chemtrails) are filled with a variety of chemical and metal compounds and are known to be very hazardous to human, plant, and animal health worldwide. This danger to plant and human and animal health has been documented in films such as “What in the World Are They Spraying” by Michael Murphy & G. Edward Griffin, who have also appeared on the Intel Hub Radio Show with Shepard Ambellas.

Ultimately, this issue was originally a matter for the EPA to rule over considering that they have the authority to sanction geoengineering activities under the National Environmental Policy ACT of 1969. However, documents such as the report to the chairman, Committee of Science and Technology, House of Representatives ~ “Climate Change” ~ Sept. 2010, U.S. Gov. Accountability Office which was submitted to all members of congress in 2010 attempt to put control into the hands of even a smaller group of people.

This report clearly is slanted and leans to take control away from the EPA along with other regulatory provisions such as; the Endangered Species ACT, and the Conformity Provision in the Clean Air ACT ~ total Geoengineering dis-info submitted to members of the Congress and other government branches alike.

 Click to Enlarge PDF

The source of most of the dis-info is Obama’s White House Science Czar John P. Holdren. The following was written on USGCRP letterhead;
“January 2011,
Members of Congress:

On behalf of the National Science and Technology Council, I am transmitting a copy of Our Changing Planet: The U.S. Global Change Research Program for Fiscal Year 2011. The report describes the activities and plans of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) established under the Global Change Research Act (GCRA) of 1990.

The USGCRP coordinates and integrates scientific research on climate and global change and is supported by 13 participating departments and agencies of the U.S. government. This Fiscal Year 2011 edition of Our Changing Planet highlights recent advances and progress made by participating agencies and includes budget information on each agency’s contribution.

This report describes a program in transition. In accordance with the GCRA, the USGCRP agencies requested guidance from the National Research Council on how to best meet the changing needs of the nation to understand climate change and respond to its impacts, and the NRC responded with a 2009 report entitled “Restructuring Federal Climate Research to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change”.

In accord with that report’s recommendations, the USGCRP is undergoing a strategic realignment that will ensure that the science produced is maximally useful for decision makers at all scales. As described in the new edition of Our Changing Planet, the program going forward will place greater emphasis on impacts, vulnerabilities, and on understanding the options for adapting to the changing climate.

The program will also continue its long-standing support for activities that contribute to a better understanding of the Earth system, including observations, research, and predictive modeling.

All of these focuses will be reflected in the USGCRP’s new strategic plan and its National Climate Assessment.

The USGCRP is committed to its mission to build a knowledge base that informs human responses to global change through coordinated and integrated federal programs of research, education, communication, and decision support. I appreciate the close cooperation of the participating agencies, and I look forward to working with the Congress in the continued development and implementation of this essential national program.


John P. Holdren Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy Assistant to the President for Science and Technology” ~ Our Changing Planet
Even more disturbing than that is the fact that your so called representatives have been approving yearly geoengineering budgets in the upwards of billions of dollars per year (as outlined in the document “Our Changing Planet ~ The US Global Change Research Program for the Fiscal Year of 2011, which is a supplement to the President’s Budget for 2011, much of which is unaccounted for and not even included in the budget possible signifying even a more nefarious plot involving some black budget.

Back tracking to the year 2001, President elect George W. Bush established the (CCRI) Climate Change Research Initiative. A year later it was made public that the USGCRP or United States Global Change Research program and the CCRI both would become what is known as the (CCSP) Climate Change Science Program. Now, under the Obama Administration the legacy continues to move forward as the USGCRP.

Geoengineering Regions
This same map can be found in the piece I posted a few days ago

Quite a “coincidence” isn’t it?

A report entitled “Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States” released in 2009, documents how the USGCRP divided the US into nine regions similar to FEMA regions. Also tucked into the report was the statement “A central finding of the report was that the vast majority of climate scientists agree that global warming is unequivocal and primarily human induced” – Source: Our Changing Planet.

The document goes on to mention the devastating effects of climate change, including the effect on crops, human health and livestock.

But the most startling fact in the document is the actual budget itself, a mere 2.7 billion for 2011 alone (not including many costs) 24% higher than 2010’s budget.

The Global Change Research ACT of 1990, SEC. 102, Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences states;
a) ESTABLISHMENT. ~ The President, through the Council, shall establish a Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences. The Committee shall carry out Council functions under section 401 of the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6651) relating to global change research, for the purpose of increasing the overall effectiveness and productivity of Federal global change research efforts.

(b) MEMBERSHIP. ~ The Committee shall consist of at least one representative from:
1. The National Science Foundation;

2. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration;

3. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the Department of Commerce;

4. The Environmental Protection Agency;

5. The Department of Energy;

6. The Department of State;

7. The Department of Defense;

8. The Department of the Interior;

9. The Department of Agriculture;

10. The Department of Transportation;

11. The Office of Management and Budget;

12. The Office of Science and Technology Policy;

13. The Council on Environmental Quality;

14. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health; and

15. Such other agencies and departments of the United States as the President or the Chairman of the Council considers appropriate.

Such representatives shall be high ranking officials of their agency or department, wherever possible the head of the portion of that agency or department that is most relevant to the purpose of the title described in section 101(b).
(c) CHAIRPERSON. ~The Chairman of the Council, in consultation with the Committee, biennially shall select one of the Committee members to serve as Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be knowledgeable and experienced with regard to the administration of scientific research programs, and shall be a representative of an agency that contributes substantially, in terms of scientific research capability and budget, to the Program.

Image from Our Changing Planet ~
and you still believe these ultra long winters are of natural origin?

(d) SUPPORT PERSONNEL. ~ An Executive Secretary shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the Committee, with the approval of the Committee. The Executive Secretary shall be a permanent employee of one of the agencies or departments represented on the Committee, and shall remain in the employ of such agency or department. The Chairman of the Council shall have the authority to make personnel decisions regarding any employees detailed to the Council for purposes of working on business of the Committee pursuant to section 401 of the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6651).

(e) FUNCTIONS RELATIVE TO GLOBAL CHANGE. ~ The Council, through the Committee, shall be responsible for planning and coordinating the Program. In carrying out this responsibility, the Committee shall:
1. Serve as the forum for developing the Plan and for overseeing its implementation;

2. Improve cooperation among Federal agencies and departments with respect to global change research activities;

3. Provide budgetary advice as specified in section 105;

4. Work with academic, State, industry, and other groups conducting global change research, to provide for periodic public and peer review of the Program;

5. Cooperate with the Secretary of State in ~
(A) providing representation at international meetings and conferences on global change research in which the United States participates; and

(B) Coordinating the Federal activities of the United States with programs of other nations and with international global change research activities such as the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program;
6. consult with actual and potential users of the results of the Program to ensure that such results are useful in developing national and international policy responses to global change; and

7. Report at least annually to the President and the Congress, through the Chairman of the Council, on Federal global change research priorities, policies, and programs.”It’s not really a moral hazard. It’s more like free-riding on our Grandkids.”

It’s not really a moral hazard.
It’s more like free-riding on our Grandkids.

“I have a friend who builds organic gardens. Across the industry they are seeing a decline in anything natural or organic that is growing. However, the effective crops have the aluminum-resistant seeds that have been manufactured. This is not an accident. These people know just what they are doing. Not only do they know what they are doing, they intend to benefit from it.”

I don’t see how anybody who has their eyes open and their mind open can help but come to the conclusion that someone is spending a LOT of money and effort to spray the planet. I know that when it is finally discovered, and it will be, the people who are doing it will undoubtedly say, “Oh well, we were doing it for you folks, for the greater number.” ~ G. Edward Griffin
By Jon Strauss, December 30, 2008

The following is a list of the members included in the Subcommittee on Global Change Research;


Made up of the following members:
Thomas Karl ~Department of Commerce Chair

Thomas Armstrong ~ Department of the Interior Vice Chair, Adaptation Research

Mike Freilich ~ National Aeronautics and Space Administration Vice Chair, Integrated Observations

Timothy Killeen ~ National Science Foundation Vice Chair, Strategic Planning

William Breed ~ U.S. Agency for International Development

John Balbus ~ Department of Health and Human Services

William Hohenstein ~ Department of Agriculture

Jack Kaye ~ National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Chester Koblinsky ~ Department of Commerce

Linda Lawson ~ Department of Transportation

Leonard Hirsch ~ Smithsonian Institution

Anna Palmisano ~ Department of Energy

A description of the subcommittee on (p.2) Our Changing Planet Reads;
“The USGCRP is directed by the Subcommittee for Global Change Research (SGCR), which falls under the National Science and Technology Council. The SGCR comprises representatives from 13 departments and agencies and is led by a Chair from one of the participating agencies (currently from the Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA]). In order to align the program’s governance with the needs, Vice- Chairs have been identified for Strategic Planning, Integrated Observations, and Adaptation Research.

Additional vice-chairs will be identified as needed. The program is supported by the USGCRP Integration and Coordination Office and conducts many of its activities through interagency working groups that plan and implement research and crosscutting activities, such as communications, decision support, and information and data concerns.

The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) work closely with the SGCR, the Integration and Coordination Office, and the interagency working groups to establish research priorities and funding plans to ensure that the program is aligned with national priorities, reflects agency planning, and meets the requirements of the GCRA. “
The Subcommittee in question has now supplied the President with a supplement to the fiscal budget for 2011, which was presented to members of congress in January of 2011 on behalf of the National Science and Technology Policy ~ Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, John P. Holdren.

The (USGCRP) brings together a total of 13 different agencies and merges them into one single agency program that has been in the works science 1988 or prior.

In 1990 the USGCRP received generous congressional support under (GCRA P.L. 101-606). It is no mystery that aerosol spraying operations have been ongoing since the early 1990’s. Prior to 1990 one could enjoy a true clear blue sky, a figment of the past in 2011 – where none are to be found.

Airship Proposed for Chemtrail Spraying

So just how deep does the geoengineering/terraforming rabbit hole go? The Intel Hub was able to obtain a copy of the final report prepared by the University of Calgary under contract by Aurora Flight Sciences titled “Geoengineering cost analysis.”

In the report there is smoking gun evidence of the entire geoengineering saga from the secret bases, to the payload, to what type of aircraft or “airship” will be the most cost effective to spread toxic particulates throughout the earth’s atmosphere.

The final report also included budgets for different applications for aerosol dispersal within the atmosphere.
“Existing aircraft are evaluated based on cost of acquisition and operations. An in-depth new aircraft design study and cost analysis was conducted to determine the cost of developing and operating a dedicated geoengineering airplane type. Similarly, an airship design study and cost analysis was conducted.

Finally a survey of non-aircraft systems was conducted to determine how their costs compare to aircraft and airships.

Yearly costs of 1M tonne geoengineering operations for all the systems examined are presented in Figure 2. Some systems are easily written off due to extremely high costs. Rocket based systems are not cost competitive due to the large number of launches required and the impact of occasional rocket failures on required fleet size.

A system based on 16Σ” naval Mark 7 guns was analyzed and compared to previous work by the National Research Council.4 This system requires large numbers of shots increasing projectile costs and driving yearly costs over $100B.

Gun costs become more competitive if the projectile payload fraction can be increased from about 10% for a standard shell to 50%. With this and a few improvements over the 1940-era Mark 7 gun yearly costs are still in the $20B range….The primary vehicles examined to lift particulate to stratospheric altitudes and disperse them at a predetermined release rate are airplanes and airships; rockets and other non- aircraft methods such as guns and suspended pipes are also surveyed.” ~ Aurora Flight Sciences: Geoengineering Final Report (p.5)

“Geoengineering may provide a means to create a time buffer against catastrophic climate change while long-term emissions reduction actions take effect. One approach is to disperse sulfur compounds at high altitude to reduce the effective solar flux entering the atmosphere. This report will evaluate the means of delivering sufficient mass of this or similar material to affect climate change on a global scale.

The goal of this study is to use engineering design and cost analysis to determine the feasibility and cost of a delivering material to the stratosphere for solar radiation management (SRM). This study does not examine effectiveness or risks of injecting material into the stratosphere for SRM. Its goal is simply to compare a range of delivery systems on a single cost basis.” ~ Aurora Flight Sciences: Geoengineering Final Report (p.6)

Operational Costs ~ Not Including Payload

The report mentions how payload costs are not included in the estimate nor are the base/facility costs and continues on (p.8) to say; “This study focuses on airplane and airship operations to the stratosphere to release a geoengineering payload with the goal of reducing incoming solar flux.

Airships are also considered for this mission. To provide a comparison to conventional aircraft operations, more exotic concepts such as rockets, guns, and suspended pipes are also examined….

For maximum cooling impact, the particulate payloads are best placed near the equator.

This study assumes that the payload is released within latitudes 30°N and 30°S, though North-South basing location had minimal effect on cost. Transit operations, flying East- West between equally spaced bases around the equator, were examined as a method to ensure adequate dispersal of the payload around the equator.

Global winds aid in East-West dispersal so a smaller number of bases and shorter range systems (referred to as Regional operations) can be employed with minimal impact on dispersal.

Regional operations allow the dispersal leg length to be dictated by the desired release rate of 0.03kg/m flown. This means the airplanes fly no further than they have to, on the order of 300-800 km, and fuel costs are minimized.” ~ Aurora Flight Sciences: Geoengineering Final report Yearly cost estimates from different dispersal methods ranged from over 1 billion dollars a year all the way up to rocket dispersed aerosol in the upper atmosphere at the cost of over 100 billion dollars per year.


California SkyWatch

Agriculture Defense Coalition

GeoEngineering Watch

Arizona SkyWatch

Henry Kissinger’s 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide

Food Sovereignty

Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.” ~ Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderbergers at Evian, France, May 21, 1992.


• Aluminum resistant gene patent # 7582809

• Patent granted on September 1, 2009

• Patent developed at the Robert W. Holley Center for Agricultural Health at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY.

• Leon Kochian and Jurandir Vieira de Magallhaes are the primary inventors/ researchers

• Patent assigned to US Department of Agriculture and Brazilian Enterprise for Agricultural Research

• According to Cornell University Chronicle Online, the research project was supported in part by the McKnight Foundation Collaborative Crop Research Program, the Generation Challenge Program, the National Science Foundation and the USDA.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a contributor to both the McKnight Foundation and the Generation Challenge Program.

Hundreds of Rain and Snow Tests HAVE BEEN DONE!

UPDATE 4/23/2011 ~


Taken 4/22/11 west of Phoenix, AZ suburbs.

Posted by Noor al Haqiqa

Fukushima Residents Seek Answers Amid Mixed Signals From Media, TEPCO and Government. Report from the Radiation Exclusion Zone

Fukushima Residents Seek Answers Amid Mixed Signals From Media, TEPCO and Government.

Report from the Radiation Exclusion Zone

by Makiko SEGAWA in Fukushima

Mistrust of the media has surged among the people of Fukushima Prefecture. In part this is due to reports filed by mainstream journalists who are unwilling to visit the area near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. But above all it is the result of contradictory reports released by the media, TEPCO and the government.

On the one hand, many local officials and residents in Fukushima insist that the situation is safe and that the media, in fanning unwarranted fears, are damaging the economy of the region.By contrast, many freelance journalists in Tokyo report that the central government is downplaying the fact that radiation leakage has been massive and that the threat to public health has been woefully underestimated. While the government long hewed to its original definition of a 20 kilometer exclusion zone, following the April 12 announcement that the Fukushima radiation severity level has been raised from a level 5 event (as with Three Mile Island) to a level 7 event (as with Chernobyl), the government also extended the radiation exclusion zone from 20 kilometers to at least five communities in the 30-50 kilometer range.

In recent weeks, many Fukushima residents who fled in the first week of the nuclear crisis have begun returning home and attempting to resume normal activities. For example, some local people in Iwaki city, 40-50 km from the Fukushima Daiichi reactor, are convinced that it is now safe to return despite the high radiation levels recorded. Here is one example.

School Entrance Ceremony Amid Radiation Fear in an Exclusion Zone Near the Fukushima Daiichi Reactor

In Japan, April’s cherry blossoms signal a symbolic beginning, a new stage in life. On April 6th, along with school children across the nation, Iwaki City, within the 40 km radiation exclusion zone, held many school entrance ceremonies for elementary, middle and high schools.

Iwaki’s Yumoto Daini Middle School’s ceremony was a bit different: not only were there 33 new students, but refugees living on the school grounds and some members of the Self Defense Force also attended. Overall 107 people participated in the ceremony. Headmaster Sawai Shiro may have exceeded his authority in taking the humanitarian step of granting permission for the refugees to remain on campus as the school year begins, at the risk of being punished later for breaking rules.

School Entrance Ceremony at Yumoto Daini Middle School, Iwaki City, Fukushima

Local sources report that in the first week or so after the nuclear crisis began, Iwaki City experienced difficulties in receiving supplies like food and fuel because many agents refused to deliver.Since early April, refugees who had evacuated outside the prefecture started returning. Restaurants in downtown Iwaki are reopening and many convenience stores boast reasonably well-stocked shelves, while gas, water and electricity have been restored. Iwaki City has repeatedly confirmed that “radiation is at a stable level which is not harmful to human health.” Iwaki officials explain that this judgment is based on figures provided by the Fukushima prefectural government regularly  updated since March 11.

Principal Sawai began his welcome speech by saying, “I am glad to be able to confirm that all 33 new students are participating in this ceremony amidst a disaster that had forced many people to leave Yumoto.””In our district,” he continued,“some people survived by drinking water from their bath for weeks as there was no running water. I want you to care for each other especially for anyone who is in trouble.” He concluded, “You young students, are the future of Japan. Now, we should be bound as one beyond differences in ideas, position or self interest.”

Though all the new students attended, not all teachers were there. As a result of the catastrophe, personnel for the school was frozen and new teachers were not dispatched to the school, Sawai explained. As a result of the lack of teachers, there will be only one class run by a teacher for each grade.

School Doctor Informs Children “The radiation problem is already finished.”

Following the principal’s speech, the school’s doctor in his white coat stated matter-of-factly that, based on science, people should know that the worst of the earthquake damage had passed and that radiation leakages from the Fukushima Daiichi plant were decreasing and would soon fade away.

“The radiation problem is already finished,” he told the children and their parents. “You can go to school and go outside without any problem. You should not fear malicious gossip.”

While the doctor’s assurance that all major risks have ended would certainly raise eyebrows among most people outside the prefecture, many locals share this belief. We note the difference in perspective between radiation experts and people assessing the issues at a distance and those on the ground facing the destruction of their livelihood. While rumors of the dangers of radiation continue to swirl, many locals are even more afraid that rumors will destroy their businesses and any hope of securing their livelihood and rebuilding their communities.

Ikarashi Yoshitaka, 33, is one who is particularly keen on restoring his business and the local economy, a goal that leads him to downplay warnings of radiation risk.“It is just an emotional thesis that ours is ‘a city in danger!’” he insisted. Together with dozens of volunteers from across Japan, Ikarashi has visited many areas throughout the radiation exclusion zone. He confidently asserts that his $600 made in U.S “Geiger counter” has detected no abnormal amount of radiation.

Ikarashi is troubled by the fact that the milk business he manages suffered a 90% drop in sales as a result of radiation fears. Some farmers have been forced to throw away their milk, and at least one local farmer is rumored to have committed suicide over the ruin of his business.

Following the government announcement of level 7, Ikarashi observed that “residents will not listen; they don’t trust the government. The greatest concern for locals is to restore their towns and I’m doing my best to restore Iwaki City.”

Honma Hiroshi, 56, on patrol with the SDF in Iwaki comments: “I’m surprised that local people are so calm. Even within the 30 km radiation exclusion zone, they don’t even wear special anti-radiation clothes (Taibex). Even after the level 7 announcement, there has been no panic in the city.”

Desperation over the destruction of the local economy appears to have provoked an unscientific optimism concerning radiation in some local communities struggling to get back on their feet.

Shortage of Information and Aid for Fukushima Citizens in the Radiation Exclusion Zone

Ikarashi points out that the reason for the absence of trustworthy information and the presence of baseless gossip is “lack of information”; the national media tend to avoid entering the radiation exclusion zone, fearing contamination and merely regurgitate the claims of the local government and officials obtained by telephone.

A more intense form of the same crisis struck Minami-Soma City, closer to the nuclear plant within the 20 km zone but on its northern side. For more than a week, the city was like an island bereft of food, water, and gasoline. Finally, in desperation, on March 24, Mayor Sakurai Katsunobu sent an SOS  to the world through YouTube begging for support to his dying community.

Mayor Sakurai Katsunobu

Mayor Sakurai explained that his gambit of airing a Youtube call for help succeeded in drawing the attention of the central government, and Tokyo has taken seriously subsequent requests. However, Sakurai, said that as of April 6, only 20,000 residents remained of a population of 70,000. “We have to think of the means to save the remaining weak people (aged people and someone who do not have money to evacuate)”, Sakurai said sadly.

On April 7, the mayor made a second Youtube, observing that “Many businesses had started operating. But, there is no reliable information on the nuclear reactor!”

In the nuclear radiation exclusion zone close to the plant, large numbers of people are out of work. The Fukushima Labor Bureau, on March 29, said that as a result of the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster, about 58,000 people in approximately 4,800 work places within the 30 km exclusion zone around the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor have lost jobs.

Minami Soma City

In the nuclear radiation exclusion zone close to the plant, large numbers of people are out of work. The Fukushima Labor Bureau, on March 29, said that as a result of the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster, about 58,000 people in approximately 4,800 work places within the 30 km exclusion zone around the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor have lost jobs.

Local people voice concern that the jobless rate is being inflated as a result of pernicious rumors. At the same time that the school ceremony was being held, a long queue of people was lined up in front of the Public Employment Agency in Taira, Iwaki from 8 a.m. in hope of finding work.

Public Employment Agency, Taira

“Before, people formed queues several kilometers long at gas stations; now people stand in a long line at the employment agency,” Mori Akira, 63, pastor of the Global Mission Chapel, sighed.

Shimoyamada Matsuto, 50, director of public relations for Iwaki city Disaster Management Headquarters, explained, “Since harmful rumors are so powerful, not only are farming and fishing industries affected, even some industries have been damaged as a result of claims that even machines are contaminated!”

Fukushima provides one third of the electric power for the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, including both nuclear and thermal power plants. “If  Fukushima goes down, the entire capital region will panic!” Shimoyamada warned.

Study Session with Hatoyama Yukio and Freelance Journalists: Questioning the Media, the Government and TEPCO

In Tokyo, on April 6, a group of freelance journalists centered on Uesugi Takashi, 43, held a media session with dozens of DPJ lawmakers, including former Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio, to question the performance of the media in the wake of the Fukushima disaster.

Hatoyama Yukio (right) Uesugi Takashi (left) at media conference

Kawauchi Hiroshi, a DPJ member of the House of Representative, stated that “Information about radiation diffusion should be correctly revealed to the nation. However, so far only once was this done.”He explained the frustration of local officials. “The information from TEPCO (Tokyo Electronic Power Company) should be precisely conveyed. I talked to the mayor of Iidate village (in the 30km zone),  who told me, ‘There is no information and I do not know what to do.'”

The Media Corruption that Protects TEPCO

Uesugi Takashi explained the core of the problem behind misinformation and rumors.

“Freelance journalists and foreign media are pursuing the facts, even going into the radiation exclusion zone. However, surprisingly, the Japan government continues to prevent freelance journalists and overseas media from gaining access to official press conferences at the prime minister’s house and government.”

Uesugi stated that since March 11th, the government has excluded all internet media and all foreign media from official press conferences on the “Emergency Situation”. While foreign media have scrambled to gather information about the Fukushima Reactor, they have been denied access to the direct information provided by the government and one consequence of this is that “rumor-rife news has been broadcast overseas.”

In fact, access has been limited in two ways. First, while Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano Yukio holds twice daily press conferences for representatives of the big Japanese media, registered representatives of freelance and internet media are limited to a single press conference per week. Second, in contrast to Japanese media who are briefed regularly by Edano and periodically by Prime minister Kan, foreign media are briefed exclusively by administrative staff.

Uesugi also notes that at TEPCO press conferences, which are now being held at company headquarters, foreign correspondents and Japanese freelancers regularly ask probing questions while mainstream journalists simply record and report company statements reiterating that the situation is basically under control and there is nothing to worry about. One reason for this, Uesugi suggests, is that TEPCO, a giant media sponsor, has an annual 20 billion yen advertising budget. “The media keeps defending the information from TEPCO!” “The Japanese media today is no different from the wartime propaganda media that kept repeating to the very end that ‘Japan is winning the war against America,’” Uesugi exclaimed.

There is one particularly telling example of the media shielding TEPCO by suppressing information. This concerns “plutonium”. According to Uesugi, after the reactor blew up on March 14, there was concern about the leakage of plutonium. However, astonishingly, until two weeks later when Uesugi asked, not a single media representative had raised the question of plutonium at TEPCO’s press conferences.

On March 26, in response to Uesugi’s query, TEPCO stated, “We do not measure the level of plutonium and do not even have a detector to scale it.” Ironically, the next day, Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano announced that “plutonium was detected”.

When TEPCO finally released data on radioactive plutonium on March 28, it stated that plutonium -238, -239, and -240 were found in the ground, but insisted that it posed no human risk. Since TEPCO provided no clarification of the meaning of the plutonium radiation findings, the mainstream press merely reported the presence of the radiation without assessment (link). Nippon Television on March 29 headlined its interview with Tokyo University Prof. Nakagawa Keiichi, a radiation specialist, “Plutonium from the power plant—No effect on neighbors.”

On March 15, Uesugi criticized TEPCO for its closed attitude toward information on a TBS radio program. For this, he was immediately dismissed from his regular program. The scandal involving TEPCO’s silencing of the media took an interesting turn two weeks later. At the time of the disaster on March 11, TEPCO Chairman Katsumata Tsunehisa was hosting dozens of mainstream media executives on a “study session” in China.When asked about this fact by freelance journalist Tanaka Ryusaku at a TEPCO press conference on March 30, Katsumata defended the practice.

“It is a fact that we traveled together to China,” he said, “[TEPCO] did not pay all the expenses of the trip, but we paid more than they did. Certainly they are executives of the mass media, but they are all members of the study session.”

When Tanaka requested the names of the media executives hosted by TEPCO in China, Katsumata retorted, “I cannot reveal their names since this is private information.” But it is precisely such collusive relations between mainstream media, the government and TEPCO, that results in the censorship of information concerning nuclear problems.

Now the Japanese government has moved to crack down on independent reportage and criticism of the government’s policies in the wake of the disaster by deciding what citizens may or may not talk about in public. A new project team has been created by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, the National Police Agency, and METI to combat “rumors” deemed harmful to Japanese security in the wake of the Fukushima disaster.

The government charges that the damage caused by earthquakes and by the nuclear accident are being magnified by irresponsible rumors, and the government must take action for the sake of the public good. The project team has begun to send “letters of request” to such organizations as telephone companies, internet providers, cable television stations, and others, demanding that they “take adequate measures based on the guidelines in response to illegal information. ”The measures include erasing any information from internet sites that the authorities deem harmful to public order and morality.

Makiko Segawa is a staff writer at the Shingetsu News Agency. She prepared this report from Fukushima and Tokyo. She can be reached at

Recommended citation: Makiko Segawa, Fukushima Residents Seek Answers Amid Mixed Signals From Media, TEPCO and Government. Report from the Radiation Exclusion Zone, The Asia-Pacific Journal Vol 9, Issue 16 No 2, April 18, 2011.

Uncensored/Independent Science on Fukushima Radiation… Another Perspective submitted by Alex Hunter

Uncensored/Independent Science on Fukushima Radiation… Another Perspective

submitted by Alex Hunter

1) Dangers of Nuclear War. Press conference by Helen Caldicott in Montreal.

2) Dr Rosalie Bertell; The New World Order Weaponizing of Space
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3

3) Dr Rosalie Bertell; New World Order and the Chemtrails Connection

4) Japan Tsunami Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 1/2 – Leuren Moret:

Here are their bios as it would take too long to introduce these fine, brave and dedicated women:

Dr Helen Caldicott,

Dr Rosalie Bertell, Ph. D,

Leuren Moret,

As one world government has not yet been completely established, these experts don’t go through Ottawa, Washington, England, Rome, Israel or Germany before they make statements.

In comparison to the lies fed us by the completely controlled media theirs is a much more informed, accurate and realistic perspective on the Fukushima radiation and the threat posed by various nuclear reactors and corporate – military – industrial malfeasants.

The completely controlled media is not a safe source of news. Like our own governments, it is an arm of the globalists’ government and as was intended, it has become what society uses to do their thinking. Subsequently, a desperately misled public (most individuals) gauge their own sanity by their ability to regurgitate the lies fed to them via the media muppets.

If you received this email from me it is because I think you are smart enough to recognise the difference.

What you chose to do about it is of course completely up to you.




Holes In Heaven: H.A.A.R.P. and Advances in Telsa Technology Narrated by Martin Sheen


Contact Alex Hunter at:

A Royal Flush beats a Full House of Winsor: Exchanging your tv for your lost Mind by Alex Hunter


A Royal Flush beats a Full House of Windsor: Exchanging your tv for your lost Mind

by Alex Hunter

By now you’d think we’d all be aware that the charade which is “democracy” is merely a NY Shell Game, a political puppet show put on as one of the mechanisms used to distract us from what is really going on in the world, to keep us from meddling in the decision making process and to conceal the fact we are mere tax slaves in a master slave – society. A global society ruled by a psychopathic, arrogant, inbred and ruthlessly militant global oligarchy.

Left Wing – Liberal, Right Wing – Conservative, Tail Feathers – NDP and I’ll leave it up to your imagination to determine where it is on the ruling group parrot the Green Party comes from.

If people had time to realise what is really going on in the world right now they’d be shocked – horrified even – and eventually they’d become very angry. That is why the globalists employ teams of think tanks, non governmental organisations (NGOs), secret societies and social psychologists to engineer our synthetic reality which is then pimped out to us via their agents of social control, PR departments, political puppets and media muppets.

Shortly after Sept 11th George W Bush stated that all science had to go through Washington. Shortly after that our Canadian PM parroted Bush’s statement; all science had to go through Ottawa, thus neutering it and transmogrifying it into nothing more than globalist propaganda. This is of no small significance or consequence as the elites have cooked up the great global warming swindle to relieve us of ethereal carbon taxes and make a killing on ‘carbon credits’ – and all of it gets deposited straight into the Rothschild’s unaudited Swiss bank account.

That the Rot n’ Royals are ‘experimenting’ on us with their state of the art military – industrial weather, tectonic and psychotronic weaponry (HAARP) is the largest insult to humanity, the Earth and Her creatures. The second largest insult being all of their illegitimate and unnecessary wars followed closely by the pathological monetary – military – industrial – corporate – ‘legal’
global warming – banking swindle and the great global economy swindle.

Since the Earthquake in Japan 5 weeks ago the ‘experts’ and the ‘news’ has delivered you the usual 3 week roller coaster ride of emotionally, psychologically and physically draining information and probably left you bewildered this last couple of weeks. Perhaps out of frustration many of you decided that you would just continue your lives as usual, especially as the ‘experts’ and the ‘news’ said it was safe to do so.

To be crystal clear it is because they lied to us all that we continued to exercise outdoors, bike to work, take the children to soccer, whatever… such is the design and effect of the PR, propaganda, psyops, psycholinguistics, etc pimped out to us from these mind controlled military – industrial malfeasants via their mindless media muppets. In fact it is so advanced now many of you don’t seem to realise we are 9.5 years into WWIII.

I urge you to turn off/throw out your televisions and think for yourselves. The warmongering ruling group psychopaths/sociopaths and their minions masquerading as our ‘incompetent’ leaders seem bent on leading us all to Hell itself. Judging by the myriad of ways we’re being exposed to extremely unhealthy (and  increasingly fatal) health hazards – our ‘regulatory’ bodies notwithstanding – they just can’t seem to be able to do it fast enough.


Contact Alex at:

The Real Radiation Threat to the US and YOU By Toni Reita ND

The Real Radiation Threat To The US And YOU

By Toni Reita ND

This article by Toni Reita I found to be very comprehensive and informative and written in a sensible, down-to-earth fashion.

It includes information on most of the issues now being discussed as a result of the recent nuke disaster including many steps one can take to offset the demonic results of this zio-induced catastrophe.

The Real Radiation Threat To The US And YOU

By Toni Reita ND

Radiation Sickness

This page is dedicated to the nameless Fukushima Fifty who knowingly risked radiation sickness and death, with the hopes of preventing an even greater radioactive global disaster.  It is thought that there were about 200 courageous individuals working in 15 minute shifts at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, fully aware of their continual radiation bombardment.  Five have already died and apparently 15 others are seriously ill.

No matter the end result, can we salute their courage and honor their valor?  Their sacrifice deserves to be embedded in our memories that they may never be forgotten.  The courage and fortitude of the Japanese people, who handled their heart breaking tragedy with dignity and grace, will help them with the battles to come.

Also not to be forgotten is that Governments subsidize the Nuclear Industry with our money and that Tokyo electric is sacrificing their workers to protect their financial investment.  The growing DEAD ZONE around Fukushima will continue and expand.

A continual crisis becomes normal.  Isn’t that what has happened at Fukushima?  The world wondered how long profits would be put above all else?

The soil around Fukushima is poisoned, the ground water is poisoned, the land is radioactive sludge, the salt water used to cool the reactors is poisoned, contaminating the earth on it’s route to contaminate the sea.  The foul radiation fills the air, joins the trade winds and the jet stream and carries contamination, poison and sickness to many parts of the world.

Yet, we are told that radiation exposure is limited to Fukushima.  We are assured that radiation levels in US are normal.  Nothing is mentioned about long term environmental impact or radiation side effects.  They sing us the same song, no need for any alarm, concern or preparation.

“Never believe anything until it’s been officialy denied”  ~ Francis Claud Cockburn

Nuclear expert Helen Caldicott called Fukushima “an unprecedented absolute disaster, multiples worse than Chernobyl.  The situation is very grim and not just for the Japanese people.

Only one Chernobyl reactor blew, and it was only three months old with relatively little radiation.    It burned out of control for only 10 days.

Fukushima’s have been operating for 40 years, and would hold about 30 times more radiation than Chernobyl.

Chernobyl killed nearly one million people and counting, according to the New York Academy of Sciences.  Many deaths will never be included in the official count, because their cancers won’t be connected to Chernobyl.  The long term impact of a compromised immune system and the subsequent health challenges will never be officially traced to Chernobyl.

What Is Radiation?

Radiation is energy that travels in waves and can’t be seen, tasted, smelled, heard or felt.  Some familiar sources of radiation exposure are microwaves, wireless devices  (use microwave signals),  cell phones,  radiation therapy, radio waves, visible light, electric blankets, X-Rays, TV, solar flares, ultraviolet light, industrial pollution, living near electrical transformers or near a nuclear plant.

Microwave ovens were banned in the Soviet Union in 1976 because of their known health dangers.  Microwave Radiation changes the molecular structure of food, rendering it harmful and completely void of nutritional value.  Yet most North Americans use Microwave ovens daily.

Exposure to Uranium, Radium and thorium, which occur naturally, are normally isolated geologically from the environment under shale and quartz.  Man is responsible for disturbing them, digging them up and contaminating the environment.  These naturally occurring elements are responsible for cellular mutations and cancers.

Any exposure above natural  (non ionizing) background radiation causes diseases which would have been preventable.

There is a difference between external and internal radiation.  Internal radiation absorbed by inhalation or ingestion becomes embedded in your cells, tissues and organs releasing destructive energy for the lifetime of the person, plant or animal.


Alert! The Fukushima Radiation Crisis: From Japan to the USA to Europe — What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You —

The Fukushima Radiation Crisis: From Japan to the USA to Europe

What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You

by William B. Fox

April 6, 2011

Dear Fellow Citizen:

The cumulative impact of radioactive fallout that has been sweeping across America is likely to become very dangerous. This applies not only to long term radiation-related damage that comes from breathing in fallout particles, but also from indirect causes of cancer such as the radioactive contamination of water sources, livestock, farmland, and other components of the food chain.
In my open source intelligence summary page titled “The 3-11 2011 Tohoku Quake-Tsunami-Nuclear Catastrophe: LIHOP or MIHOP `False Flags’ or Something Else?” at, I have listed many articles which explain the continuing danger of fallout to America and around the globe. The following are some recent examples:

• 2011-04-04 Latest forecast has all of California under radiation threat April 6, 7 — Shows levels as high as in Japan (VIDEO),
• 2011-04-04 Nuclear fallout will “engulf” Taiwan starting April 6 — “People should stay home” or “Immediately take off their clothes and cleanse nuclear contaminants” (VIDEO),
• 2011-04-04 EPA finds DRINKING water with radioactive iodine-131 in Idaho and Washington — Samples collected last week,
• 2011-04-03 Nuclear industry propaganda about low-level radiation is “absolute rubbish” says physician who taught at Harvard Med School — It’s all about internal emitters (VIDEO),
• 2011-04-02 Nuclear policy expert: “Striking” that radioactiveiodine-131 in California rainwater is so far above level permitted in drinking water,
• 2011-04-01 Airliner makes emergency landing in Midwest — Four passengers being held in sterile room,
Unfortunately mainstream media continue to suppress stories that dare to address the magnitude of the radiation threat to America. The following are some examples from another section of my web page:
• 2011-04-04 End of Week Three by Dr. Marc Sircus,,[also at] “The mainstream press is not wasting any opportunity and are dragging their experts out to center stage telling us not to worry and that there is no reason to load up on supplements. I kid you not—some are going as far as telling the public that the remedies people are reaching for in their health food stores could be more dangerous than the radiation itself, which of course is the most stupid thing I have ever heard.”
• 2011-04-04 California nuclear expert criticizes EPA: “We have an emergency network that’s supposed to help us know whether to take emergency action and it’s not working”,
• 2011-04-04 Nuclear expert: EPA claim that no harmful radiation could reach US is “idiotic” — EPA says “the federal government is monitoring the situation”,
• 2011-04-03 EPA to the rescue re: radiation: They will fix it permanently….Raise the limits considered safe,

Authorities in both Japan and America are still unable to come up with any credible plans to end this crisis soon. Not only are Fukushima reactors continually threatened with complete melt-downs, but also tens of thousands of spent fuel rods remain exposed to the atmosphere. Many experts believe that the total magnitude of radioactive pollution over time could exceed Chernobyl by a factor of more than ten – or even a hundredfold.
We must pressure government officials and other leaders to immediatelymobilize all resources necessary to end this crisis as quickly as possible. Individual Americans as well as local communities must also take aggressive steps to protect themselves from fallout, food contamination, and other dangers.
My summary web page links to many web sites with animated maps that forecast the continuing spread of radiation across America. Energy News is one good source. Some other examples include:
Weather Online. Recommended by Kurt Nimmo, Excellent time-progression animated maps for the atmospheric spread of radioactive isotopes. In his 22 March 2011 article Radionuclide Blankets United States; Authorities Insist Levels Are Harmless, Paul Joseph Watson,, wrote: “Although Xenon has been released globally, it is considered a far more inert and harmless form of radioactivity in comparison to the far more dangerous iodine-131, caesium-134 and caesium-137.”
Norwegian Institute for Air Research; see the Fukushima FLEXPART Forecast Products web page for links to excellent time-progression animated maps for atmospheric dispersion over Japan, Pacific, North America, and Northern Hemisphere for Total Column and Surface Concentrations of I-131, Cs-137, and Xe-133.
Lastly, we must address strong evidence of high level criminality behind this tragedy. The Fukushima Crisis shares disturbing patterns of high level malfeasance with the BP-Gulf Catastrophe that I identified in a prior alert at:
Please get back to me with comments and suggestions, and pass this email along!
Best regards,
William B. Fox
President, America First Institute
P.O. Box 137, Sarver, PA 16055
Email address:
Skype phone number: 832-426-2441
Author archive:

About the Author

William B. Fox, is a former U.S. Marine Corps officer, an honors graduate of the Harvard Business School, and publisher of America First Books. He is also author of the Mission of Conscience Trilogy about common citizens who refuse to be terrorized by their own government and by subversive high level domestic special interests. This includes government-sponsored false flag terror and cover-ups by controlled mainstream media. He has been an active member of many Norwegian and other Scandinavian-American organizations. As an “international nationalist,” he would like to continue developing the America First Institute as a paleoconservative-leaning, “open source intelligence” think tank and alternative media source to help counter trends that are subverting European countries as well as America.



Orgonite Creations from Orgone Labs®

Orgonite Creations from Orgone Labs®



[Webmin note: The following products are being sold by a friend of mine living in Quesnel, B.C. It should be noted that I am publishing the information and photos for readers on this site and elsewhere. I am not endorsing nor guaranteeing the productions. This is strictly a freebie for a friend who has helped me out with information and advertising.

Do contact the following email address listed here for any enquiries. Thank you. Arthur]


All the devices shown included here are EMR (ElectroMagnetic Radiation) killers which generate clean, invigorating, healing energy (Orgone/Chi/Prana) to replace the damaging, invasive electromagnetic frequency bombardment (Deadly ORgone/DOR) that is destroying our bodies, minds and the environment.  In addition, each also has its own designed purpose and will be an object of  timeless fascination and beauty.

The HHG (Holy Hand Grenade) “Blue HealerTM'”

Containing 5 matched natural quartz crystals wrapped in golden-ratio copper coils plus a host of minerals and more, this is a healer/energizer of un-matched power and beauty. Usually programmed for specific ailments or disease conditions at time of construction if desired (e.g. hepatitis, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, arthritis, epilepsy, ADHD, etc.).  These are also a great ornament and conversation piece for any home, providing constant, soothing energy which benefits a wide radius – hundreds of meters or more.  Utility models of this type of device are capable of taming the DOR (Deadly ORgone) from a nuke plant when buried in the near vicinity! These are very powerful for clearing the immediate environment of negative or damaging energy and giving off an abundance of free, beneficial orgone energy plus exceptional EMR protection!  Dimensions: Base = 20cm square, height = 10cm, weight = 800gm+     Price:  CDN$150.00 Plus S&H   Made to order only at this time for specific ailment or condition(s) Please feel free to inquire.

The Meter BusterTM

Placing one of these units on your electricity meter or breaker panel/load center will generally reduce overall power consumption by an average of 10% to 25% depending on the nature of your use patterns and
consumption level. It will pay for itself in weeks or months! Also great for placing on top of your computer, TV or stereo, or under your water filter, bed or favorite chair for EMR protection and the subtle benefits of abundant, free Orgone energy over a wide radius. Dimensions: Base = 9.5cm, Height = 9cm, Weight  =  450gm CDN$95.00 Plus S&H .

The Orgonite Tetrahedron (TETTM )

These are very popular for placement on radiating appliances such as microwaves, TVs, computers as well as reception/executive/office desks etc., for EMR protection and they are also highly charged healers with similar properties to the ORGGs below. Popular desk ornaments and paperweights – perfect for stressful work environments, especially those with fluorescent lighting! An energetic and effective healing and protection device. Dimensions: Width = 7.5cm, Heigth = 6.5cm, Weight = 135gm Price: CDN$55.00 plus S&H.  Colors vary.

The ORGG TM  (ORgonite eGG)

The ORGG TM  (ORgonite eGG) These are very attractive, tactile and energetic healing and EMR protection devices, extremely popular for Reiki/touch & massage healing, acupressure tools and a great local pain reliever for sprains, bruises, arthritis, headache, toothache, back pain etc., anything that hurts or needs healing. Quite sensational to hold – they replenish energy for the body’s vital functions and promote healing. Extremely powerful for their size, one half of the unit acts as a generator and the other half as an amplifier/multiplier – only achievable with a complex triple casting technique.  Dimensions:  Length = 6cm,  Width = 4.25cm, Weight = 125gm.  Colors vary, each handmade unit is unique & polished to a brilliant shine!.  Price = CDN$75.00 plus S&H

The Majik Bullet TM (MB)

Similar to the ORGG TM in performance and use, the shape of these units is ideal for Reiki/touch etc., and is very effective in this role as well as for quelling EMR within a considerable radius.  They are nice just to have around. Many owners of these or some of the other Orgone devices have them for no other reason than “they feel good”. Good enough reason! An energetic protection and healing device. Dimensions: Height = 6.5 cm,  Width = 4.25cm, Weight = Colors do vary – each is unique and hand-made. Price = CDN$45.00 or 2 for $85.00 plus S&H

The PORD (Personal ORgone Device)










This is the most popular EMR killer and soothing/healing, pocket-sized dynamo of its type on the planet! These little powerhouses pack a real punch for their size and contain a host of minerals and ingredients which make them highly effective at protecting the wearer from all forms of EMR as well as enhancing the Orgone energy produced in its place with a harmonic blend of frequencies from the powerful selection of minerals and other ingredients they contain. In our electronic world, no-one should be without at least one of these little beauties in their pocket during the day and under their pillow at night! Makes a great gift that will last forever (how many cell phone users do you know that are being zapped without some form of EMR protection??) The increased exposure to all forms of EMR is a key element in the increase in all forms of cancer. Here is a simple, never needs re-charging and no-batteries-required device that goes wherever you go, automatically giving the wearer a zone of protective energy. Photo-luminescent with Nite-Glo TM  technology – expose to light to charge.  Dimensions: Width = 3.5cm,  Height = 1cm,  Weight = 25gm Price = CDN $25.00 each, 4 for $90.00 or 10 for $200.00 plus S&H.   Colors do vary – each is unique and lovingly hand-made.

The Enhanced Tower Buster (ETB TM)

These are enhanced versions of the original Tower Buster which was designed specifically for turning DOR (Deadly ORgone) from cell/microwave/communications towers, house/industrial wiring, power transmission lines etc., into beneficial Orgone energy. The ETB is constructed with similar ingredients to the other healers above and are finished nicely for placing on desks, computers etc., for EMR suppression and the calming influence they have on their immediate environment. Similar in power and effect to the Orgonite Tetrahedron above but more robust – always a conversation piece.  The enhanced model is made for gifting to the energy ignorant also as it will affect them positively even though they may scoff at the prospect…   These units are not quite as highly evolved as the PORDs but do a similar job, influencing a wider area due to their sheer size.  Each one is unique.  Dimensions:(approx.) Width = 7cm, Height = 3m, Weight = 160gm    Price: CDN$20.00 each / 5 for $80.00 plus S&H

Tower Busters (TB’s – original)

Tower busters are the ultimate environmental weapon.  Used mostly for “gifting” areas of negative/deadly energy such as cell/microwave/radar installations, sewage outfalls, creeks, rivers, lakes, vortexes, property boundaries, in your vehicles – the uses are endless – we are happy to suggest more…  We recommend placing at least one under the seat of your vehicle to provide a bubble of Orgone around you while away from the safety of your home. Functional, not pretty, their main purpose is to tame the EMR pollution from communication tower nests that are desecrating the skylines of our planet and the bombardment from wiring, appliances, tools etc. TB’s are quite simple – a quartz crystal wrapped with a PHI length copper wire aerial and a phial of charged water, embedded in enhanced orgonite.  This basic model is nothing much to look at as they are designed for gifting to the environment by burying near towers or depositing in waterways etc., as needed so they don’t need to be pretty.  These are nearly indestructible. Dimensions: Width = 7cm, Height = 2cm, Weight = 160gm.  Price: CDN$5.00 each or $50.00 per dozen plus S&H.  Larger quantities negotiable.

The Water Charger TM

The Water Charger, when attached to the water supply pipes of a home or business, will impart the life-enhancing qualities of un-tainted, natural spring or stream water to most domestic supplies.  The reason for using the Water Charger is to undo the damage & destruction to the molecular structure of water that pumping and piping has caused, effectively “killing” it.  The Water Charger revives and awakens the life and natural qualities of water, making it far more beneficial for consumption and general use. It will reduce the amount of scale in hard-water supplies and improve the hydrating properties of water for use by the human body, both for drinking and bathing.  For use on potable water systems only – if you would not normally drink or bathe in the water, do not consider “charged” water safe for human consumption. No Batteries, power or maintenance ever required. Portable – Just strap to your incoming water supply line with zip-ties or twist-ties and enjoy your energized water. Perfect for city or apartment living as well as rural locations. Dimensions: Length =, Width = 1.75cm, Weight = 135gm   Price: CDN$55.00 (Commercial/high capacity model $75.00) plus S&H  May not ship to international destinations due to perceived resemblance to some explosive devices. Check with your customs authorities before ordering from outside Canada. Larger units for commercial applications are available by special order. Email for details.  Water Chargers are also used for spinal and cranial re-alignment and similar applications with great success due to the nature of the energy output from these wonders and the affect on the body! If ordered for therapeutic use, the units will be epoxy coated & covered with leather/cord for comfortable handling.

The Field Pulser

The Field Pulser  is a Power Wand on steroids.  Designed for multi-role use including but not limited to psychic rotection,
manifestation and healing.  Equipped with a custom built signal generator with dual power input (battery or AC current) dual
frequency output, external frequency input and other features as required.
The overall design criteria were developed by Jon Logan – from the original Power Wand developed by Don Croft of Chembuster fame. These can be used as a Clarke-type zapper with external electrodes as well as scalar wave output at built-in frequencies or from external frequency sources (e.g., Rife or other frequency generator for your computer). The internal components include a large double terminated quartz crystal, a heavy guage single knot copper mobius coil (for the scalar output) enhanced ingredients for increased relative output either when powered or un-powered, a parabolic reflector to focus and direct the energy from the “barrel”. The circuitry is designed for constant use and guaranteed for 1 year.  Made to order only,  50% deposit required upon establishing design requirements with proposed owner. Lead time for delivery: up to 90 days from order date.
Dimensions: (approximate – varies with design) Width = 13cm, Heigth = 18 cm, Average Weight = 1.2kg.  Price: Dependant upon options and proposed use.  Average cost approximately CDN$600.00 and up. Similar radionic tools are generally priced in the $2-3000 minimum range. Not for casual use. Orgone Labs takes no responsibility for method or manner of application! Accessories included: copper witness well, hand-held copper electrodes for zapping, external power supply (a small surcharge is made for European – 240V/50hz), CD with users guide etc.


Some Other Products:

Necklace/Pendant PORDs TM
: A more symmetrical version of the original PORD which comes with an eye set in it for hanging on a chain or cord. These are photo-luminescent with Nite-Glo TM  technology – these glow in the dark! “Charging” from a light source is required. Cheaper in bunches! 10 for only $200.00 Free shipping in North America!

Now in production: The OORB TM : (pronounced “Oh – Orb”) and the KEG TM , very user-friendly adaptations of the ORRG TM  that are approximately the same in weight. You have to hold one of these to really appreciate how much energy they put out!! Testers have reported that these “- feel almost like your hands are burning!”. Great for arthritis, joint and muscle pain – fibromyalgia etc, circulation problems and much more – including first class EMR protection, of course!  Advance production orders accepted due to limited inventory – introductory offer price of CDN$60.00 each – that’s $15.00 off the regular price of $75.00 Limited time offer*, order now!  Also the KEG – truncated cone shape – brother to the OORB.

Earth Pipes: Email for more information if you are un-familiar with these passive but extremely effective devices for quelling negative energy, both of the man-made as well as natures tricks variety. Made to order only. May not ship to some international destinations. Slightly similar to the Water Charger in appearance although larger, more powerful and less complex. These are utility devices designed for specific use. Please inquire.

Wholesale inquiries are welcomed. Custom building available. Many other task-specific devices are on hand for water-gifting etc., or made to order, suitable price breaks for bulk buys.  PayPal or EFT preferred, certified cheques & Postal Money Orders accepted in Canadian funds. SolidTrustPay also available.

Please Note: Prices subject to change without notice due to volatility of raw material costs.


Chemtrails or Contrails: What is causing these strange clouds in our skies?

I would like to thank Izora Woods for sending along this important and much appreciated article. Once again it confirms both the reality of what we are witnessing in the skies and the vigilance required to always be alert to the disinformation agents on the net who are doing their utmost to confuse people on this issue.

~ Arthur




The Izora Woods Post

Nothing Real Can Be Threatened, Nothing Unreal Exists, Herein, Lies The Peace Of God

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chemtrails or Contrails: What is causing these strange clouds in our skies?

1996 was the first time I noticed the strange linear clouds drifting across the Winnipeg skyline. I was driving and listening to talk radio when another listener called in and asked the host “what are the long white trails over the city”? I was prompted to call in and laughingly joked it was a case for X-files. Afterward I never gave them much thought and if I noticed them I supposed them to be caused by natural phenomenon such as weather fronts and wind patterns. That was until the September long weekend in 2010.

I have always been an avid stargazer and sky watcher, so since moving to a rural property I have spend many hours simply looking up. On that Saturday night while lying in our backyard stargazing with my kids I saw my first UFO! I call it that because it was unlike anything I had ever seen before – therefore unexplained. There is nothing unusual about my sighting and I would report it much like any other you have heard over your lifetime: a bright, fast moving object, white light, like liquid mercury, streaking out of the western sky, it flew over us and continued east. It did not follow the horizon, rather went off upward and disappeared in a flash of hot red light. Thankfully there were witnesses with me and in fact, there were other reported and published sightings across southern Manitoba, so I felt validated. I had always been a person who believed that you believed!

Then at 11:16 on Monday morning, my four year daughter pointed up and exclaimed, “What’s that?” I looked up and saw two fast moving, planes flying parallel in a westward direction. They were unlike any I had ever seen before and immediately thought they were military as they were flying the same path the UFO had come two nights previous. They were leaving a thick white contrail behind them and most unusual there were dark contrails that appeared to be coming out of the nose cone. I thought maybe this was some sort of heat seeking device, perhaps looking for UFO’s? I wondered if maybe there had been a crash! I ran inside to get my camera and began to excitedly take pictures.

Over the course of 45 minutes I saw and took pictures of up to 20-25 planes, white jets, flying very high in what soon became a grid pattern. They were making straight lines and crisscrossing one another east to west, and north to south. At times there were three and four planes in the sky at a time and even flying toward one another to form crosses. The trails left behind seemed unlike normal contrails that disperse behind the plane as you watch.

This was unusual and I became perplexed, what was it? I remembered that I had seen these same kind of clouds streaked across the sky before, but never had I watched them be laid down. I had never even attributed these clouds to planes; I thought they were natural, but strange cloud formations. As I continued to take pictures I was convinced that these planes were not looking for anything but rather they were something else entirely. This appeared to be a purposeful lying down of something in the sky. By the time the last plane flew across the day was quickly becoming overcast, the sky was painted with slow drifting linear clouds that glistened and created a hovering haze.

Over the next few weeks I watched the sky and saw that every few days this same pattern was being laid down, to the south-west of me, over the city of Winnipeg reaching above me and beyond to Selkirk. I then became somewhat of an investigator. While I never again saw two planes like the first two that caught my attention I certainly saw a pattern. I have done some research and there are many web sites that suggest these are normal contrails caused by any passenger of freight plane we might see on any given day. But I have been watching the sky for most of my life and I know what passenger planes look and sound like, what a contrail looks like and how long they last, I recognize the big air force freighter planes and intuitively know their patterns. I know the difference between what is normal and what is unusual. This phenomenon, these planes, these contrail are unusual.

Are they chemtrail or contrail?

Are these lingering clouds which reflect a prismatic band of colors normal jet contrails? Are they scientifically explainable and due to wind velocity, air temperature and high volumes of air traffic? Or are they what many are calling Chemtrails; that are spraying heavy metals for weather control or even other more nefarious biological agents? It seems though that no one has answers that are satisfactory to those, who like me, are watching.

So what is a contrail? It is what you have seen for most or all of your life, the white or light grey mist from the back of jet planes passing overhead. Whether it is passenger or cargo, if it is flying at an altitude where the temperature is cold enough the water vapor coming out the back of the engines will freeze. Similar to car exhaust in cold weather it disperses and completely disappears within a few minutes and you can see both the plane and the disappearing contrail as the plane moves across the sky. Some experts say contrails will linger longer and even all day if the temperatures and wind and altitude conditions are right. Others experts say the longest a normal contrail can last under the most perfect conditions is 20 minutes.

Why is it that some trails don’t dissolve, but rather expand? Those who call them chemtrails point out that they are streams of mist and at times foam-like trails that persist in the sky for hours, and even sometimes all day. They are laid down in a criscrossing, grid-like pattern, or parallel stripes which diffuse together and these trails seem to contain visible color prisms in the streams, and concentrated in single, usually highly populated areas. Is it something spread from planes for a certain purpose? Since it is laid down in a grid pattern and very different than the usual flight patterns one normally sees, you would be compelled to think so. Have these trails always been there or are we just now noticing them? I do not believe they have always been there or I would have noticed them prior to 1996, (I am a sky watcher) but I may have continued to ignore them had I not witnessed over the course of several weeks last fall, the spraying over Winnipeg and the area north where I live.

These chemtrails appear to be made by US military jets called Stratotankers and KC-10 Extenders; these planes fly very high and very fast and can fly great distances. They are often used in air force maneuvers to re-fuel fighter jets. Therefore they are capable of carrying large amounts of liquid or gases. When watching these planes emitting these trails you can easily see they are being laid down in purposeful patterns, generally saturating an entire area. These contrails are thicker, almost foam like and extend from horizon to horizon and blend to form large clouds.

These sightings have been occurring across North America and Western Europe. One explanation is Aerial Pharmacopoeia; a mix of silver Iodine and salt. This would be used to modify weather for good purposes such as drought, hail, tornadoes, snow and hurricanes. Another theory is that it is actually a military operation (radar countermeasure) created by chaff made up of aluminum, glass or plastic. Yet another is geo-engineering which is the blasting of sulfate particles into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight away from the earth to decrease the temperature and creating a shift in rain and snow patterns. And there are those who claim these chemtrails are laden with heavy metals such as barium, aluminum or even worse; biological agents.

Following the laying down of these chemical clouds worldwide there are reports of a syndrome of chemtrail-related illnesses ranging from symptoms of feverless flu, chronic fungal infections, auto-immune dysfunction; chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis, sharp joint pains, sudden extreme fatigue, sudden dizziness, mental confusion and short-term memory loss. Yet others claim to be able to smell and taste the chemicals and reports of respiratory problems after a spraying in their area. I cannot definitively say I experience any of these problems because my symptoms may be created by the power of suggestion. But I will say that my personal symptoms are consistent with those reported by others including: headaches, joint pains, metallic taste, fatigue and my doctor has told me I have fibromyalgia.

Is this another conspiracy theory?

A Conspiracy theory is a term often used to refer to any fringe theory which tries to explain a historical or current event by suggesting it is the result of a secret plot by a group(s) of conspirators. It is therefore often used to dismiss any attempt to characterize a belief as outlandishly false and held by a person judged to be a kook or a group(s) confined to the fringes of society.

While many are satisfied that there is a benign explanation for these chemtrails that last for hours, cover the sky in a radiant mist and appear to slowly ‘rain’ down, many more are not. The internet can both convince you that there is nothing wrong and that there is something wrong. The US military has called the chemtrail theory a hoax, but do not provide an alternative or address why the usual contrails have changed in quality and quantity. For many a brief reassurance by an authority is enough.

For myself I continue to research and watch the sky. I will monitor myself and those around me, I will take pictures and I will ask questions. Perhaps I am a ‘kook’ but I do not trust my government to keep my best interests, my health or the health of my planet foremost in their agenda. We know that the government and the decisions made therein are often driven by lobbyists, manufacturers, corporations – therefore to me, suspect in intent.

Finally I am reminded of a book I read many years ago; Dialogues with the Devil by Taylor Caldwell. In one chapter the character Lucifer explained to the Angel Michael that he had nothing to do with the destruction of life on Mars. He explained that all he had to do was whisper in the ears of the scientists that it was unfair that they could not enjoy the golden glory of the sun and see the stars at night. Perhaps they could disperse the cloud cover to reveal the sky. He told Michael, I did not build the machine; I just gave them something to lust after. Of course, once built the clouds were dissolved, the sun was revealed and the planet proceeded to die, life became extinct. Now perhaps the lust of some to block out the sun will produce the same outcomes here on this planet? A theory? Yes. A conspiracy theory? You decide.

Izora M Woods
March 6, 2011

No Danger No Concern No Sanity

No Danger No Concern No Sanity

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Director International Medical Veritas Association

Dear Reader,

We must never forget that the mainstream media is owned by the very same international forces who also own, control and benefit from the nuclear death industry. To accept their prognosis for anything like a “safe” nuclear world is a sure sign of insanity or total mind-control. Please always bear this in mind when reading or watching the msm.


Arthur Topham


On March 15 Michi Okugawa wrote, “The situation in Tokyo is getting worse. The number of people who are panicking is increasing with more and more people trying to get out of Tokyo or out of the country. The nuclear plant explosion is having a large effect in our daily lives. The biggest problem is transportation. Tokyo is darker now due to power saving. As I am writing this, more people have decided to evacuate from Tokyo. I am living my usual life but the surrounding is in a panic.”

The government of the world’s third-biggest economy has been
insisting that there is no widespread threat of radiation but
confirmed that fresh foodstuffs are now showing signs of contamination.

The double speak has officially started so now we know that the trouble is real, dangerously dark and that we will be treated like cows instead of intelligent human beings. On March 19, 2011 it’s been only three short days we have gone to the brink of an unimaginable catastrophe that does not seem so bad if you read the mainstream press. Only light radioactive showers predicted for the weekend over southern California. Nothing to worry about!

The Japanese government said Saturday the 19th radioactive iodine turned has already turned up in tap water in Tokyo and five other areas. Of course they add in the double speak saying that it’s only “small but safe amounts of” of some very dangerous stuff.

Best way of conceptualizing this event: The largest nuclear complex in the world is now in the process of becoming the hottest radioactive emitter in the world with deadly plutonium in the mix. Very soon the showers will turn heavy and no one is going to want to be in the jet streams path. Already they are starting to measure the exposure to the people local to the disaster in terms of how many CAT scans of radiation they are being exposed to as if these medical scans were safe, which they are not.

Nuclear power plants are really dangerous facilities put
in practical use on stipulation that they can “completely seal
in radiation,” while radioactive weapons commit an impermissible
crime scattering radioactive materials in the environment.
~Professor Katsuma Yagasaki

At the power plant site itself, with almost all the reactors and spent fuel ponds in various stages of meltdown we have a super lethal situation that can only get worse. Representative Michael Burgess, Republican of Texas, asked for detail about the radiation levels at the Japanese nuclear plant. “Are we talking about radiation equivalent to a chest X-ray? A CAT scan?” he asked. Gregory B. Jaczko, the chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission replied, “Levels that would be lethal with a fairly short period of time.”

Harold Denton, a former senior official with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission was faced with the Three Mile Island crisis, holding daily news conferences. Talking about the situation in Japan he said, “This is certainly far worse than Three Mile Island.” But the Japanese are not rating it that seriously yet but we each passing day they will see and be forced to admit the more than partial destruction of the northern part of their nation, which in all likelihood include the Tokyo metropolitan area of 30 million people.

There are brave men fighting what could end up being a losing battle against a nuclear Armageddon for Japan and even other large parts of the northern hemisphere. These men will certainly all die so up close they need to be to shoot their water cannon from fire and police trucks.

Some of that lethal stuff is already falling down in “safe” dosages in California and everyone there is being told to not sweat about it -it’s perfectly safe. And even though it can be measured on instruments they want you to believe that your cells will not pick up on the radioactive particles. A diplomat who has access to radiation tracking by the U.N.’s Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization told the Associated Press in Vienna that initial readings show radiation has in fact reached California.

But a little is good for you so really don’t worry about a thing. You better believe I am deadly serious that some people will fight for the devil, for the death principle, which is what radiation is. I have seen doctors fight for the right to use deadly mercury in vaccines and most dentists have not completely given up on mercury laden dental amalgam. Almost everyone in medicine and dentistry thinks fluoride is wonderful for the children. Once there were some psychologists who actually went so far as to publish their new philosophy that child sexual abuse really was not such a bad thing after all. No sanity is the watchword here – but yes I agree. Radiation is healthy, going out in the sun, without toxic sunscreen exposes one to healthy radiation that provides the most wonderful biochemical life-giving effects. But we are going to be talking about really nasty radiation coming from Japan and let’s see what the dosages and exposures are in the end.

In principle, using the Atomic Energy Control Board’s (AECB) regulatory limits, we can calculate that 0.1 micrograms of plutonium can overdose one person while noting that maximum safe exposure limits is placed at 0.56 micrograms maximum full body exposure and 0.25 micrograms for lung exposure. “Experiments with beagle dogs suggest that about 27 millionths of a gram of insoluble plutonium would be sufficient to cause lung cancer in an adult human being with virtual certainty, with significant risks probably associated with far lower doses,” report International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. According to the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility (CCNR) 0.1 grams would overdose one million people, one gram, ten million people, 100 grams, one billion people and 600 grams, six billion people.

“A rapid release of one kilogram of plutonium at ground level in dispersible, inhalable form would cause a public health emergency of the first magnitude. Plutonium air concentrations could be on the order of hundreds of micrograms per cubic meter of air at one kilometer from the release site. Individuals breathing this air would inhale enough plutonium to cause cancer with certainty within minutes,” said Dr. Edwin S. Lyman of the Nuclear Control Institute. This is the nightmare of nightmares. There is an incredible amount of plutonium in this plant that could very well put us all in supercritical danger.

350 tons of uranium is equal to
about a kilogram of plutonium.
Dr. Chris Busby

The Pentagon has misled the world with claims that its DU is safe. They have lied about depleted uranium regardless of how many of their own soldiers become ill and die from it and from the toxic vaccines they administer in mega doses before troops are deployed into war theaters. The Pentagon has maintained that DU shells are safe because they contain only mildly radioactive uranium when in reality depleted uranium also contains small amounts of plutonium and other highly radioactive elements. Despite the authorities’ attempts at concealment, the truth is out.

Since World War II, accumulated radiation has increased the radiation burden to the global community. Nuclear weapons testing, nuclear power plants, radiation accidents like Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, and terrible nuclear accidents from earlier years in Russia have all contributed to increasing the overall radiation contamination of the global environment. We cannot escape exposure because we breathe the air, drink the water and eat the food from contaminated soils.

When uranium burns into particles, it will enter human bodies
ingested with drinking water and food, or inhaled with air. In this case,
the whole radiation and chemical toxicity will be released in the body.
Professor Katsuma Yagasaki

According to Dr. Katsuma Yagasaki, “DU dust-like particles can enter human bodies, and once taken into the body, they will become tens of millions times more hazardous. Newly released data indicate that low-level radiation is more likely to cause biochemical abnormalities than intensive high-level radiation. It is wrong to make light of the hazard of low-level radiation.”

After the “Shock and Awe” campaign in Iraq in 2003, very fine particles of depleted uranium were captured with larger sand and dust particles in filters in Britain. These particles had traveled in 7-9 days from Iraqi battlefields as far as 2400 miles away. The radiation measured in the atmosphere quadrupled within a few weeks after the beginning of the 2003 campaign, and at one of the five monitoring locations, the levels required two official alerts to the British Environment Agency.

Within nine days of the start of the Iraq war on March 19, 2003,
higher levels of uranium were picked up on five sites in Berkshire.
London Times

The Ministry of Defense refused to acknowledge the possibility of any connection between the use of atomic weaponry in Iraq and these readings in England, saying the uranium was of a “natural origin” and there was no evidence that depleted uranium had reached Britain from Iraq.

According to Dr. Chris Busby and Dr. Saoirse Morgan, who forced the British government to release the above information, “On the basis of the mean increase in uranium in air of about 500nBq/m3 we use respiration data to calculate that each person in the area inhaled some 23 million uranium particles of diameter 0.25 microns. As far as we know, this is the first evidence that uranium aerosols from battle use have been shown to travel so far.” The military, essential partners in everything nuclear, have been playing with the nuclear fires on the battlefields and the stuff is getting back home. Typical they would not tell us commoners anything about it. Will they tell us when things get completely out of control in Japan?

The shattering truth of all this leads us to the conclusion that radiation travels with ease on the winds and the jet stream long, very long distances, so it’s a big mistake to assume we’re out of harm’s way. Busby and Morgan made it perfectly clear that “the evidence from the present analysis is implicit in the results; i.e., the increases found clearly demonstrate that the uranium particles are capable of long-distance travel.”

Busby and Morgan continue saying, “Despite many pieces of evidence that the uranium aerosols are long-lived in the environment and are able to travel considerable distances, this is the first evidence as far as we know, that they are able to travel thousands of miles. The distance traveled from Baghdad to Reading following the wind patterns implicit in the pressure systems at the time is about 2,500 miles. Although this transport may be hard to believe at first, the regular desert sand events that occur in the UK should teach us that the planet is not such a large place, and that with regard to certain long-lived atmospheric pollutants, no man is an island.”

After traveling 2,500 miles, if the exposure to the English was
23 million uranium particles, it is anyone’s guess the amount of
fallout that reached the United States. Odds are that everyone in
the northern hemisphere was contaminated to one degree or another.

Special Note on Iodine: Dr. Miller says, “Radioisotopes pose an important health risk to man in nuclear accidents associated with electric power generation due to their uptake by the thyroid glands. Topical application of tincture of iodine (I) was found to be effective in blocking the thyroid uptake of orally administered 131I [131-Iodine] in humans. Abdominal skin application of tincture of I [iodine] resulted in an approximately 82 percent reduction in the uptake of 131I by the thyroid gland. The effectiveness varied among individuals and may have depended on the quantity applied and on the application site. In each study group, elevated levels of serum I were observed. This may be an attractive alternative method of mass protection from radioisotopes of I following nuclear accidents. Serum I concentrations peaked at approximately two hours after topical application of tincture of I.”

Dr. David Brownstein says, “13mg/day of iodine prevents approximately 96 percent of radioactive iodine from binding to the thyroid gland. That is the approximate dosage of iodine ingested daily by the Japanese. This is over 100x the average daily dose ingested by Americans. Please keep in mind it is not just the thyroid gland that is at risk with exposure to radioactive iodine. The breasts, ovaries, uterus, prostate, skin, and other organs all bind and require iodine for optimal functioning. In fact, every cell in our body requires iodine for optimal functioning. Therefore, if we are iodine deficient, exposure to radioactive iodine can potentially result in damage to all the cells of the body. My experience has shown over 95 percent of patients are deficient in iodine. I believe iodine deficiency is one of the underlying causes of the epidemic of cancer of the breast, thyroid, ovaries, uterus and prostate. Furthermore, iodine deficiency is the underlying cause of thyroid disorders including Hashimoto’s disease, Grave’s disease, goiter, and hypothyroidism. Our iodine levels have fallen 50 percent over the last 30 years. During that time, all of the above conditions have been rising at near epidemic rates.”

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
Director International Medical Veritas Association

RADIOACTIVE TRASH: Plutonium is forever. Notes from the NO NUKES concert, September 1979

RADIOACTIVE TRASH: Plutonium is forever

Notes from the NO NUKES concert, September 1979

Compiled with commentary

by Arthur Topham

March 19, 2011

“I see a bad moon arising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightning
I see bad times today.”
~ John Fogerty,
Credence Clearwater Revival

“My frustration with the mindless assurance which automatically follows every nuclear accident or radiation spill, namely, that there is ‘no immediate danger’, can be quickly grasped.”
~ Dr. Rosalie Bertell

Now that the unthinkable approaches the very real in terms of the absolute madness of nuclear power and the world, again, stares in horror, disbelief and fear as the Fukushima, Japan meltdown manifests before its eyes, the prescient words of wisdom, common sense and forewarning spoken by Dr. Rosalie Bertell a quarter century ago suddenly take on a new and added dimension for millions of people facing imminent uncertainty and a future that bodes to make Charles Dicken’s Bleak House look like a Sunday picnic by comparison.

With the ominous possibility of even greater and grimmer scenarios occurring at any given moment as the globe begins to experience increasing magnitudes of earth shifting, it is hoped that finally the terrifying truth will dawn upon humanity that they have been duped for the last sixty-six years by a troupe of psychopathic maniacs into believing that nuclear power was a safe form of energy.

Strange karma indeed that the ill-fated nation of Japan, having already born the brunt of two needless atomic blasts, should once again be subjected to an event of nightmarish proportions while the rest of the planet cringes at the very thought of it occurring within their own immediate domains.

As a species it begs the question as to whether or not we are truly self-conscious beings or merely mind-controlled minions of some extremely dark and sinister evil force whose hideous agenda is only now beginning to be realized en masse.

To have, for the most part, unquestioningly accepted as reasonable, logical and sane, the fabulous, psychotic, delusional proposition that it was actually feasible to safeguard nuclear waste for hundreds of thousands of years is likely the most blatant and poignant illustration of just how unintelligent, brainwashed and dumbed down humanity actually is.

Many of the younger generations of activists and thinkers will not recall the famous “No NUKES” concert that took place at Madison Square Gardens September 19-23, 1979. Organized by a team of conscientious activist musicians and artists working under the label of “The Muse Concerts for a Non-Nuclear Future”, promoters Ron Delsener and Tom Campbell and Tim Sexton, along with musicians Jackson Browne, Graham Nash of Crosby, Stills, Nash, John Hall and Bonnie Raitt put on an amazing three day show featuring such artists as: The Doobie Brothers, Jackson Browne, Crosby, Stills and Nash, James Taylor, Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band, Carly Simon, Graham Nash, Bonnie Raitt, Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, Raydio Nicolette Larson, Poco, Chaka Khan, Jessie Colin Young, Ry Cooder, John Hall, Gil Scott-Heron & Sweet Honey in the Rock.

If ever we needed a reunion and a resurgence of such energies again it’s today!

What follows in this post and others planned, will be articles, information and graphics contained in an information booklet enclosed in the original album.

P.S. A big thanks to R. Cobb for his bitter-sweet graphic including that fine 3-eyed, 3-legged guard! 🙂


Every year, each 1000-megawatt atomic reactor produces 9000 gallons of high-level liquid wastes, plus tons of solid radioactive residues. By the year 2000, the U.S. will be stuck with a billion cubic feet of this lethal stuff, enough to build a four-lane, foot-thick highway from New York to California.

Some of the stuff is “low-level” – contaminated tools, machinery, filters, air masks, clothing, etc., which even after brief exposure to radiation become too “hot” to use again, and must be buried.

Even more dangerous are “high level” wastes, spent nuclear fuel and materials heavily exposed to the fission process. Often in liquid form, these wastes have to be stored in tanks that have a horrendous track record for leaks and accidents. The heat, radioactivity and corrosive properties of the liquids quickly destroy most materials. Tanks that have been in use for just twenty years have already begun to disintegrate.

The biggest chunk of atomic reactor wastes are the spent fuel assemblies – huge, heavy, highly radioactive racks of special metals and atomic by-products. The industry once claimed that the fuel in these assemblies could be chemically “reprocessed” and then reused in reactors. The industry promised that as much as a third of the uranium rods could be reclaimed and that plutonium there could be used to feed breeder reactors, which would in turn create more plutonium.

But the industry’s promises have turned into disaster. The only commercial fast breeder built in the U.S. – Fermi I, near Detroit – almost blew up in 1966, and has been permanently shut. the experimental Clinch River Breeder Reactor in Tennessee has become the subject of fierce congressional debate, and has been labeled a “technological turkey” by its critics, whose ranks include the Carter Administration.

Three major industrial attempts at reprocessing have failed miserably, costing hundreds of millions of dollars and doing enormous environmental damage at sites in West Valley, New York; Morris, Illinois and Barnwell, South Carolina. Reprocessing has also been widely opposed because it makes accessible the element plutonium, a small quantity of which was used to make the bomb that destroyed Nagasaki.

Plutonium eats through just about anything, and a tiny grain is capable of inflicting a fatal case of lung cancer. According to the NRC, more than 7000 pounds of bomb-grade plutonium is missing from U.S. nuclear facilities. [Possible that might help to explain where Israel acquired the plutonium to built its large arsenal of nuclear weapons. A.T.]

Meanwhile, the technology for converting wastes into bombs has become widely known. The continued production of bomb-grade wastes virtually guarantees the spread of nuclear weapons through the world – and not necessarily just to governments.

As of now, the atomic trash is piling up at nuclear sites and no one knows what to do with it. “Swimming pools” used to store spent fuel are being stacked up with two or three times as much material as they were designed to hold, making them as dangerous as the reactors themselves. “Last resort” schemes for getting rid of the stuff range from shooting it into the sun to floating it onto the polar ice cap to injecting it into the ocean floor.

The most serious attempts have aimed at burying the wastes deep in the earth. But plans to use a federally approved salt mine near Lyons, Kansas had to be abandoned when the Kansas geological survey found the site was far wetter than previously believed. Another deep site is being developed near Carlsbad, New Mexico, but experts warn that it, too, will fail.

A special presidential task force on the waste problem has conceded that even a test project won’t be working until the late 1980’s.

Plutonium has a radioactive half-life of 24,400 years, meaning it will be dangerous to life – and must be stored with total precision – for at least 240,000 years.

Small wonder nobody wants the stuff in their back yard.


URGENT!!! YouTube Has Been Restricted In Japan. A Last Message Sent Out From Man In Japan.




YouTube Has Been Restricted In Japan. A Last Message Sent Out From Man In Japan.

Canadian Senator calls Stratospheric Aersol Geoengineering an “exotic weapon”

[Webmin Note: Okay folks, here’s some addresses to start writing to for answers. Please send your letters to BCCA and we’ll track and monitor the responses and do our damnedest to make these Senators famous or infamous! :-)]


Senator calls Stratospheric Aersol Geoengineering an “exotic weapon”

Hi Betty,

Thank you for your email.

You could write to the Leader of the Senate Ms. Marjory LeBreton
and the Chair of the appropriate Committee to request that the Committee study this issue.

As this sounds like either an environmental, health or possibly a transportation issue you could correspond with the following Senators who are the Chairs of the following three Committees:


Social Affairs (health)


I trust this information is of assistance.

Hope all is well!

Ron Cannan, MP
Kelowna – Lake Country
(250) 470-5075 (Constituency Office)
(613) 992-7006 (Parliament Hill Office)
“Your Kelowna – Lake Country Voice in Ottawa”

CAPT. ERIC MAY: The New Hiroshima (Part 1, Deadly Discovery)

Waiting for the Messiah in Jerusalem. Dr. Arthur Nuko 1988. Carl Chaplin

CAPT. ERIC MAY: The New Hiroshima (Part 1, Deadly Discovery)

March 14, 2011





By Capt. Eric H. May

Staff Writer

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, and what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you didn’t think you could do before.” — Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel








HOUSTON, 3/14/11 — On Feb. 25 Veterans Today published my article “The False Flag Space Shuttle,” which was based on my observation of a NASA Star Wars weaponry demonstration. That awe-inspiring event occurred on 7/28/05, in the  skies high above Texas City. Since the space shuttle Discovery had been the probable culprit in the Texas City event, and since the same Discovery was flying again, I made what many considered an outlandish statement:

‘At this juncture in Obama’s plan, he could really use yet another “terrible tragedy”, the presidential panacea that has been abundantly available since 9/11. Just consider the space shuttle now circling the world to be a star-wars syringe for administering more terror stimulant to our addicted body politic.’

A strange cluster of events occurred in the last two days of Discovery’s mission. Taken together they suggest that NASA’s favorite Star Wars spaceship had been emitting or focusing tremendous energy into the Pacific Ocean, as I had seen it do over the Gulf of Mexico in 2005:

3/8/11, OREGON earthquake swarm – ALERT to viewers in Pacific Northwest
3/9/11, Bizarre Mass Death; Millions Of Dead Fish Turn Up In Southern California Marina
3/9/11, Earthquake rocks Japan

On Wednesday, 3/9/11, my Ghost Troop executive officer, Korean War veteran Captain John Spooner, issued a chilling prognosis, Cold Weather, Tornadoes and Earthquakes:

“There is an unnatural amount of cold, rain, floods, snow and tornadoes. The government’s High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) has been used extensively for the past few years to destroy or damage property, forcing victims to borrow from banksters to repair or replace it. The extended cold season that we are having in California made farmers miss their first planting of what is normally a three-season growing period, which will cause food shortages. The  unusually long Midwest winter is preventing the snow from melting, which will cause springtime flooding throughout the Mississippi Valley, and means more trouble for farmers.”

Captain Spooner and I weren’t being creative with our caveats. Although only one person in a thousand knows about it, there has been high-level official acknowledgment of geo-war for 14 years:

“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. — Secretary of Defense William Cohen, 1997






W. Leon Smith, publisher of The Lone Star Iconoclast, wrote a compelling editorial about the increasingly earthquake-shaken world three years ago:

“Whether earthquakes are tied to global warming, or to … HAARP, which some scientists say is utilized by the military to drastically alter weather patterns …, the increased number (of earthquakes is) worthy of concern and of additional study.” — Earthquakes: Global Warming or HAARP?

Alas Japan,  which had been designated for destruction, and delivered to death.

“Texas has just proclaimed the capture of a Saudi student who, they say, meant to attack nuclear powder plants.All of this makes me suspect that Discovery has a combat mission against us earthbound sitting ducks. The most likely targets are U.S. evacuees from Libya, nuclear power plants and Ron Paul’s district.” — The False Flag Space Shuttle



Which foods contain natural iodine? + insider report from Tokyo about Fukushima


NaturalNews Insider Alert ( ) email newsletter


Dear NaturalNews readers,

Things are getting far worse in Japan. As of this writing, a partial or total nuclear meltdown event seems increasingly likely. Nuclear engineers have essentially surrendered to the laws of physics now at the Fukushima power plant and pulled all the workers off the site. Now it’s just a matter of watching and praying.

This is Japan’s worst nuclear nightmare coming to life. The future of civilization on our planet will be forever altered after this event. Expect massive changes to be set into motion on issues like energy use, fossil fuels, the false promise of “scientific progress,” the destruction of our planet’s environment and other life-and-death issues.

Today we received word from an inside source in Tokyo who told me that the Fukushima nuclear plant is now basically a “dirty bomb” just waiting to go off. Read the full report here:

Meanwhile, online sellers of potassium iodide supplements are now engaged in widespread price gouging and profiteering. Our report by Ethan Huff exposes these highly unethical pricing practices that seek to exploit fear for obscene profits:

As a service to those who are desperate to get sources of iodine before the possibility of a nuclear fallout event (which could strike the U.S. West Coast), I’ve put together an article that highlights natural sources of iodine in foods and superfoods, many of which you should still be able to get at local health food stores if you hurry:

And Dr. Marc Sircus brings us an informative story today on using iodine to prevent damage from radiation exposure: Get the facts you need to know:

We are working around the clock here at NaturalNews right now to find you more sources for iodine. Potassium is easy to get through regular foods (bananas, sweet potatoes, etc.), but iodine is much harder to come by. We’re also working like crazy to bring you up-to-the-minute news about these developments in Japan and how this is going to impact our world.

There are huge issues here that most people have not considered yet. For example, how will Japan rebuild its infrastructure after all this? It will almost certainly start selling off U.S. debt (Treasury notes). This could start a tidal wave of selling off of U.S. debt which would make it impossible for the U.S. to auction off its next round of needed debt to finance the out-of-control debt spending happening under the Obama administration.

Japan’s nuclear meltdown, in other words, could catalyze America’s financial meltdown.

We could quite literally be looking at a financial tsunami that follows the physical tsunami that has wiped out a huge portion of Japan’s infrastructure.

What can you do to protect yourself? We’re scrambling to get you good information on this as quickly as we can. Our “Financial Preparedness” event coming this Sunday has long since been sold out, but we will work to make recordings of the event available next week at a reasonable price for those who want to listen to it. And for the revenue we’re earning on this, by the way, we’ve already pledged $5,000 in donations to Japan, and we are working on ways to coordinate more rescue efforts that may involve nutritional supplements for those in need.

The world needs our collective help right now. If you believe in prayer, I ask that you pray for Japan today, and for the future of life on our planet. If you don’t believe in prayer, then send good luck, good karma or whatever you believe in. This is a defining moment for human civilization. The future of our world rests upon our shoulders at this very instant.

If we cannot prevent our own self destruction, then we have no future on planet Earth. Let us hope and pray that mankind will find the wisdom to live on this world without destroying it in the process. (Is that too much to hope for?)

P.S. Chlorella helps rid the body of radiation *after* exposure. Spirulina has also been used therapeutically in this way following nuclear disasters. You can expect the next high-demand superfood items to include chlorella, spirulina and other cleansing supplements such as zeolites. We are currently stocking up on a massive amount of chlorella supplements in order to meet the expected demand so that we don’t run out this time…


Responding to the Ridiculous by Alex Hunter

Black aerosol HAARP Shield above Victoria, B.C. PHOTO: ALEX HUNTER

Responding to the Ridiculous:

The ridiculous response Estee Millar received from Elizabeth May’s rep. Paul regarding her exceptional photography of OBVIOUS chemtrails and legitimate health and safety concerns

By Alex Hunter

March 14, 2011


Jonathan Dickie
Campaign Manager
Elizabeth May,
Leader of the Green Party of Canada

Dear Jon,

Please take the time to help my children and I understand the following:

1) the ridiculous FaceBook response Estee Millar received from Paul regarding the message and photography she sent to Elizabeth May last week; The message contained exceptional photography and the most legitimate health and safety concerns regarding the obvious and relentless aerosol assault here on Vancouver Island and

2) the irony of the leader of the Green Party having chemtrails clearly visible behind her head in her promotional photograph. Was that meant to induce “doublethink” or did it just “happen”?

Estee’s photography and concerns reflect the most critical threat to BC residents, Canadians, ecology and to humanity itself at present and as such they should be of the highest priority to your party. This is particularly so as you call yourselves “the Green Party” and especially as it pertains to your duty as Canadian citizens and your duty to us as public officials. To be perfectly clear your future, the futures of your family members, community, country folk, our nation, our health, our dignity – everything that ever mattered to us is at stake.

I can appreciate how someone aspiring to be a politician might not want to shoot him/herself in the foot by making ‘trouble’, but some trouble begs to be made and the fact we are being frog marched into war again by the same arrogant, inbred, inter-generational group of banksters, financiers and globalists calls for truly dedicated and tough Canadian leaders. That you people intend to represent the Canadian people but are afraid of the really tough challenges or even being ‘politically incorrect’ is a real disappointment to my children and I.

If chemtrails puking millions of tons of toxic and carcinogenic metals into our atmosphere, killing our animals, birds, insects, fish, our people our food supply and destroying our air, water and ecosystems isn’t a Green issue then we don’t know what is. My youngest son and I, like many Victoria area residents, suffer daily symptoms and sickness from being exposed to these aerosolised toxic/carcinogenic metals, chemical, biological and nano bio polymer agents and the HAARP Shield transmitted psychotronic frequencies. Many of those speaking out about chemtrails, the war and ruling group corruption are being electronically censored, sabotaged, harassed and attacked with directed energy weapons which causes further irreparable harm to their internal organs, to their central nervous system and most significantly, it makes them less resistant to the psychotronic frequencies we are all being subject to in varying degrees.

All this exotic warfare technology was described in Bill HR 2977 IH introduced by Representative Dennis Kucinich in the 107th Congress, First Session, Oct 2nd, 2001 and a myriad of information is available to those intelligent and brave enough to look. However, like the blatantly obvious chemtrail issue those complaining of these often fatal health issues aren’t getting any rational response from their ‘elected’ officials, constabulary and/or judiciary. It didn’t take fifty years for the authorities to recognize people were being shot after gunpowder was invented.

It is no big secret that Edward Teller, Zbignew Brezinski, Henry Kissinger and George H Bush set out to develop Nicola Tesla’s scalar, tectonic, psychotronic & weather weaponry while in a think tank in 1959. Nor is it a secret that in the early ’70’s Brezinsky talked about using this psychotronic frequency (transmitted by the now ever present HAARP “Shield”) to mass mind control North Americans. There is no shortage of video and photographic evidence, but for simplicity please see attached photograph of the black aerosol HAARP Shield below. There are many different mixes, but on this occasion black chemtrails were being used for experimental purposes… while we were sleeping.

Typically they pull the gray HAARP Screen across our sky from horizon to horizon here on Vancouver Island. Once a beautiful, sunny and warm climate Victoria is now dismal, gray and completely unhealthy, especially for residents.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, advisor to many presidents, said that soon the public will not be able to think for themselves, all they will be able to do is to “repeat ” last nights “download” of ‘news’. Since most politicians and journalists can’t even ‘see’ the massive spraying operation above their heads. I can only conclude that this may have happened to them already or perhaps they are afraid to stand up against the ruling group.

We are eager to hear an explanation of the Green Party’s policy on the ‘geo engineering’, ‘persistent contrails’, chemtrails and HAARP ‘experimentation’ programs currently being perpetrated against us here on Vancouver Island by the globalists’ military – industrial complex (which obviously includes the highest levels of our own ‘Defense’ Department and power structure). As we are contained on an island and the globalists now monitor our symptoms over their new international health’care’ database and registry it is becoming crystal clear why nobody seems to be able to get a diagnosis (or official explanation) for blatant chemtrail & HAARP related symptoms. That the increase in aerial, land and naval aerosol attacks correlate to the implementation of the globalists’ international health’care’ registry and database is cause for alarm.

We expect you to represent our better interests at all times, to demand that those in public office are held to account for their actions (or lack thereof) and to ensure the Canadian power structure upholds its Oath to protect and serve the people of Canada rather than the psychopathic inter-generational, inbred, arrogant, greedy and parasitic criminal conspirators who are obviously pulling your collective political puppet strings.

This is precisely what Dwight D Eisenhower tried to warn us all about in his farewell address to America, what President John F Kennedy stood against and paid for with his life and reflects the level of commitment that Canadians need and expect from all of our ‘elected’ officials. In fact, if you aren’t willing to make a stand against this blatant tyranny being perpetrated through our North American and globalist military you are not only a coward, but you are pissing all over the graves of those who suffered and laid their lives down in the last two Great Wars for our “freedom” and “democracy”.


Alex Hunter, President & Founder,
The Canadian Coalition of the Walking Wounded (CCWW)
The American Coalition of the Walking Wounded (ACWW)
Victoria & Vancouver, ‘Beautiful’ British Columbia Canada

Contact Alex at:

The Politics of Pot & Chemtrails (Letter to Black Press’s Quesnel Cariboo Observer) by Arthur Topham

[Webmin Note: The things we must do to draw attention to the Chemtrails in our skies!

Thanks to the local editor of the Quesnel-Cariboo Observer, I was able to kill two birds with one stone here (no pun intended).

The mindset of those within government toward Marijuana is synonymous with their heads-up-their-keesters attitude toward what is going on in our once clear blue skies. Denial, denial and more denial!

Fortunately I was able to combine a critique of my local MLA’s position on “grow ops” with the real environmental disaster that’s directly overhead. Another way to skin this Chemtrail skunk and gain a bit more exposure in the mainstream media.]

More pressing issues

March 10, 2011


Re: The bust is just the beginning, Observer, Mar. 2 .

I’m not sure whether our MLA for North Cariboo, Bob Simpson, was off his meds when he made some of the asinine statements contained in this article but whatever the reason I found it to be pure hogwash and an insult to the close to 90 per cent of Canadians who favour the decriminalization of marijuana.

Rather than doing his patriotic and elected duty for his constituents and advocating for the legalization of pot; a positive initiative which would not only eliminate organized crime from the cannabis equation but also remove the need for spending more taxpayers money to fund and expand these police “make work” projects such as the Cariboo Region Integrated Marijuana Enforcement task force, it appears Simpson is all gung-ho on lavishing praise upon the RCMP and encouraging more of this same outdated, draconian behaviour from the police and government.

Rather than trying to make grow-ops out to be some major environmental disaster (which they aren’t), I strongly suggest that Simpson remove his head from wherever and take a good look above into the Cariboo skies.

There he will see real and threatening toxic contamination of our air, water, soils and all immediate life forms in the shape of endless spraying of chemtrails that contain toxic amounts of aluminum, barium, strontium and a host of other biological organisms that rain down upon the landscape indiscriminately day after day and have been for well over a decade now.

2011 marks the 44th year that I have been advocating for the freedom of Canadians to grow their own pot without fear of being charged with a criminal offense.

The consistent refusal of our politicians to listen to the people has resulted in the situation we see today where organized crime must supply the millions of pot smokers with their stash.

Isn’t it high time we finally put this lie to rest and focused on more important and pressing issues?

Arthur Topham

Cottonwood, B.C.

Nuke Alert! Japanese Nuclear Meltdown & Prevailing Winds of Radiation


[Webmin Note: I’ve included a number of videos, articles related to this latest scene in the ever-unfolding drama of nuclear power and its blatant and deadly side effects. I can’t vouch for the map but it likely gives a general impression of which way the winds are blowing.

Reports from Vancouver, B.C. indicate that you can’t find iodine anywhere in the Health Food stores, an indication that some folks are at least paying attention and getting ready for a possible rain of deadly nuclear radiation.

Let’s hope for the best case scenario and keep our spirits up, well beyond the clouds of fear ! Arthur]




[Webmin Note: The map that was formerly here turned out to be  inaccurate and has been removed. There are plenty of newer ones out on the net. Sorry.]

From: JenLake <>
Date: Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 10:11 PM
Subject: fallout alert
To: john <>

John– please send this to your list:
Japan has “lost control” of 4 out of 5 nuclear reactors at two facilities hit hard by the earthquake. Radioactivity outside the buildings was reported earlier at 8 times ‘normal’–a six-mile radius has been evacuated. Potentially, this could be the worst nuclear accident in history. If you have an iodine supplement (even kelp) take it immediately at a maximum dose and be prepared for fallout across North America in three days, lasting indefinitely.
It would be unprecedented to get accurate news about this event. Read and share my fallout page:
I’ll keep you posted…


Knowledge is Power!

We super hope all our friends and friends of friends that live in the west pay heed to this as it is happening right now.

RED ALERT- Your attention to this matter is needed now!!!

Japan braces for N-reactor meltdown after tsunami:

Quake-hit nuke plant ‘may be in meltdown’: Japan media

They already have a projection map for the west coast!!!

Fallout map:

Chernobyl Fallout World map:

Nuclear Survival by States:

Please learn this stuff fast and what to do when this gets there.

You can learn good things here:

And know this:

Nuclear Survival Skills:

Health effects of Nuclear fallout:

No Nukes News

Mar. 12, 2011

Joe Cirincione, president of the Ploughshares Fund has already called the accident “one of the three worst accidents we have ever had at a nuclear power plant in the history of nuclear power,” recalling the 1979 Three Mile Island, PA meltdown and the 1986 Chernobyl reactor explosion in Ukraine.

Commentator, Keith Olbermann has called for a complete and permanent shutdown of U.S. reactors.


Beyond Nuclear monitoring struggle to prevent meltdown in Japan

Beyond Nuclear is monitoring the situation in Japan with respect to the nuclear reactor crisis and providing constant updates on their site. The best links and articles can be found here including a map of potential fallout heading to western Canada and the US.


NIRS Factsheet on Japan’s Reactors

Nuclear Information and Resource Centre is closely monitoring the situation with Japan’s nuclear reactors. They have produced and are regularly updating a factsheet on the Fukushima reactors and the ongoing concerns about what appears to be becoming a very serious situation. Check periodically for updates and refer your local media to it.


Random articles on the situation:


Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility

Some resources about Nuclear Accidents at the top of the CCNR web page.


Send a letter to McGuinty (and other prov. leaders) saying No More Nuclear Bailouts in Ontario!


Angela Bischoff
Outreach Director
Ontario Clean Air Alliance
Tel: 416 926 1907 x 246
625 Church Street, #402
Toronto, ON M4Y 2G1
Our Facebook Group
No Nukes News
Health Power
Coal Must Go


More Resources:

Unhidden HAARP Magnetometer Readings for March 10-11, 2011

Western Bankers Threatened Japan with HAARP Eco-Destruction a Year Before China Quakes

Japan Tsunami Caused by HAARP? (March 10, 2011)

JAPAN 8.9 earthquake By HAARP? Major Earthquake Tsunami in USA Next at New Madrid (10:09)

Oil Plunges as Japan’s Refiners Shut Plants After Earthquake
by Grant Smith (March 11, 2011)

Japan Declares Nuclear Emergency After Devastating Earthquake (March 11, 2011)

Large Earthquake in China (2:50; March 10, 2011)
