Monitoring & tracking the criminal toxic chemical spraying of Beautiful British Columbia's land and people

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Breaking News: Air Raids, Chemical Weapons Hit California by Richard Sacks

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Breaking News: Air Raids, Chemical Weapons Hit California

By Richard Sacks
Posted Friday, December 27, 2013

This Chemical Weapons Assault Targets Us, And We Don’t Even Complain

Since at least the 1990′s, chemical weapons have been used in a spray form against the American people from the air, on a more or less continuous basis.  The attacks continue today.  The planes are not the air force of some other country or terrorist organization.  Thanks to the courage of recent whistleblowers, we now have confirmed that they are military aircraft and private contractors working for the U.S. government or its agencies, in cooperation with similar programs under way in many other parts of the world.  Though even local and state government agencies have refused to test soil, water or air samples delivered to them from heavily sprayed areas to identify the chemicals dropped from these planes, we now have extensive data from private labs indicating some of the components of the chemical weapons being used.  We know there are may sophisticated “recipes” involved, but the majority include toxic metals, such as aluminum, barium, strontium, and sometimes others such as lead.  There are also sophisticated chemical ingredients that are capable of many types of destructive effects on soil and all levels of natural life forms, as well as disruptive effects on natural weather patterns and human health.

The Chemtrails – HAARP Combination And The Killer Drought

Possibly in combination with the effects of the HAARP system (see “Angels Don’t Play This Haarp” by Dr. Nick Begich), the calculated spraying of these toxic metal mixtures are capable of radically changing normal jetstream patterns, thus causing climate disruption, and this has now been used to create an extremely severe protracted drought over northern California, where reservoirs that are needed to sustain California agriculture are now near empty.  The implications of this fact are sobering.

This drought-creation effect is extremely important as it is being used in northern California, where it is causing severe damage to California’s agricultural crops, and threatening much worse.   This is happening at the same time as the as the U.S. government’s plan to destroy the U.S. economy moves into its final stages.  Together, these simultaneous programs could lead to non-availability of many foods in the U.S., and prices so high on what is left that most people could not afford to buy it.  For many months now, each storm that comes normally in off the Pacific Ocean to bring rain to the drought stricken area is dissipated with extensive spraying (see detailed accounts at  The small amount of moisture that does fall is toxic.  With orchards already dying and being pulled out due to lack of necessary water, California cannot withstand this continued attack on all its life forms and its soil, especially when combined with the nuclear emergency conditions that continue as a result of the Fukushima disaster.  See an in depth discussion of the details of this combined assault (chemical attack and radioactive fallout), including scientific commentary on the ingredients in the chemical sprays that are affecting human health, at .

Who Benefits

One of the interesting features of this multi-pronged chemical attack is that there are financial beneficiaries, even while the economic well being of the country as a whole and individual Americans is being decimated.  One class of major beneficiary is the financial interests that control America’s so-called “health care” system, which brings in far more money when huge numbers of people stay permanently sick.  Even those conscientious individuals who take care of their health by buying organic fresh foods and clean, non-fluoridated water, exercise regularly and use positive attitudes to keep stress low, are forced now to breathe poisoned air, courtesy of this massive government spray program, which officially does not exist.  The other big winner (or at least they hope to be) in this deadly scenario is Monsanto and its biotech industry corporate colleagues who produce GMO’s and sell out the public’s well being to build their fortunes and their control over agriculture.  When the chemical spraying poisons the soils with metals like aluminum, not only agricultural crops but even forest trees and other wild flora can no longer grow.  They are gradually dying out now, and much more rapidly in the artificially produced drought areas.  Monsanto and friends are planning to replace them with their toxic GMO counterparts, and they are working with universities like Cornell and others to develop the GMO forest trees as fast as possible, to complement their offerings of GMO agricultural crops that will grow in aluminum contaminated soils.  If you think you or your family will enjoy good health eating foods with any GMO ingredients you need to educate yourself to know how to avoid these “foods.”  See Jeffrey Smith’s “Seeds of Deception” and numerous youtube lectures, to learn what GMO’s mean to you and how to avoid them.

Program Goals: Kill The Weather, Kill The Soil, Kill The People

Dane Wigington, lead researcher for, says the spraying currently underway both over California and out over the Pacific Ocean is blocking close to 100% of the normal northern California rainfall, to make sure the killer drought continues, along with warm temperatures overall.  Interestingly in his own area, Dane has witnessed the falling of small amounts of toxic “snow” that stays frozen on the ground up to weeks at a time, in spite of temperatures far above freezing, due to an as yet unanalyzed chemical cocktail that changes the “snow’s” characteristics.  At the same time, of course, Californians and others in almost all parts of the U.S. are now breathing toxic air laced with nano-sized aluminum and other poisonous compounds that easily cross the blood-brain barrier and affect all organs of the body in destructive ways.  You are referred to famed neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock’s interview, “What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain” for more details, at .

All of the U.S. and now most of the rest of the world is being chemically assaulted by high altitude jets that have been photographed with the poison spray billowing out of nozzles specially mounted on the aircraft.  Combining the high-def video evidence of spraying n progress with the brave testimony of military and other whistleblowers, the debate about whether or not the chemtrails assault is real is over.   The media, like most government agency personnel, continue to label those concerned about the attacks as “conspiracy theorists” (a.k.a crazy people), but this tactic is not fooling the public as well as it has in the past.  More people are realizing that what we used to consider as the “news media” is in reality just the public relations mouthpiece of a few huge corporations that own most of the news channels in the U.S., and feed what they want the public to hear and believe, through teleprompters, to their paid actors called news anchors and commentators.  They would laugh at the concept of “telling the truth,” it is not their objective to undermine their own programs by letting the public in on what is really going on.

Dimming The Sunlight, Stealing Money And Food

What is really going on is a multifaceted attack on the people of not only California, and not only the U.S., but the entire world.   It is orchestrated by the very governments people rely on to protect them, and by the huge corporations that most people would never imagine were working to intentionally destroy them and their world, yet that is the case.  Now that the attacking aircraft have sprayed enough toxic metal into the atmosphere to blanket the entire globe, and about 22% of the incoming sunlight that sustains life on Earth can now no longer even reach the surface of the planet (, we are all breathing toxic metal particles so tiny that they can pass virtually any filter system and invade our bodies.  Yet the situation with the targeting of northern California is especially important, even against such a dire overall background, because of the implications for food shortages that could arrive at the same time as new levels of economic destruction, brought to us by the same people that are directing the chemtrail program.

Chemtrails Or Geoengineering?

People wonder what is the real difference between “chemtrails” and “geoengineering.”  The difference is mainly that if you use the term chemtrails, you are considered a nut, and will be laughed at as a conspiracy theorist by many who are ignorant of the ongoing program, or who are paid to help cover it up.  If you use the term geoengineering (referring to exactly the same phenomenon, of course), then you are deemed to be more “scientific” and it can be explained to you that if geoengineering is ever actually attempted on a large scale, which may be necessary to save humanity from global warming or climate change, whichever is happening at the moment, then of course your government will let you know, but as of right now, it is only a possible option being considered for sometime in the future.  If you are a person interested in stopping the spraying, whatever it is called, and you want to be able to hold a conversation with “scientists” or most government or media people, then you have to use the term geoengineering.  For myself, it bothers me to grace this kind of genocidal military attack on humanity with any term indicating it is some kind of “engineering,” when in fact it appears to be mass murder of both people and environment at the same time.  To call it some kind of engineering is about like calling an attacker who breaks into your home to shoot you, a home penetration engineer.  But then, perhaps that’s just my own extreme point of view, I don’t have enough respect for these criminals to make believe they are engineers.  I understand that game must be played to get into establishment circles of discussion on the subject.

A Note On Global Warming

As the debate rages on regarding whether global warming is really happening or not, many good people who care about the fate of planet Earth, waste their energy in this argument.  If global warming were not real, the undersea methane fields would not be melting at an alarming rate, releasing huge amounts of methane gas into the atmosphere, which they are unquestionably doing (see data at  Still, the debate about warming or cooling is practically irrelevant, as whichever is true will eventually be obvious to everyone.  What is important to realize fully is that clean and free energy systems that would successfully replace the dirty and unnecessary practice of burning fossil fuels would already be everywhere if they were not actively and violently suppressed by governments including that of the U.S. and industries that profit from the use of fossil fuels.

Even if fossil fuels did not cause global warming, they have caused massive pollution worldwide, and are not needed by humanity at this point.  Nuclear power has always been an insane choice or worse (intentionally destructive by those who knew all along), and now, when it is about to make the entire planet unlivable, even its supporters are hard pressed to deny this fact.  Only corrupt governments (unfortunately including the U.S.) and industry heads who are happy to profit from the destruction of the world, are still promoting nuclear power.

Making It Stop

Once you realize the reality of the assault that you and your family are under every day now, breathing the spray residue whether the jets are flying that day or not, then really the only question should be, how do we get this to stop?  Most people talking about this issue agree that informing the sleeping public that the attack is happening is an important first step.  Social media can of course be used to spread this awareness (see and associated facebook group now with over 14.000 members).  Excellent and effective educational posters are also available from  Some organizations like the Natural Solutions Foundation ( have developed sophisticated electronic systems to make it easy for millions of people to get messages to their “representatives” and others in decision making positions, and are using these systems in the effort to stop chemtrails and numerous other government and corporate crimes.

Since most of the public is still allowing themselves to be hypnotized by the lies of the corporate media, whose job it is to keep them completely out of touch with reality, it is important to keep a constant barrage of communications going to the media outlets.  There are actually good people in the mainstream media, and sometimes they have a chance to expose some important truths before they get fired for being so presumptuous (e.g. Judge Napolitano and others like him).  Local newspapers and radio stations need constant pressure as well.   Although most talk radio tries to pre-censor their callers to avoid anything they consider controversial or too close to the truth on air, you can certainly call in, and then at the last minute once you are on the air, just spontaneously decide to discuss chemtrails and give references for people to check.

Attorneys, Other Legal Professionals Are Needed

Legal professionals are also needed, who may be able to bring lawsuits against parties responsible for poisoning us and our environment.  The federal U.S. law actually does allow for lethal experiments to be done by our government on its own people (i.e. it says these activities are strictly not allowed UNLESS and then lists all kinds of cases such as for “science” that it is OK to go right ahead).  Highly recommended for those interested in learning more about how the federal government and its state and local counterparts actually work, is investigative researcher/reporter Clint Richardson’s great documentary, The Corporation Nation ( ) .  Even most attorneys are not aware of the vital information in this valuable presentation.  Remember, even though it is officially “legal” in the U.S. for your government to perform lethal tests on you as long as the motive is in the acceptable list of reasons, high visibility lawsuits to expose this criminality embedded in the law could be very helpful.  For example it could be shown that such laws allowing mass murder were unconstitutional.  If that could be done, the legal foundations that allow the spray attacks to be considered legitimate might be able to be removed.

What Happens When Mass Murder Is Called “Legal?”

At some point, however, making a law that some activity is acceptable does not really make it OK.  The original common law principles did not allow for murder, no matter by what name it might be called, and any law that did allow it would be considered of no effect.

To Respond Or Ignore – What Are The Odds Of Our Success?

Some have mentioned that once the government and the power structure above it that actually direct what government does (no, that’s not us, even in America) have the assault aircraft flying over our heads every day and once they have become a familiar part of the landscape to the average oblivious person being sprayed, then they have the mechanism in place to eliminate most or all of us suddenly by just changing the mix in the spray, any time they want to do so.  As a result, we have no guarantee we can win this contest to get our lives back from an insane power structure that sees us as expendable, or worse as its enemy.  However, if we don’t stand up and do our best to try, any chance we might have had for success is lost, and then we can say for sure that are chances are zero.  When our lives are finally ending, and we look back on how we spent the time we had, lets do what we have to now, so that at that time we will not be ashamed of our efforts, the principles we lived by, and the contributions we made, out of care for ourselves, our families, and all of our fellow creatures in the bigger family of creation on our beautiful planet Earth.   If we do are best, whatever happens in the end, we have already succeeded in the real effort to remain true to ourselves and to that which we love.

We are many, while those directing these programs of destruction from the top positions of power are few.  We are not the helpless, dependent and stupid beings they want us to think we are.  There is brilliance, creativity, resilience and courage in each and every single one of us.  Let’s live up to our real heritage and who we really are.


Fukushima and the Mass Media Meltdown The Repercussions of a Pro-Nuclear Corporate Press by Keith Harmon Snow

Fukushima and the Mass Media Meltdown

The Repercussions of a Pro-Nuclear Corporate Press

by Keith Harmon Snow

Global Research, June 20, 2011 – 2011-06-19

A sociological and technological discussion — in the wake of the out-of-control nuclear apocalypse in Japan — addressing the compromise of public health and security created by the failure of the western corporate mass media to equitably report on, mildly investigate, or even moderately challenge, the nuclear power industry.

Author’s note, 19 June 2011:

The following report was written after learning about the pro-nuclear and corporate bias of the Society of Environmental Journalists. It was originally published by VOICE NEWS, Winstead CT, in 2001 and was originally titled “The Potential Repercussions of a Pro-Nuclear Press.”  I have made a few minor changes, added hyperlinks,  and inserted a few comments in [brackets].

The report was originally sent to Noel Grove, then an SEJ official and an editor in some capacity for the National Geographic, who I was communicating with at the time (and hoping to land a story assignment from). After perusing my article to some (unknown) extent, Mr. Grove — who was somewhat hysterical about it– criticized this  writing as hysterical, and the thesis as impossible, and the writer as lacking all credibility.

However, the prophetic warnings advanced in this writing have now come true, although the nuclear “accident” did not occur on North American soil, but in Fukushima Japan — a surrogate client state of the United States and its national security apparatus and weapons complex — and a corporate ally in nuclear proliferation and global radioactive destruction.

It is now confirmed that there are three reactors at the Fukushima complex that melted THROUGH their outer containment vessels, through ALL the layers of so-called “defense-in-depth” and are continuing to spew lethal nuclear poisons and further contaminate the land we live on, the air we breathem, and the water that sustains all life on earth. We were always warned, and very worried, about reactor melt-DOWN, this being the absolute worst-case scenario and something that the nuclear industry and their purchsased government agencies assured us “could never happen” — always agreeing that these meltdowns would be “catastrophic” if it did.

Reactor melt-THROUGHs are much more serious than reactor melt-downs. At Fukushima, there is the equivalent of some twenty (20) reactor cores exposed and radiating lethal nuclear poisons. The corporate mass media system continues to downplay, distort, dismiss or deflect attention from the nuclear crises in Japan.

At Fukushima, and all over Japan — and with deadly nuclear poisons spreading all over the world — it’s much worse than you think.

The people of the United States, Canada, and the rest of the world need to take action to stop the ongoing nuclear contamination and possible nuclear catastrophes at operating reactors all over the world. Here’s why.


There is overwhelming evidence that a nuclear power catastrophe in the United States is highly probable. It matters little if you are “pro-” or “anti-” nuclear, as such constructs of your socialization are irrelevant to current nuclear realities. It is a tribute to our nuclear engineers that a worst-case accident has to date been avoided. The threat is real — it has always been real — but it has been dismissed.

Given the hostile economic climate of electric power deregulation [1999-2001], I submit that a major and potentially unprecedented nuclear disaster is a near certain event. This writing aims to address media neglect in probing the nuclear industry and regulatory agency assurances, standards, activities, safeguards, denials, etc. How should journalists respond? There are a few important questions from which one can formulate an answer.

How close am I to the nearest reactor? What level of emergency preparedness and evaluation procedures is currently practiced there? Such questions prompt concern. The repercussions of an “event” are dependent on the form and magnitude of the “event,” on the human capacity to contain it, and on simple factors like weather. Evacuation plans constitute formal, institutionalized admissions that the threats are very real and demand attention.

What are the origins of my perceptions and beliefs about nuclear power? Origins are rooted in sociological and psychological factors pertinent to an individual’s education, experience and identity. A related question is: How do “market forces” manifest themselves in the media’s coverage of nuclear power? Insight is gained by recalling that from 1991 to 1993, the U.S. Department of Energy (D.O.E.) prepared and arranged 104 press conferences, prepared and distributed 950 press releases; arranged 1,650 press interviews for D.O.E. officials; and prepared and disseminated at least 307 editorials or letters to the editor [in mainstream U.S. media].

Question: Is there precedence for institutionalized deception? Answer: What is the nature of deception exercised by the tobacco industry? Are such deceptions inherent to tobacco interests alone? Such questions are valid and important. However, this writing predominantly addresses the question: How can I — and how should I — evaluate and verify the integrity (safety) or compromise (threat) inherent in nuclear power operations?

This brief writing introduces a few underlying impediments to nuclear safety. Isolated analyses of these impediments might suggest isolated integrity. However, the historical technological realities magnified over 20 plus years — coupled with industry and regulatory carelessness and arrogance, and the economic pressures of deregulation — virtually assure disaster.


As early as 1955, the nuclear industry was persistently seeing major, catastrophic technical failures. While noting the great urgency to “capitalize on any technological lead the U.S. may have,” Rear Admiral H.G. Rickover in 1957 testified to the dearth of knowledge, “Despite every design and operation precaution taken by us,” he said, “we have experienced leaks in some of our steam generators… we had to spend considerable time and money on a brute-force approach, because there was no hope of obtaining an understanding of the fundamentals involved in a reasonable length of time.”

A 1957 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) study, WASH-740, created by the Brookhaven National Laboratory [now a toxic and irradiated SUPERFUND site], and titled Theoretical Possibilities and Consequences of Major Accidents in Large Nuclear Power Plants estimated “the consequences of a very large reactor accident at a hypothetically small nuclear plant near a large city” at 43,000 injuries, 3,400 deaths and seven billion dollars in 1957 losses. And, because of this, the U.S. Congress passed the Price-Anderson Act indemnifying the industry from economic liability.[The Price-Anderson Act was originally known as the ‘Gore Bill’, becuase it was introduced by Senator Albert Gore Sr., and this, indeed, is an inconvenient truth.] The McKinney Commission (1957) argues against “the rush to construct nuclear power plants just for us to look at, brag about and subsidize.”

By 1963 there were three nuclear submarines in the water, with 22 more under construction.  By 1967, Congress authorized 107 nuclear subs and eight nuclear surface ships, and 74 of these — including 41 Polaris nuclear missile launchers – were in operation. By 1972 there were 118 subs on order, with 95 subs and four ships in the water.Yankee Atomic Energy Corporation (YAEC) pioneered the nuclear power field with its Rowe (MA) reactor by 1960.By 1963, four larger nuclear plants were ordered, and in 1965 seven; in 1967, 20; in 1968, 14.  When plants ordered in 1963 came on line in 1969, there were 91 plants on order; and by 1972, there were 162. All of the 107 nuclear plants in operation in the U.S. today deploy technology of this era. [There are 103 reactors operating in the U.S. at present.]

Former M.I.T. nuclear physicist and long-time industry consultant K. Uno Ingard attributes the problems with nuclear power to its ‘economy-of-scale’: “Engineers involved in designing these plants [got] their experience mainly from marine [steam] power plants where everything was relatively small,” he confirmed [in a personal interview]. “In essence, they merely scaled plants up from what they knew before.”

Problems identified by Admiral Rickover remain unsolved or ignored. One of these is steam-generator tube (SGT) cracking, an issue critical to safe reactor operation. [SGT cracking is one of the major issues that plague Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) designs.] Reports on SGT pipe cracking appeared as early as 1960. A 1979 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) document details problems with failing SGTs that plagued at least 33 U.S. reactors. At least thirteen utilities sued Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering, alleging SGT fraud. Suits are settled out-of-court, with documents sealed against public scrutiny.

In 1995, over 500 cracked SGTs were discovered at Maine Yankee [Nuclear Power Complex], prompting the NRC to issue a mild request that reactors suffering SGT failures be inspected at the next refueling outage. Most utilities balked, explaining away the problem to complacent regulators. Plants using the potentially flawed SGTs were asked by the NRC “to tell us why they believe their plants are safe to operate.” Both 1996 and 1997 saw the release of major NRC reports on steam generator tube failures.

Technological innovation is not achieved by “brute-force” or “make it work” engineering, but all evidence reveals that the pace of nuclear development exceeded the human capacity for innovation. Modeled after the reactors of Rickover’s nuclear navy, driven by the race to beat the Russians, to meet boom-or-bust sales worldwide, by economic optimism but unverified science, and forced to compete with an entrenched fossil fuel economy, nuclear power technology was virtually stillborn.

Yankee Atomic also pioneered a hasty and irresponsible reactor “decommissioning” at the Rowe reactor. In 1995, in Citizen’s Awareness Network vs. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the U.S. First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Yankee Atomic violated NRC regulations and Federal Statutes.

[See also: keith harmon snow, “Nuclear Poisons: They continue to accumulate: Too much, too fast, too hot to handle, insidious and deadly, lasting forever,” Valley Advocate, July 1995.]

Photo credits: keith harmon snow


Pervasive and systemic aging degradation — like metal fatigue, structural embrittlement, corrosive water chemistry, and neutron bombardment — has been institutionalized by NRC and industry complacency and arrogance. Aging mechanisms like cracked SGTs degrade performance and compromise safety in unknown and unpredictable ways.Decades-old problems defined as “generic safety issues” (applicable to similar types or classes of reactors) were officially designated unworthy of immediate action. Many “generic” issues have never been resolved.

Compounding the original problems encountered — the incorrect and incomplete or forgotten assumptions, the inevitable instabilities and failures, the aging components and crumbling materials — have been the uncountable modifications, repairs and part substitutions which have caused significant and unpredictable deviations from the operational parameters of the original design.

Parameters have been altered, designs modified, upgrades creatively and casually implemented. Multiple modifications have spawned multiple blueprints — often outdated, poorly modified, and unavailable in an emergency (e.g. Three Mile Island). There have been countless license modifications with their many justifications, but only mock attention to detail and procedure. “Every modification due to some problem,” says Paul Gunter of the Nuclear Information Resource Services, “constitutes an erosion in the design margins of safety.”

In 1990, the U.S. GAO reported that “utilities operating at least 72 of the 113 domestic nuclear power plants have installed or are suspected of having received nonconforming products.” Computer software has proved inadequate, hardware has failed.  And too, there are the thousands of valves, plugs, pumps, motors, relays, switches, gauges, air ejectors, ducts, conduits, valve seals, grommets, electrical cables, switchboards, alarms, diesel generators, electrical buses, penetrations, inverters, resistors, turbines, condensers, transformers, nozzles, fuses, nuts, bolts and welds which have failed — fallen out, corroded, short-circuited, melted, disintegrated, fractured or stuck — under various circumstances.

Modern chaos theory says that Safety Analysis Reports (SARs) — submitted by industry and approved by the NRC — do not anticipate the consequences of all the severe reactor incident possibilities. [Fukushima’s earthquake.Tsunami one-two punch makes that clear.] Such predictions are beyond the realm of human knowledge and human capacity and human imagination. Initial conditions, specifications and assumptions chosen or argued to insure safe operation no longer apply. Engineers and scientists, for the most part, operate in their own little areas of specialization. Says James Gleick, author of Chaos: Making a New Science, they are “biased by the customs of their disciplines or by the accidental paths of their own educations.”

Human factors engineering introduces significant unpredictable risk. By virtue of the hundreds of plant employees and shift changes — with their unique personal concerns; their limitations of knowledge, comprehension, memory and judgment; their emotional and psychological realities; their disillusions, resentments, animosities and distractions — the man-machine interface is a fallible link in an already compromised chain.


Reactor operations are being “streamlined” at the expense of safety. Reactors are run longer and harder, with fewer inspections, at higher output power capacities. Given the greater propensity for failures to occur on start-up and shut-down phases of operation — where transients, power surges and instabilities proliferate — testing and safety analyses performed during refueling outages may prove meaningless after the subsequent start-up.

Utilities are minimizing reactor outages and maximizing operations at the expense of safety.  Reliability and quality assurance testing of back-up safety systems have been relaxed, postponed or eliminated completely. Optimizing economic factors, Houston Light & Power (TX) recently broke industry records for a refueling outage. The intensity of irradiation prohibits or restricts access and in-service testing of systems and components. The concomitant shift to on-line maintenance means that so-called “redundant” safety systems — ever touted as the backbone of “defense-in-depth” — are disabled during full-power reactor operations. Economic imperatives are dictating patchwork repairs in lieu of expensive parts replacements.

[See: keith harmon snow, “Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station: A Second Lease on Half-Life?” Montague Reporter, December 2003.]

Corporate “downsizing” has displaced talented and qualified employees. Others are suffocated by budget and schedule constraints, driven by corporate imperatives divorced from the dynamic realities of daily operations. The  profit principle translates directly to control room operators increasingly inclined to risk reactor deviation or operational uncertainty. Operators — too nervous in an emergency to exercise a “controlled breach” of reactor containment — may in the uncertainty of the moment allow the system to exceed the thresholds of control. [This is exactly what happened at Fukushima: reactor operators and the TEPCO management delayed triage actions out of the fear of economic losses; once they did react — dumping saltwater on the molten reactor cores — it was too little, too much uncertainty, too late]

Employees legitimately concerned about safety, improper procedures or the cutting of nuclear corners, are not free to speak without fear of retaliation:  The NRC has persistently betrayed “whistleblower” security — and punished nuclear whistleblowers.


Deregulation — coupled with the historical compromises of this technology – is be the coup de gras for nuclear power as manifested in the U.S. today. Utilities long shielded from normal “market forces” by monumental public subsidies are now exposed to hostile competition.  While some utilities may appear to cling in desperation to our entrenched but obsolete and unprofitable nuclear economy, evidence also suggests that executives shielded by the Price-Anderson Act consider themselves impervious to the consequences of reactor failure.

It should also be acknowledged that radioactive remediation has become a billion dollar industry unto itself.

Journalists [and the corporate propaganda system that pays them] predominantly ignore such nuclear conundrums as safety, unprofitability, waste accumulation, unlawful decommissioning, routine radioactive releases, or the epidemics of disease clustered around nuclear sites. Those who are intimidated into ignorance and self-censorship merely by the science of it all have left themselves irresponsibly unprepared in proportion to the threat. Prudence would seem to dictate that the SEJ sponsor a conference, to debate — at the very least — the ideas of nuclear experts that have been synopsized herein. Nor is this so narrow an issue as it seems: The potential for domestic instability due to nuclear emergency has substantial foreign policy implications. [Not to mention the economic and political ramifications leading us to complete societal breakdown.]

Journalists would do well to revisit a portentous analysis offered by Nobel physicist Richard Feynman. “It appears that there are enormous differences of opinion as to the probability of failure with a loss” of equipment or human life, he wrote. “Estimates range from roughly one in 100 to one in 100,000. The higher figures come from working engineers and the very low figures from management. What are the causes and consequences of this lack of agreement? What is the cause of management’s fantastic faith in machinery?”

Commenting on technical problems ignored or tolerated, Feynman emphasized that “acceptance and success cannot be taken as evidence of safety. Failures are not what the design expected. They are warnings that something is wrong. The equipment is not operating as expected, and therefore there is a danger that it can operate with even wider deviations in this unexpected and not thoroughly understood way. The fact that this danger did not lead to a catastrophe before is no guarantee that it will not the next time.”

R.P. Reynman was not speaking about nuclear power, though he might have been. “The O-rings of the Solid Rocket Boosters were not designed to erode,” wrote Feynman, in “Personal Observations on Reliability of the Shuttle,” a brief but profound statement buried in Appendix F of Report of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident. “Erosion was a clue that something was wrong,” Feynman concluded, not something from which safety can be inferred … For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled.” Disregarding structural constraints and systemic defects, GE has pushed output power levels to five percent above the maximum specification ratings of the original design.

As this previous writing is republished, the situation in Japan is unprecedented, unappreciated, unmanageable and it remains out-of-control: it is the worst industrial accident that humanity has ever faced. For the Fukushima nuclear apocalypse and the people of Japan — and with lethal nuclear poisons spreading all over the earth — the end is nowhere in sight.

Keith Harmon Snow is a frequent contributor to Global Research.  Global Research Articles by Keith Harmon Snow

Fukushima: How Many Chernobyls Is It?

Fukushima: How Many Chernobyls Is It?

Dr Scampa’s Lethal Doses Count Increases Dramatically

by Bob Nichols

(San Francisco) – The world’s second big nuclear disaster occurred at Chernobyl Reactor No. 4 in the Ukraine on Apr 26, 1986. Simply tagged as “Chernobyl,” it is what the next big and well known nuke disaster, after the American Three Mile Island, on March 28, 1979 came to be called. “Chernobyl” ejected 30% of one 192 ton, three month old reactor core. That’s 57.6 radioactive tons thrown into the air by fire and explosions.






Startling NHK Image of Japanese Television

The tiny radioactive and burning smoke particles traveled around the world many times since 1979, killing an estimated one million people to date from radiation caused illnesses and cancers. This is according to Editor Dr Janette Sherman’s exhaustive and widely acclaimed book on 5,000 Chernobyl scientific papers recently published by the New York Academy of Sciences [1].

Fukushima Daiichi Equals 50 Plus Chernobyls

As Dr. Michio Kaku, a world renowned CUNY theoretical physicist pointed out on CNN March 18, 2011, Chernobyl involved one reactor and only 57.6 Tons of the reactor core went into the atmosphere. In dramatic contrast, the Fukushima Daiichi disaster immediately involved six reactors and IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency, a UN Agency) documented 2,800 Tons of highly radioactive old reactor cores.





Dr Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist FavStocks

Simple division tells us there are at least 48.6 Chernobyls in the burning old reactor cores pumping fiery isotopes into the Earth’s atmosphere. It is no stretch to say Fukushima Daiichi’s six reactors and the dry holding pools for old reactor cores are equal to more than 50 Chernobyl disasters.

Further clarification is needed, of course, and it is being worked out now by independent physicists. Note that the lethality of radioactive reactor cores goes up the first 250,000 years they are out of the reactor – not down.

Looking at the current Japanese meltdown as more than 50 Chernobyls is just the start. In addition, the fate of the four nearby reactors at Fukushima Daini is as yet unknown by the outside world. Working at the nearby reactors, only 10 km (6 miles away) is a quick, painful death sentence. They are inside the mandatory evacuation zone.

This much is known. All radioactive exposures are cumulative for each human, animal and plant. What’s more, mutated genetic codes are passed on to offspring forever. This means all Japanese and all Northern Hemisphere inhabitants suffer internal radioactive contamination from Fukushima Daiichi reactors already.

Fukushima Equals 3,000 Billion Lethal Doses

Dr Paolo Scampa, a widely know EU Physicist, single handedly popularized the easily understood Lethal Doses concept. “Lethal Doses” is a world wide, well understood idea that strips Physics bare and offers a brilliant, understandable explanation for all the physics gobbledygook Intelligence agencies and their respective governments use to disguise the brutal truths of the Fukushima Daiichi Disaster.

Three thousand billion (3,000,000,000,000) Lethal Doses of Radiation means there are 429 Lethal Doses chasing each and every one of us on the planet, to put it in a nutshell. This is up from about 70 Billion Lethal Doses March 23, 2011. It is getting worse everyday without any intervention by the US and the other nuclear powers.

VeteransToday calls on the world’s nuclear powers to intervene sooner rather than later. It is up to the world’s only remaining Super Power, the United States, to get the Japan Reactor Disaster Intervention meeting officially underway.

The Fukushima Kill

The Fukushima Kill, already underway world wide, will certainly dwarf that of Chernobyl. All US Super Power President Obama’s delay and waiting does is increase the  numbers of The Kill. That is a clear Choice. We call on President Obama to re-visit that Choice.

Further, the Genetic and DNA changing aspects of the radioactivity now in the air, spreading worldwide within a year, will spawn a grotesque new assortment of radiation-degraded mutants; both human and of other life forms.









USS Nautilus in 1955 surfacing www nautilus571 Website US Navy

Many of these creatures in the animal world will not survive long outside the womb, if carried to term.  What’s more, future Human Genetic Mutants of ever-lower intelligence and greater, more grotesque physical deformities are the genetic legacy of Humanity forevermore. That is the new starting point for any rational and reality-based national or foreign policy.

What We Know Now about Fukushima

Here is what is known more than 75 days after six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactor Plant started a disastrous and lethal nuclear meltdown on March 11, 2011.

– March 11, 14:46, a One Million Kiloton Earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter Scale hammered Japan off-shore near the six Japanese reactors. The reactors attempted to shut down automatically when electronic sensors detected the earthquake. The huge earthquake dropped the reactors three feet, moved Japan 8 inches to the West and altered the tilt of the Axis of planet Earth.

– March 11, about 15:30, the giant Earthquake caused a tsunami up to 30 meters (98.4 Ft) high washed away all the fuel tanks for the reactors Emergency Generators and all the reactors’ outside electrical feeds. This was the Death Blow to the reactors.

The six Fukushima Daiichi reactors were dead in the water and their fate sealed. Without an external source of electricity for the water pumps and hot reactors, they are just so much radioactive scrap iron – good for nothing. The internal temperature of the reactors started climbing immediately.

– March 11, about 18:00, only two and a half hours later, multiple reactor cores started melting down as the reactors internal temperatures skyrocketed to the melting point of uranium and beyond – a measured 1,718 Deg C (3,124.4 Deg F) past the melting point.

Uranium melts at 1,132.2 Deg C (2,069.9 Deg F.) The internal reactor temperatures reached at least 2,850 Deg C, (5,162 Deg F.) The millions of 1 mm Uranium fuel pellets in the reactors and in the core pools had no defense at all without the powerful water pumps and billions of gallons of cooling water against those temperatures.

The Uranium pellets simply melted forming a white hot lava-like radioactive uranium isotope blob that was and probably still is super heated by the power of the uranium atom itself. The highly radioactive blob then burned through the graphite seals of the General Electric Mark 1 Reactor Control Rods at the bottom of the American submarine based reactor design of US Navy Admiral Hyman Rickover, now deceased.

General Electric copied the US Government financed Navy nuclear reactor design for many commercial nuclear reactors. The Radioactive Blobs trickled out of hundreds of control rod holes instead of melting together to form a single giant,  highly radioactive, burning lava blob like that of Chernobyl.

The Solution, Then and Now, has Changed

World famous theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku caught the world’s attention on a March 18, 2011 CNN broadcast when he suggested the Prime Minister of Japan immediately choose the “Chernobyl Option” for the Fukushima Daiichi General Electric reactors.

Kaku said the Japanese PM should order the Japanese Air Self Defense Force to bomb the reactors into submission with boron, sand, water and concrete like the Red Army did to kill the out-of-control Chernobyl reactor on orders of USSR President Gorbachev. Boron absorbs neutrons, the radioactive heart of the reactors.

The time for Dr. Kaku’s “Chernobyl Option” has passed. Multiple explosions destroyed the reactors and the swimming pools holding old reactor cores weeks ago. Hundreds to thousands of tons of burning highly radioactive reactor cores are scattered all over the Fukushima Daiichi site. The reactors are releasing as much as a Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power Company) measured 10 Quintillion (10,000 Trillion Bq) radioactive counts per second of deadly radioactive smoke particles into the Earth’s atmosphere.

The invisible, killing Radioactive Smoke is already all over the Northern Hemisphere and everyone in it – each and every one – is radiologically contaminated. The scope of Dr. Kaku’s once brilliant former solution is unfortunately, now too small and ineffective.

Generally speaking, most Radiation cannot escape into the atmosphere if it is covered by water. Honshu, Japan is an island and the Pacific Ocean is conveniently located nearby.










US President Barack Obama, Official Portrait US Gov

Subsidence charges from multiple nuclear weapons buried by drilling rigs 500 ft (152.4 meters) below and inland of the string of six reactors must be engineered to slide the reactors into the sea. This method works best if there is igneous or volcanic rock behind the subsidence charges, to “bounce” the blast and pressure wave from and “push” the trashed reactors area of the beachfront into the sea.

Specially equipped submarines can then pick up the pieces of reactor cores from under water. The surface of the ocean blocks the escape of radiation. The submarines must work fast to limit killing more of the Earth’s Oceans.

Veterans Today calls on President Obama to authorize the disposal of the six reactors at sea and the collection of the deadly radioactive metals with submarines. We conclude there are no other options left.

The “Do Nothing Option”

The “Do Nothing Option” allows the deaths and maiming of many millions of people to rapidly proceed. Doing nothing, by default, allows the Fukushima Kill to ruthlessly continue unabated. Doing nothing is also not acceptable from a practical standpoint; because, Japan does not own the nuclear weapons to use themselves.

Nuke the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi right into the sea, Mr. President.


Emergency Alert! Fukushima Radiation Remains a Serious Threat to North America and Europe — Including Norway


Emergency Alert!  Fukushima Radiation Remains a Serious Threat  to North America and Europe — Including Norway

By William Fox

Dear Fellow Norwegian or U.S. Citizen:

Below please find my letters to Members of the Norwegian Parliament and also officials at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Washington, D.C. outlining critical Fukushima-related issues, which still have no end in sight.  I address not only environmental but also very serious national security-related concerns for both the U.S. and European countries.

More recently, I transcribed “Alfred Webre interview with Leuren Moret: Fukushima HAARP nuclear attack by CIA, DOE, BP for London banks,” dated 7 May 2011, available both as an embedded video and in transcript form on a web page I created at:

In this interview radiation scientist Leuren Moret describes the horrific impact she anticipates on fishing industries across the Pacific:

The fisheries in the North Pacific –the big salmon runs in Alaska, all of that is going to be contaminated and there will be a catastrophic drop in the fishing catch, I can guarantee, because just bomb-testing in the North Pacific did that, and that was not nearly as much radiation as what has been released from Fukushima.

Other reactor sites besides Fukushima such as Sellafield in the UK continue to pose an extremely serious threat to Scandinavia and even the shorelines of continents outside of Europe.  Ms. Moret notes:

…A scientist on … the environmental committee in the [UK] Parliament …said that Sellafield is the biggest nuclear polluter in the world. And so I began to wonder why the British would be dumping such huge amounts of radiation into the Irish Sea which has now migrated throughout Scandinavia and contaminated their fisheries, and has gone into the Arctic. But what was more shocking than anything was the discovery through an Indian scientist that that Sellafield radiation had migrated south into the Great Conveyor Belt which is the huge circulation system that loops around the Atlantic up into the Pacific and then back up into the Atlantic and it is what controls climate, and is a tremendous heat sink on the planet. It is a terribly important circulation system that affects everyone, every living thing, and every aspect of physical processes on this earth. And in my article Global Implications of Sellafield, Irish Sea Coast Effect and Beyond, I described the science and the explanation and the physical aspects of how this occurred, and then I was able to document through this Indian scientist the actual number of deaths of Indian infants who were killed by the radiation from Sellafield carried halfway around the world, and then I began to think about that when as the Fukushima disaster rolled out and I realized they are doing exactly the same thing in the Pacific from Fukushima. And that radiation is being leaked into the sea…

In the face of mainstream media suppression, we need to find better ways to educate the general public about grim realities, as well as find more effective approaches for identifying and implementing effective solutions.

I think it would be a good step in the right direction to organize a symposium in a place like Oslo, Norway or some other Scandinavian country to discuss the full range of issues.  This includes not only scientific analyses of reactor, nuclear fuel, and radiation-related issues, but also political analyses of all the various factors that permit these kinds of crises to get completely out of control and ultimately threaten all of humanity.

If you  can help in any way, I would appreciate your assistance.

Please get back to me.

Best regards,

William B. Fox
America First Institute
Sarver, PA  USA

From: William Fox
To: Every Member of the Norwegian Parliament
Sent: Wed, May 25, 2011
Subject: Critical Issues Regarding Fukushima Radiation Raised With Norwegian Embassy Officials

Dear Member of the Norwegian Parliament:

Below please find an open letter that I recently sent to Norway’s Counselor (Environment) at the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Washington, D.C.  In the Appendix please also find my letter to the Defense Attaché at the same embassy.  Both letters are now posted online in my author archive at

I address critical issues that remain urgent for not only for Norwegian and other European national interests, but also for U.S. government officials, military personnel, and the American public at large.

Let us not forget about Americans of Norwegian ancestry — who number over six million — who might get afflicted with high rates of sterility, heart attacks, cancer, and other ailments if they continue to be exposed to accumulating levels of low level radiation without adequate safeguards.

If anyone in Norway wants to help me organize a symposium in your country, I would appreciate hearing from you.

Also, please be aware that radiation expert Leuren Moret (mentioned below), in a recent phone conversation with me said that her study of Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) projections and other forecasting services has revealed indicators that radioactive plumes have been deliberately steered towards Scandinavian countries by a HAARP-related process.

I believe that NILU must immediately reinstate all Fukushima radiation-related data which was withdrawn from the web on May 11th to facilitate the investigation of these and other major issues.

Best regards,

William B. Fox

The Environmental Aspects of the Fukushima Crisis: From the Viewpoint of Both Norwegian and U.S. National Interests

by William B. Fox

May 19, 2011

William B. Fox

Ms. Mary Archer Saether
Counselor (Environment)
Royal Norwegian Embassy
Washington, D.C.

Dear Ms. Saether:

It was a pleasure to meet you at the Norwegian Constitution Day family picnic last Sunday. As per our conversation, the following is an overview regarding how the Fukushima disaster impacts on Norwegian as well as American environmental concerns.

For the sake of efficiency, as well as my policy of encouraging “openness,” “dialog,” and other forms of free flow of information and ideas among officials who may be overly compartmentalized on both sides of the Atlantic, I have decided to copy other embassy and Norwegian ministry personnel to this letter, as well as a number of American officials. I am also blind-copying certain individuals, to include members of the Norwegian-American community. Hence, this is an open letter. Please feel to pass it along to anyone you wish.

Perhaps I should start out by saying that this no ordinary environmental issue. In fact, it is probably totally off the charts compared to anything you have ever dealt with in the course of your normal duties. This crisis feels to me more like a war room scene in a movie like Fail Safe or Dr. Strangelove.

I believe we are now being subjected to massive “dirty nuclear warfare” around the northern hemisphere and are experiencing an ongoing civil defense emergency, whether or not national media sources and various authorities choose to recognize this reality. This is a major reason why I am so aggressive about contacting officials in the U.S. and Europe with open letters and by other means.

In researching the Fukushima crisis, I have come to appreciate the fact that nuclear reactors are basically slow motion atomic bombs. (Albert Einstein reportedly once said “Nuclear power is one hell of a way to boil water” as a means to drive steam turbines to generate electricity). According to Jeff Rense at, and many other sources, the total social costs of extracting nuclear fuel, processing it, handling it, using it, and disposing of it make nuclear power the most costly form of energy.

Now I understand how nuclear power plants which store spent fuel rods in vulnerable locations (according to Alex Jones, the Fukushima reactor park once stored about 640,000 fuel rods spread among the cooling pools positioned over each of the reactors) are essentially prepositioned dirty nuclear bombs waiting to go off. Depending on how much nuclear fuel they have stored which might get exposed to the atmosphere to form radioactive plumes, they can actually cost more fatalities and genetic damage than a limited number of hydrogen bomb explosions.

Therefore, the nuclear reactors in the UK and France are not just the “internal affairs” business of the UK and France, about which Norway and other European countries must not concern themselves. Depending on the magnitude of nuclear materials exposed during a meltdown, and wind direction (which can be manipulated with HAARP technology) it is possible that one or two reactor meltdowns could cause most of Norway to become uninhabitable for hundreds of years.
This obviously becomes very much “Norway’s business” as well as the vital concern of other European countries threatened by plumes that can spread across borders as a consequence of meltdowns.

Please see my recent open letter to Rear Admiral Trond Grytting in the Appendix below which gives more background on myself and the military and international diplomatic implications of this kind of threat and why I think holding symposiums with expert speakers as soon as possible would be an excellent step in the right direction.

There also are many reasons why I have come to view the Fukushima crisis as another false flag “black op” that suggests a form of covert warfare with enormous military/geo-strategic implications.

Unfortunately we saw a dress rehearsal for this catastrophe beginning on 20 April of last year with the explosion on BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig. I sent an open letter to Ambassador Strommen with yourself listed as recipient regarding this disaster dated 3 Oct 2010 and titled “Why Extraordinary Vigilance Remains Necessary Regarding the BP-Gulf Catastrophe“, posted online at .

The Fukushima Catastrophe has many disturbing parallels, as reflected in the Similarities to Handling of BP-Gulf Catastrophe and 9/11 section on my open source intelligence and alternative media summary page on the Fukushima crisis at

Unfortunately the Obama administration passed a very sinister test by being completely subservient to BP and its City of London/Rothschild handlers as the Gulf of Mexico crisis unfolded, just as it now operates in lockstep with GE and its alien overlords during the ongoing Fukushima crisis — which according to my research has pretty much the same ultimate controllers.

I do not envy Ambassador Strommen’s job, because I recognize that Norway has to walk a lot of diplomatic tight ropes based upon its geopolitical situation as a relatively small country thoroughly entangled on a many different levels with much larger countries run by people of extremely questionable character, and I accept this social reality. However, if I might offer my opinion on one particular issue related to diplomacy, it is that I believe that the ultimate controllers of both BP and GE are complete psychopaths, and beyond a certain point efforts to lay low with these vile creatures or appease them actually baits them on just like a “limp fish” signal attracts sharks. I believe their Mossad-CIA proxies are evil enough to sabotage reactors along fault lines in California, in the New Madrid Fault area near the Mississippi river, and also across the UK and France.

I now have the feeling that the Mark I GE nuclear reactors in California and the Midwest are knife blades on the throat of every American, and similarly the reactors in the UK and France are serious threats to Scandinavians, Germans, the Dutch, Italians, and other Europeans.

I think Norway needs to assemble allies who can help ship the specialized equipment necessary to contain any nuclear reactors threatened with meltdown anywhere in the world very early in the crisis development period. In addition, it needs forms of alternative media, intelligence analysis, and military and diplomatic prowess that can monitor and interdict these crises before they spin out of control like Fukushima.

I think Norway should have hung tough with the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), and not removed its forecasts from its main web site on 11 May, although the last time I checked it still posts forecasts at links listed in the comments section of: “5/12/2011 — URGENT !! NILU – Norsk Institute = ZARDOZ = radiation @ VERY HIGH levels (video),” namely at:;O=D.

Removing the forecasts from NILU’s main web site sends a bad signal regarding Norway’s resolve to help other countries on the international stage realistically characterize this crisis in order to gain control over it, as well as serve as a lead watch dog for uncovering anomalies and interdicting future crises. An important part of NILU’s standard mission following the implementation of the Test Ban Treaty is to look for radiation from unauthorized nuclear tests.

Incidentally, Leuren Moret has told me that based upon her analysis of NILU data and other sources, she sees evidence that HAARP controllers have been steering radiation over Iceland and across Scandinavia. If this is correct, there are “higher powers” that are not exactly doing Scandinavia any favors, and of course Norway does not owe them any favors in return either, such as removing the NILU forecasts on Fukushima radiation from the main web site.

Please see some examples of headlines from my Fukushima page at that underscore the seriousness of different environmental issues.

Best regards,

William B. Fox
Publisher, America First Books and the Mike Piper Report and
PO Box 137
Sarver, PA 16055
Online phone number: 832-426-2441

Secret Map Shows Massive Radiation Cloud Heading Toward U.S And Canada

Secret Map Shows Massive Radiation Cloud Heading Toward U.S And Canada

Website address is …

Thursday, May 12, 2011 6:15

New forecasts show a very predominate cloud of radiation that seems to blanket most of the United states in the next few days. Looking at the map you can see that the brunt of this cloud will hit the Western United States as well as Canada very hard. With steady winds flowing from japan and heading east, we will continue to see this happen. As mentioned in other articles, food supplies have already seen reports of low levels of Radiation being tested, and with these new massive fallout clouds heading east I’m sure these levels will increase.

As you will read below, this map was never intended for everyday citizens to find. Thanks to Alexander for his hard work at digging this up!

“While playing around with the URL’s for Japan nuclear iodine forecasts I discovered a nuclear radiation forecast that was accidentally placed on the ZAMG website. The scientists inadvertently uploaded a radiation forecast showing a massive cloud of Fukushima Xenon radiation spreading over Japan and the United States instead of the iodine forecast for May 9, 2011. Being inquisitive, I “hacked” the URL and tried getting the May 9th forecast.

Much to my surprise the file “20110508_I-131_FUKU.gif” didn’t pull up i-131 dispersion plume. Instead it pulled the WORLD XENON radiation plume projection and it looks bad.” says Alexander.

UPDATE: Apparently they have realized the error and the url now points to the correct iodine forecast. .

UPDATE 2: Here is a YouTube screen recording of the forecast. If anyone would like to volunteer to host the original let me know. It is 1.25 MB and I don’t have the bandwidth to host it.

above imate …×332.png .

1st video below ….
Fukushima Xenon 133 Forecast May 8 2011 compressed.asf .
27 seconds 
This isn’t the first time this website has been caught covering up Japan nuclear radiation forecasts either.

As previously reported, the YouTube user dutchsinse discovered one set of radiation forecasts had been issued to the public and another provided to government officials.

2nd video below ….
Comparison Of Censored And Uncensored Japan Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Fallout Forecast
1 minute … 43 seconds

3rd video below ….

5/12/2011 — BREAKING NEWS !! NILU – Norsk Institute = ZARDOZ = radiation @ VERY HIGH levels

7 minutes … 18 seconds

Beyond That Door

Beyond That Door

Beyond that door is death. It’s death’s door and it has brought us a new hell on earth. What’s behind this door and several others like it is so hot, in terms of death, that its effects can be seen 10,000 miles away. Though thanks to the media we almost forgot about this and other similar doors and the nuclear meltdowns that are occurring right here right now on planet earth.

Today you have to be a hound dog to sniff up any credible news about what is actually going on at that destroyed nuclear plant. It’s very scary how the media has clamped down on most of the news so it seems like multiple nuclear meltdowns are not a big deal.

On April 21 radiation levels stood at up to 110 microsieverts per hour in the air in the town of Okuma in Tokyo, some 3 kilometers southwest of that door you see above.

If a person is exposed to this quantity of radiation for about nine hours, the cumulative dose is estimated to reach one millisieverts, the annual safety limit set by the government. Do the math. In just 30 days a person living there would have a lethal dose!

On Sunday, April 24, 2011 Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) disclosed a map of radiation levels at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Radiation levels around the No. 3 reactor building, which was damaged by a powerful hydrogen explosion, are higher than in other locations, and 300 millisieverts per hour of radiation was detected in debris on a nearby mountainside. Stand near that and 30 hours later kiss life goodbye.

Work started on April 6th to remove contaminated rubble that had been obstructing the restoration process. TEPCO says much of the debris around the former office building has been removed, and it has started clearing the rubble around the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors. Enough debris has been removed to fill 50 containers, and it is being kept in a field on the mountainside.

The radiation levels one meter away are 1 to 2 millisieverts per hour. Gee that would be a walk in the park meaning we could hang around endlessly until 20 days go by and then we too are radioactive toast.

Okay so let’s translate that into a bit of practical reality for people 10,000 miles away on the east coast of the United States. We’re getting pretty far away from that damn door and yet its nuclear wretchedness is reaching around the world just like Chernobyl did.

Radiation a Personal Account

I am a retired biologist who used to work in radiation biology. Just wanted to share with you what we’ve been doing lately. We live in the mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. We have a Geiger counter and have been testing daily for radiation (am and pm) since the Fukushima incident. Since March 11, our numbers normally are 25-30 cpm inside and 31-35 cpm outside (Geiger counter sits at an open window). This is within background radiation numbers. When it rains, the numbers rise to about 35 cpm for inside and 40 cpm for outside. Our grass reads around 50 cpm. I noticed today after I did some weeding (sunny day) and washing my hands that they read around 50 cpm. I had to wash them 3-4 times before the reading went down.

Also noticed a couple of dandelions looking abnormal (their stems were twice as thick as others and heads were joined). Never saw that before.

We had ordered kelp granules from the company Maine Coast three weeks ago. We typically use kelp in our foods, and this was a bigger order than usual because of the nuclear incident. Just got the shipment today! We tested the bags of kelp for radiation and they tested 182 cpm! We called the company but they had their answering machine on, stating that they won’t be open until April 25th because they’re doing inventory. We plan to return the kelp! Noticed the expiration date is April 16, 2013, which makes us wonder if they filled the order after the Fukushima incident (maybe April 16, 2011?).


Life with Geiger counters will become much more common in our futures as well as nuclear weather reports. They might as well have ripped a hole into another universe with so much hell to be released each month for as long as we can see into the future. Best-case scenario at this point would be several years of relentless radiation buildup around the world but most particularly in the northern hemisphere where it will be increasingly difficult to get uncontaminated food. Let’s not even think of worst-case scenarios for not many of us will be around for long if such were to occur.

Authorities will keep everything under their hat for as long as humanly possible to avoid panic and migrations. With financial collapse on the horizon, private citizens will not be able to afford any movement anyway and will have to dig in and weather the radiation. With the help of the media, the entire populations of the north are caught like deer in the headlights and are totally unaware of and unprepared for this increasing nuclear radiation. In case no one has informed you, radioactivity makes it harder for our bodies to live.

Today’s Nuclear News

The Number 4 spent fuel pool stores 1,535 fuel rods, the most at the nuclear complex. TEPCO says it will inject 210 tons of water into the pool on Monday, after finding on Sunday evening that the temperature in the pool had risen to 81 degrees Celsius. The utility firm had earlier limited the amount of water being injected into the pool to 70 tons a day, saying the weight of the water could weaken the reactor building, which was already damaged in last month’s hydrogen explosion.

On Friday, TEPCO found that the pool’s temperature had reached 91 degrees, so it began injecting 2 to 3 times the amount of water. TEPCO says the pool’s water temperature dropped to 66 degrees on Saturday after water was injected, but started to rise again, to 81 degrees. The operator says the water level in the pool was 2.5 meters lower than normal after 165 tons of water was injected on Sunday.


But there is absolutely nothing to worry about! Doctors are not worried that iodine deficiency will make you much more vulnerable to death rays in the form of radioactive iodine, which your thyroid will mop up like a sponge. But what do doctors or our friendly governments care?

I have been trying to get a prescription for iodine from a medical doctor, but I can’t find one that will do it. They tell me BS like you don’t need it; it’s dangerous to take supplemental iodine without a battery of thyroid tests, and a bunch of other BS ad nauseum. I used to be able to get it over the counter at a drugstore, but no longer. I need to find an MD with common sense that will actually help me.

David Ostrander

This is a gift from Brazil of a music that was first presented live in 1974. Brazil has sung out against atomic energy and thus we have only one reactor in this huge country. I have translated the lyrics below. I hope people can appreciate with their hearts this musical message.

The Rose of Hiroshima
(Vinícius de Moraes / Gerson Conrad) Think of the children

Mute, telepathic
Think of the girls
Blind, inaccurate
Think of the women
Routes changed
Think of the wounds
As warm roses
But oh, do not forget
of the rose, the rose
The rose of Hiroshima
The hereditary rose
The radioactive rose
Stupid and invalid
The rose with cirrhosis
The atomic anti-rose
with no color no parfum,
No rose, no anything.

Photograph: Robert Brook/Alamy/Alamy

Radiation Hell at the disused plutonium reactors at Sellafield, England are a “slow motion Chernobyl” according to
Greenpeace campaigners against nuclear energy.

The BBC says, “There are about 440 operational reactors in 32 countries, generating 16 percent of the world’s electricity. Only 27 new reactors are under construction, mainly in Eastern Europe and Asia. Not one of the remaining 22 countries with nuclear power is currently building any new reactors, including the USA, Canada and all of Western Europe. The western world has put its nuclear power program on hold. This is arguably due at least in part to the Chernobyl accident and the ensuing perception that no matter how small the risk, it is just not worth it.”

Dr. Mark Allan Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P)
Director International Medical Veritas Association
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine


Fukushima Residents Seek Answers Amid Mixed Signals From Media, TEPCO and Government. Report from the Radiation Exclusion Zone

Fukushima Residents Seek Answers Amid Mixed Signals From Media, TEPCO and Government.

Report from the Radiation Exclusion Zone

by Makiko SEGAWA in Fukushima

Mistrust of the media has surged among the people of Fukushima Prefecture. In part this is due to reports filed by mainstream journalists who are unwilling to visit the area near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. But above all it is the result of contradictory reports released by the media, TEPCO and the government.

On the one hand, many local officials and residents in Fukushima insist that the situation is safe and that the media, in fanning unwarranted fears, are damaging the economy of the region.By contrast, many freelance journalists in Tokyo report that the central government is downplaying the fact that radiation leakage has been massive and that the threat to public health has been woefully underestimated. While the government long hewed to its original definition of a 20 kilometer exclusion zone, following the April 12 announcement that the Fukushima radiation severity level has been raised from a level 5 event (as with Three Mile Island) to a level 7 event (as with Chernobyl), the government also extended the radiation exclusion zone from 20 kilometers to at least five communities in the 30-50 kilometer range.

In recent weeks, many Fukushima residents who fled in the first week of the nuclear crisis have begun returning home and attempting to resume normal activities. For example, some local people in Iwaki city, 40-50 km from the Fukushima Daiichi reactor, are convinced that it is now safe to return despite the high radiation levels recorded. Here is one example.

School Entrance Ceremony Amid Radiation Fear in an Exclusion Zone Near the Fukushima Daiichi Reactor

In Japan, April’s cherry blossoms signal a symbolic beginning, a new stage in life. On April 6th, along with school children across the nation, Iwaki City, within the 40 km radiation exclusion zone, held many school entrance ceremonies for elementary, middle and high schools.

Iwaki’s Yumoto Daini Middle School’s ceremony was a bit different: not only were there 33 new students, but refugees living on the school grounds and some members of the Self Defense Force also attended. Overall 107 people participated in the ceremony. Headmaster Sawai Shiro may have exceeded his authority in taking the humanitarian step of granting permission for the refugees to remain on campus as the school year begins, at the risk of being punished later for breaking rules.

School Entrance Ceremony at Yumoto Daini Middle School, Iwaki City, Fukushima

Local sources report that in the first week or so after the nuclear crisis began, Iwaki City experienced difficulties in receiving supplies like food and fuel because many agents refused to deliver.Since early April, refugees who had evacuated outside the prefecture started returning. Restaurants in downtown Iwaki are reopening and many convenience stores boast reasonably well-stocked shelves, while gas, water and electricity have been restored. Iwaki City has repeatedly confirmed that “radiation is at a stable level which is not harmful to human health.” Iwaki officials explain that this judgment is based on figures provided by the Fukushima prefectural government regularly  updated since March 11.

Principal Sawai began his welcome speech by saying, “I am glad to be able to confirm that all 33 new students are participating in this ceremony amidst a disaster that had forced many people to leave Yumoto.””In our district,” he continued,“some people survived by drinking water from their bath for weeks as there was no running water. I want you to care for each other especially for anyone who is in trouble.” He concluded, “You young students, are the future of Japan. Now, we should be bound as one beyond differences in ideas, position or self interest.”

Though all the new students attended, not all teachers were there. As a result of the catastrophe, personnel for the school was frozen and new teachers were not dispatched to the school, Sawai explained. As a result of the lack of teachers, there will be only one class run by a teacher for each grade.

School Doctor Informs Children “The radiation problem is already finished.”

Following the principal’s speech, the school’s doctor in his white coat stated matter-of-factly that, based on science, people should know that the worst of the earthquake damage had passed and that radiation leakages from the Fukushima Daiichi plant were decreasing and would soon fade away.

“The radiation problem is already finished,” he told the children and their parents. “You can go to school and go outside without any problem. You should not fear malicious gossip.”

While the doctor’s assurance that all major risks have ended would certainly raise eyebrows among most people outside the prefecture, many locals share this belief. We note the difference in perspective between radiation experts and people assessing the issues at a distance and those on the ground facing the destruction of their livelihood. While rumors of the dangers of radiation continue to swirl, many locals are even more afraid that rumors will destroy their businesses and any hope of securing their livelihood and rebuilding their communities.

Ikarashi Yoshitaka, 33, is one who is particularly keen on restoring his business and the local economy, a goal that leads him to downplay warnings of radiation risk.“It is just an emotional thesis that ours is ‘a city in danger!’” he insisted. Together with dozens of volunteers from across Japan, Ikarashi has visited many areas throughout the radiation exclusion zone. He confidently asserts that his $600 made in U.S “Geiger counter” has detected no abnormal amount of radiation.

Ikarashi is troubled by the fact that the milk business he manages suffered a 90% drop in sales as a result of radiation fears. Some farmers have been forced to throw away their milk, and at least one local farmer is rumored to have committed suicide over the ruin of his business.

Following the government announcement of level 7, Ikarashi observed that “residents will not listen; they don’t trust the government. The greatest concern for locals is to restore their towns and I’m doing my best to restore Iwaki City.”

Honma Hiroshi, 56, on patrol with the SDF in Iwaki comments: “I’m surprised that local people are so calm. Even within the 30 km radiation exclusion zone, they don’t even wear special anti-radiation clothes (Taibex). Even after the level 7 announcement, there has been no panic in the city.”

Desperation over the destruction of the local economy appears to have provoked an unscientific optimism concerning radiation in some local communities struggling to get back on their feet.

Shortage of Information and Aid for Fukushima Citizens in the Radiation Exclusion Zone

Ikarashi points out that the reason for the absence of trustworthy information and the presence of baseless gossip is “lack of information”; the national media tend to avoid entering the radiation exclusion zone, fearing contamination and merely regurgitate the claims of the local government and officials obtained by telephone.

A more intense form of the same crisis struck Minami-Soma City, closer to the nuclear plant within the 20 km zone but on its northern side. For more than a week, the city was like an island bereft of food, water, and gasoline. Finally, in desperation, on March 24, Mayor Sakurai Katsunobu sent an SOS  to the world through YouTube begging for support to his dying community.

Mayor Sakurai Katsunobu

Mayor Sakurai explained that his gambit of airing a Youtube call for help succeeded in drawing the attention of the central government, and Tokyo has taken seriously subsequent requests. However, Sakurai, said that as of April 6, only 20,000 residents remained of a population of 70,000. “We have to think of the means to save the remaining weak people (aged people and someone who do not have money to evacuate)”, Sakurai said sadly.

On April 7, the mayor made a second Youtube, observing that “Many businesses had started operating. But, there is no reliable information on the nuclear reactor!”

In the nuclear radiation exclusion zone close to the plant, large numbers of people are out of work. The Fukushima Labor Bureau, on March 29, said that as a result of the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster, about 58,000 people in approximately 4,800 work places within the 30 km exclusion zone around the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor have lost jobs.

Minami Soma City

In the nuclear radiation exclusion zone close to the plant, large numbers of people are out of work. The Fukushima Labor Bureau, on March 29, said that as a result of the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster, about 58,000 people in approximately 4,800 work places within the 30 km exclusion zone around the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor have lost jobs.

Local people voice concern that the jobless rate is being inflated as a result of pernicious rumors. At the same time that the school ceremony was being held, a long queue of people was lined up in front of the Public Employment Agency in Taira, Iwaki from 8 a.m. in hope of finding work.

Public Employment Agency, Taira

“Before, people formed queues several kilometers long at gas stations; now people stand in a long line at the employment agency,” Mori Akira, 63, pastor of the Global Mission Chapel, sighed.

Shimoyamada Matsuto, 50, director of public relations for Iwaki city Disaster Management Headquarters, explained, “Since harmful rumors are so powerful, not only are farming and fishing industries affected, even some industries have been damaged as a result of claims that even machines are contaminated!”

Fukushima provides one third of the electric power for the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, including both nuclear and thermal power plants. “If  Fukushima goes down, the entire capital region will panic!” Shimoyamada warned.

Study Session with Hatoyama Yukio and Freelance Journalists: Questioning the Media, the Government and TEPCO

In Tokyo, on April 6, a group of freelance journalists centered on Uesugi Takashi, 43, held a media session with dozens of DPJ lawmakers, including former Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio, to question the performance of the media in the wake of the Fukushima disaster.

Hatoyama Yukio (right) Uesugi Takashi (left) at media conference

Kawauchi Hiroshi, a DPJ member of the House of Representative, stated that “Information about radiation diffusion should be correctly revealed to the nation. However, so far only once was this done.”He explained the frustration of local officials. “The information from TEPCO (Tokyo Electronic Power Company) should be precisely conveyed. I talked to the mayor of Iidate village (in the 30km zone),  who told me, ‘There is no information and I do not know what to do.'”

The Media Corruption that Protects TEPCO

Uesugi Takashi explained the core of the problem behind misinformation and rumors.

“Freelance journalists and foreign media are pursuing the facts, even going into the radiation exclusion zone. However, surprisingly, the Japan government continues to prevent freelance journalists and overseas media from gaining access to official press conferences at the prime minister’s house and government.”

Uesugi stated that since March 11th, the government has excluded all internet media and all foreign media from official press conferences on the “Emergency Situation”. While foreign media have scrambled to gather information about the Fukushima Reactor, they have been denied access to the direct information provided by the government and one consequence of this is that “rumor-rife news has been broadcast overseas.”

In fact, access has been limited in two ways. First, while Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano Yukio holds twice daily press conferences for representatives of the big Japanese media, registered representatives of freelance and internet media are limited to a single press conference per week. Second, in contrast to Japanese media who are briefed regularly by Edano and periodically by Prime minister Kan, foreign media are briefed exclusively by administrative staff.

Uesugi also notes that at TEPCO press conferences, which are now being held at company headquarters, foreign correspondents and Japanese freelancers regularly ask probing questions while mainstream journalists simply record and report company statements reiterating that the situation is basically under control and there is nothing to worry about. One reason for this, Uesugi suggests, is that TEPCO, a giant media sponsor, has an annual 20 billion yen advertising budget. “The media keeps defending the information from TEPCO!” “The Japanese media today is no different from the wartime propaganda media that kept repeating to the very end that ‘Japan is winning the war against America,’” Uesugi exclaimed.

There is one particularly telling example of the media shielding TEPCO by suppressing information. This concerns “plutonium”. According to Uesugi, after the reactor blew up on March 14, there was concern about the leakage of plutonium. However, astonishingly, until two weeks later when Uesugi asked, not a single media representative had raised the question of plutonium at TEPCO’s press conferences.

On March 26, in response to Uesugi’s query, TEPCO stated, “We do not measure the level of plutonium and do not even have a detector to scale it.” Ironically, the next day, Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano announced that “plutonium was detected”.

When TEPCO finally released data on radioactive plutonium on March 28, it stated that plutonium -238, -239, and -240 were found in the ground, but insisted that it posed no human risk. Since TEPCO provided no clarification of the meaning of the plutonium radiation findings, the mainstream press merely reported the presence of the radiation without assessment (link). Nippon Television on March 29 headlined its interview with Tokyo University Prof. Nakagawa Keiichi, a radiation specialist, “Plutonium from the power plant—No effect on neighbors.”

On March 15, Uesugi criticized TEPCO for its closed attitude toward information on a TBS radio program. For this, he was immediately dismissed from his regular program. The scandal involving TEPCO’s silencing of the media took an interesting turn two weeks later. At the time of the disaster on March 11, TEPCO Chairman Katsumata Tsunehisa was hosting dozens of mainstream media executives on a “study session” in China.When asked about this fact by freelance journalist Tanaka Ryusaku at a TEPCO press conference on March 30, Katsumata defended the practice.

“It is a fact that we traveled together to China,” he said, “[TEPCO] did not pay all the expenses of the trip, but we paid more than they did. Certainly they are executives of the mass media, but they are all members of the study session.”

When Tanaka requested the names of the media executives hosted by TEPCO in China, Katsumata retorted, “I cannot reveal their names since this is private information.” But it is precisely such collusive relations between mainstream media, the government and TEPCO, that results in the censorship of information concerning nuclear problems.

Now the Japanese government has moved to crack down on independent reportage and criticism of the government’s policies in the wake of the disaster by deciding what citizens may or may not talk about in public. A new project team has been created by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, the National Police Agency, and METI to combat “rumors” deemed harmful to Japanese security in the wake of the Fukushima disaster.

The government charges that the damage caused by earthquakes and by the nuclear accident are being magnified by irresponsible rumors, and the government must take action for the sake of the public good. The project team has begun to send “letters of request” to such organizations as telephone companies, internet providers, cable television stations, and others, demanding that they “take adequate measures based on the guidelines in response to illegal information. ”The measures include erasing any information from internet sites that the authorities deem harmful to public order and morality.

Makiko Segawa is a staff writer at the Shingetsu News Agency. She prepared this report from Fukushima and Tokyo. She can be reached at

Recommended citation: Makiko Segawa, Fukushima Residents Seek Answers Amid Mixed Signals From Media, TEPCO and Government. Report from the Radiation Exclusion Zone, The Asia-Pacific Journal Vol 9, Issue 16 No 2, April 18, 2011.