Monitoring & tracking the criminal toxic chemical spraying of Beautiful British Columbia's land and people

HAARP information

The Sky Does NOT Lie by Rand Clifford for Veterans Today

The Sky Does NOT Lie

Posted by Veterans Today on February 2, 2015

Chemtrail Planet

by Rand Clifford for Veterans Today

I’m writing with a view of southern sky spanning fully east to west. The winter sun is going for a touchdown to the southwest. The sky is mostly clear except for the geoengineering aerosol spray engulfing the sun with milk and spilling eastward. A dot is creeping from the milky end zone of the sun, spraying eastward….

An official term for what I am watching, which is officially not happening, is “Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering” (SAG); another official term for what is officially not happening as I watch it: “Solar Radiation Management” (SRM). Funny thing, an aerosol assault on sunshine sure appears to be what I’m seeing.

When this morning’s fog began to clear, spray planes had obviously been very busy dogging the sun. Most planes sprayed horizon to horizon east to west or west to east, eighty percent of them near the path of the sun. Sometimes they don’t turn on the spray until approaching the sun…and turn off the spray a ways past the sun. Also, on moderate spray days, virtually all aerosol is sprayed near the track of the sun. So SRM is obviously an objective…but they also spray at night, often in the face of the moon. Complications galore, the aerosols are quite the toolkit, but SAG is uncomplicated in terms of exactly what it looks like right now: spraying of aerosol sunscreen.

Another plane is spraying east-to-west just below the plane clearing the Idaho panhandle, spraying Montana. In a stretch of a trail several minutes old, aerosols are getting ropy on the downside…weepy-looking…taking on an edge of teeth on a giant bandsaw blade; aerosols cutting through stratosphere to smear into cloud….

Touchdown, the sun has fuzzed out of sight in the creamy end zone.

A bulky new trail, aerosols still in the sun at 40,000 feet and blushing…on their way to flaming in orange and pink, even smears of purple as dusk creeps around down here….

“Conspiracy theory” right in my face, graphic display of why things branded as conspiracy theory usually turn out to be true; a sky full of why so many people are fouled as “conspiracy theorists” for telling the truth.

Here’s how Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines conspiracy:

1: the act of conspiring together 2:a: an agreement among conspirators b: a group of conspirators (see also, cabal)

conspire: to join in secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement b: SCHEME

cabal: the artifices and intrigues of a group of persons secretly united to bring about an overturn or usurpation esp. in public affairs

The definition of conspiracy is fundamentally and realistically the definition of not only government, but of most any exercise of power over the masses. Doesn’t that make the term “conspiracy theory” ridiculous? “Dry dust”, or, “wet water” make about as much sense. Ridiculous and stupefying—fundamentals of psyops, fueling: confusion.

The term “conspiracy theory”, linguistically barbaric, is a  potent psyop with amazing power to stifle independent thought. No thinking required, simply default to: “conspiracy theory” if you’d rather not…think about it. Independent thought is the enemy of government. Psyops like 9/11 are weapons of mass destruction targeting independent thought.

Again, exercise of government power over the governed is, by definition, nothing but conspiracy. Yet “conspiracy theory” has become an institution of social pressure to not question authority. After all:

The world’s so scary, somebody has to be trusted with authority—look what terrorists did on 9/11!

False flag terror like 9/11 is bad enough, but authority spraying the planet with death, shouldn’t that illuminate questions regarding trust in authority? Is it really so difficult to look up and think at the same time?


The unfortunate term, “chemtrails” was crafted to obscure what is obvious to anyone handy with looking up and thinking at the same time. Enormous difference between thinking, and reacting as programmed. Certainly, non-metallic chemicals are part of the geoengineering milk, but what of the cream? What exactly are we being sprayed with?
Researchers consistently identify in Geoengineering Aerosol Spray (GAS):
Aluminum oxide particles, barium salts, barium titanates, ethylene dibromide, cadmium, methyl aluminum, desiccated human red blood cells, nano-aluminum-coated fiberglass, sub-micron particles (containing live biological matter), polymer fibers, unidentified bacteria, enterobacteria cloacal, enterobacteriaceae, mycoplasma, human white blood cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA), mold spores, bacilli and molds, yellow fungal mycotoxins, lead, mercury, nitrogen trifluoride, nickel, calcium, chromium, radioactive cesium, radioactive thorium, selenium, arsenic, titanium shards, silver, streptomyces, strontium, uranium….

Millions of people seem happy to call GAS, “contrails”. Two main problems with equating GAS and water:
1) Contrails are born to die, cannot grow into clouds.
2) Virtually all military tankers and commercial aircraft now use high-bypass turbofan jet engines which rarely produce condensation trails. [1]
Check out what Wikipedia says about contrails:
“Depending on the temperature and humidity at the altitude the contrails form, they may be visible for only a few seconds or minutes, or may persist for hours and spread to be several miles wide. The resulting cloud forms may resemble cirrus, cirrocumulus, or cirrostratus, and are sometimes called cirrus aviaticus. Persistent spreading contrails are thought by some, without overwhelming scientific proof, to have a significant effect on global climate.”
Dear readers, witness Wikipedia at maximum disinformation. Streaks of condensed water: “…may persist for hours and spread to be several miles wide”.  Glorious psyop even without the imaginary “…cirrus aviaticus”! The only clouds “cirrus aviaticus” might be are condensation of authority to fog vulnerable minds into ignoring “chemtrails”.
Most of the air breathed by high-bypass turbofan jet engines bypasses where contrails are born,  the combustion chamber.
Compared to ephemeral streaks of condensed water, GAS is immortal…indeed spreading for miles—that’s the job of geoengineering aerosol spray. Wikipedia boasts of being “…THE major source of information in the world”, even bragging with standard Zionist chutzpah that:
“Wikipedia is “…under constant, paid review of Zionist assets.”
Zionist “assets” control virtually all commercial media and the majority of Internet traffic. Their spell is keeping millions of people oblivious to geoengineering aerosols. And of course, every effort is made to keep people from looking up.
Consider the dynamic: “Who wants to believe that people we vote for would allow us to be sprayed with poisons”?
It’s so easy to surrender to the default: “contrails”, so easy to ignore what the sky says. Problem is, geoengineering is perhaps the greatest threat to life on Earth ever conceived. Not an asteroid impact, or Yellowstone eruption…this is engineered biocide on a global scale.
Default: death.
But some people remember deep blue skies, can tell the difference between vanishing streaks of condensation, and geoengineering aerosol spray.


Goengineering Aerosols and HAARP
Some people even know that the exceptionally theatrical “Polar Vortex” is an engineered psyop. Here’s a superb video that details exactly how aerosols teamed with ionospheric heaters such as HAARP can alter the jet stream, pulling down frigid polar air until Dallas Texas and Northeastern Siberia share the same temperature. [2]
If you want to know how much GAS is going to be sprayed above where you live, please visit: Chemtrail Forecast Network [3]
Several times in the last few years it has been officially announced that HAARP was going to be terminated, yet its evil continues. Please visit: HAARP Status Network. [4]
A 1996 United States Air Force report titled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025″ states: “In 2025, US aerospace forces can ‘own the weather’ by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing on development of those technologies….” Geoengineering aerosols and HAARP are key “emerging” technologies.
The full report listing a wide variety of weather modification and weather weapon capabilities is available on the official USAF website.
Also of interest is this video from GeoEngineering Watch titled: “Military to Own The Weather In 2025 – Chemtrails HAARP Space Weapons”. [5]
The USAF even has a training manual for chemtrails.
For those confronting “chemtrails” with an open mind, some of the best information is on government/military official sites. For those inclined to pay attention, there’s the sky. Damage on the ground is more obvious every day. And the damage to human health is accelerating. GAS even has its own signature disease: Morgellons [6] to go with the more pandemic, “Chemtrail Syndrome”. [7]
Zionist-occupied government is spraying vast amounts of our money to GAS us while the fed (Rothschild parasite disguised as part of the federal government) sprays the elite with fresh dollars charged to us at compound interest.
Natural predators take only what they need to survive, improving genetic integrity of their prey. Humanity’s psychopathic predators destroy what they need to survive.
Please consider the elite’s contempt for humanity in terms of what humanity might achieve if not being hounded by psychopaths. The elite subject humanity to continuous and vicious demonic predation, mutilation of mind, body and soul—then scorn humanity’s condition! But…with so many millions of us writing off GAS as “persistent contrail”, even when it’s sprayed day and night right in our faces, we seem to earn the contempt.
The only way such psychopathic evil can flourish is for people born with a conscience, born with humanity, to just watch.








Rand Clifford’s novels are published by StarChief Press. Email contact:

Breaking News: Air Raids, Chemical Weapons Hit California by Richard Sacks

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Breaking News: Air Raids, Chemical Weapons Hit California

By Richard Sacks
Posted Friday, December 27, 2013

This Chemical Weapons Assault Targets Us, And We Don’t Even Complain

Since at least the 1990′s, chemical weapons have been used in a spray form against the American people from the air, on a more or less continuous basis.  The attacks continue today.  The planes are not the air force of some other country or terrorist organization.  Thanks to the courage of recent whistleblowers, we now have confirmed that they are military aircraft and private contractors working for the U.S. government or its agencies, in cooperation with similar programs under way in many other parts of the world.  Though even local and state government agencies have refused to test soil, water or air samples delivered to them from heavily sprayed areas to identify the chemicals dropped from these planes, we now have extensive data from private labs indicating some of the components of the chemical weapons being used.  We know there are may sophisticated “recipes” involved, but the majority include toxic metals, such as aluminum, barium, strontium, and sometimes others such as lead.  There are also sophisticated chemical ingredients that are capable of many types of destructive effects on soil and all levels of natural life forms, as well as disruptive effects on natural weather patterns and human health.

The Chemtrails – HAARP Combination And The Killer Drought

Possibly in combination with the effects of the HAARP system (see “Angels Don’t Play This Haarp” by Dr. Nick Begich), the calculated spraying of these toxic metal mixtures are capable of radically changing normal jetstream patterns, thus causing climate disruption, and this has now been used to create an extremely severe protracted drought over northern California, where reservoirs that are needed to sustain California agriculture are now near empty.  The implications of this fact are sobering.

This drought-creation effect is extremely important as it is being used in northern California, where it is causing severe damage to California’s agricultural crops, and threatening much worse.   This is happening at the same time as the as the U.S. government’s plan to destroy the U.S. economy moves into its final stages.  Together, these simultaneous programs could lead to non-availability of many foods in the U.S., and prices so high on what is left that most people could not afford to buy it.  For many months now, each storm that comes normally in off the Pacific Ocean to bring rain to the drought stricken area is dissipated with extensive spraying (see detailed accounts at  The small amount of moisture that does fall is toxic.  With orchards already dying and being pulled out due to lack of necessary water, California cannot withstand this continued attack on all its life forms and its soil, especially when combined with the nuclear emergency conditions that continue as a result of the Fukushima disaster.  See an in depth discussion of the details of this combined assault (chemical attack and radioactive fallout), including scientific commentary on the ingredients in the chemical sprays that are affecting human health, at .

Who Benefits

One of the interesting features of this multi-pronged chemical attack is that there are financial beneficiaries, even while the economic well being of the country as a whole and individual Americans is being decimated.  One class of major beneficiary is the financial interests that control America’s so-called “health care” system, which brings in far more money when huge numbers of people stay permanently sick.  Even those conscientious individuals who take care of their health by buying organic fresh foods and clean, non-fluoridated water, exercise regularly and use positive attitudes to keep stress low, are forced now to breathe poisoned air, courtesy of this massive government spray program, which officially does not exist.  The other big winner (or at least they hope to be) in this deadly scenario is Monsanto and its biotech industry corporate colleagues who produce GMO’s and sell out the public’s well being to build their fortunes and their control over agriculture.  When the chemical spraying poisons the soils with metals like aluminum, not only agricultural crops but even forest trees and other wild flora can no longer grow.  They are gradually dying out now, and much more rapidly in the artificially produced drought areas.  Monsanto and friends are planning to replace them with their toxic GMO counterparts, and they are working with universities like Cornell and others to develop the GMO forest trees as fast as possible, to complement their offerings of GMO agricultural crops that will grow in aluminum contaminated soils.  If you think you or your family will enjoy good health eating foods with any GMO ingredients you need to educate yourself to know how to avoid these “foods.”  See Jeffrey Smith’s “Seeds of Deception” and numerous youtube lectures, to learn what GMO’s mean to you and how to avoid them.

Program Goals: Kill The Weather, Kill The Soil, Kill The People

Dane Wigington, lead researcher for, says the spraying currently underway both over California and out over the Pacific Ocean is blocking close to 100% of the normal northern California rainfall, to make sure the killer drought continues, along with warm temperatures overall.  Interestingly in his own area, Dane has witnessed the falling of small amounts of toxic “snow” that stays frozen on the ground up to weeks at a time, in spite of temperatures far above freezing, due to an as yet unanalyzed chemical cocktail that changes the “snow’s” characteristics.  At the same time, of course, Californians and others in almost all parts of the U.S. are now breathing toxic air laced with nano-sized aluminum and other poisonous compounds that easily cross the blood-brain barrier and affect all organs of the body in destructive ways.  You are referred to famed neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock’s interview, “What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain” for more details, at .

All of the U.S. and now most of the rest of the world is being chemically assaulted by high altitude jets that have been photographed with the poison spray billowing out of nozzles specially mounted on the aircraft.  Combining the high-def video evidence of spraying n progress with the brave testimony of military and other whistleblowers, the debate about whether or not the chemtrails assault is real is over.   The media, like most government agency personnel, continue to label those concerned about the attacks as “conspiracy theorists” (a.k.a crazy people), but this tactic is not fooling the public as well as it has in the past.  More people are realizing that what we used to consider as the “news media” is in reality just the public relations mouthpiece of a few huge corporations that own most of the news channels in the U.S., and feed what they want the public to hear and believe, through teleprompters, to their paid actors called news anchors and commentators.  They would laugh at the concept of “telling the truth,” it is not their objective to undermine their own programs by letting the public in on what is really going on.

Dimming The Sunlight, Stealing Money And Food

What is really going on is a multifaceted attack on the people of not only California, and not only the U.S., but the entire world.   It is orchestrated by the very governments people rely on to protect them, and by the huge corporations that most people would never imagine were working to intentionally destroy them and their world, yet that is the case.  Now that the attacking aircraft have sprayed enough toxic metal into the atmosphere to blanket the entire globe, and about 22% of the incoming sunlight that sustains life on Earth can now no longer even reach the surface of the planet (, we are all breathing toxic metal particles so tiny that they can pass virtually any filter system and invade our bodies.  Yet the situation with the targeting of northern California is especially important, even against such a dire overall background, because of the implications for food shortages that could arrive at the same time as new levels of economic destruction, brought to us by the same people that are directing the chemtrail program.

Chemtrails Or Geoengineering?

People wonder what is the real difference between “chemtrails” and “geoengineering.”  The difference is mainly that if you use the term chemtrails, you are considered a nut, and will be laughed at as a conspiracy theorist by many who are ignorant of the ongoing program, or who are paid to help cover it up.  If you use the term geoengineering (referring to exactly the same phenomenon, of course), then you are deemed to be more “scientific” and it can be explained to you that if geoengineering is ever actually attempted on a large scale, which may be necessary to save humanity from global warming or climate change, whichever is happening at the moment, then of course your government will let you know, but as of right now, it is only a possible option being considered for sometime in the future.  If you are a person interested in stopping the spraying, whatever it is called, and you want to be able to hold a conversation with “scientists” or most government or media people, then you have to use the term geoengineering.  For myself, it bothers me to grace this kind of genocidal military attack on humanity with any term indicating it is some kind of “engineering,” when in fact it appears to be mass murder of both people and environment at the same time.  To call it some kind of engineering is about like calling an attacker who breaks into your home to shoot you, a home penetration engineer.  But then, perhaps that’s just my own extreme point of view, I don’t have enough respect for these criminals to make believe they are engineers.  I understand that game must be played to get into establishment circles of discussion on the subject.

A Note On Global Warming

As the debate rages on regarding whether global warming is really happening or not, many good people who care about the fate of planet Earth, waste their energy in this argument.  If global warming were not real, the undersea methane fields would not be melting at an alarming rate, releasing huge amounts of methane gas into the atmosphere, which they are unquestionably doing (see data at  Still, the debate about warming or cooling is practically irrelevant, as whichever is true will eventually be obvious to everyone.  What is important to realize fully is that clean and free energy systems that would successfully replace the dirty and unnecessary practice of burning fossil fuels would already be everywhere if they were not actively and violently suppressed by governments including that of the U.S. and industries that profit from the use of fossil fuels.

Even if fossil fuels did not cause global warming, they have caused massive pollution worldwide, and are not needed by humanity at this point.  Nuclear power has always been an insane choice or worse (intentionally destructive by those who knew all along), and now, when it is about to make the entire planet unlivable, even its supporters are hard pressed to deny this fact.  Only corrupt governments (unfortunately including the U.S.) and industry heads who are happy to profit from the destruction of the world, are still promoting nuclear power.

Making It Stop

Once you realize the reality of the assault that you and your family are under every day now, breathing the spray residue whether the jets are flying that day or not, then really the only question should be, how do we get this to stop?  Most people talking about this issue agree that informing the sleeping public that the attack is happening is an important first step.  Social media can of course be used to spread this awareness (see and associated facebook group now with over 14.000 members).  Excellent and effective educational posters are also available from  Some organizations like the Natural Solutions Foundation ( have developed sophisticated electronic systems to make it easy for millions of people to get messages to their “representatives” and others in decision making positions, and are using these systems in the effort to stop chemtrails and numerous other government and corporate crimes.

Since most of the public is still allowing themselves to be hypnotized by the lies of the corporate media, whose job it is to keep them completely out of touch with reality, it is important to keep a constant barrage of communications going to the media outlets.  There are actually good people in the mainstream media, and sometimes they have a chance to expose some important truths before they get fired for being so presumptuous (e.g. Judge Napolitano and others like him).  Local newspapers and radio stations need constant pressure as well.   Although most talk radio tries to pre-censor their callers to avoid anything they consider controversial or too close to the truth on air, you can certainly call in, and then at the last minute once you are on the air, just spontaneously decide to discuss chemtrails and give references for people to check.

Attorneys, Other Legal Professionals Are Needed

Legal professionals are also needed, who may be able to bring lawsuits against parties responsible for poisoning us and our environment.  The federal U.S. law actually does allow for lethal experiments to be done by our government on its own people (i.e. it says these activities are strictly not allowed UNLESS and then lists all kinds of cases such as for “science” that it is OK to go right ahead).  Highly recommended for those interested in learning more about how the federal government and its state and local counterparts actually work, is investigative researcher/reporter Clint Richardson’s great documentary, The Corporation Nation ( ) .  Even most attorneys are not aware of the vital information in this valuable presentation.  Remember, even though it is officially “legal” in the U.S. for your government to perform lethal tests on you as long as the motive is in the acceptable list of reasons, high visibility lawsuits to expose this criminality embedded in the law could be very helpful.  For example it could be shown that such laws allowing mass murder were unconstitutional.  If that could be done, the legal foundations that allow the spray attacks to be considered legitimate might be able to be removed.

What Happens When Mass Murder Is Called “Legal?”

At some point, however, making a law that some activity is acceptable does not really make it OK.  The original common law principles did not allow for murder, no matter by what name it might be called, and any law that did allow it would be considered of no effect.

To Respond Or Ignore – What Are The Odds Of Our Success?

Some have mentioned that once the government and the power structure above it that actually direct what government does (no, that’s not us, even in America) have the assault aircraft flying over our heads every day and once they have become a familiar part of the landscape to the average oblivious person being sprayed, then they have the mechanism in place to eliminate most or all of us suddenly by just changing the mix in the spray, any time they want to do so.  As a result, we have no guarantee we can win this contest to get our lives back from an insane power structure that sees us as expendable, or worse as its enemy.  However, if we don’t stand up and do our best to try, any chance we might have had for success is lost, and then we can say for sure that are chances are zero.  When our lives are finally ending, and we look back on how we spent the time we had, lets do what we have to now, so that at that time we will not be ashamed of our efforts, the principles we lived by, and the contributions we made, out of care for ourselves, our families, and all of our fellow creatures in the bigger family of creation on our beautiful planet Earth.   If we do are best, whatever happens in the end, we have already succeeded in the real effort to remain true to ourselves and to that which we love.

We are many, while those directing these programs of destruction from the top positions of power are few.  We are not the helpless, dependent and stupid beings they want us to think we are.  There is brilliance, creativity, resilience and courage in each and every single one of us.  Let’s live up to our real heritage and who we really are.


Wireless, Chemtrails And You By William Thomas

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Next time you’re on a cellphone looking up at those long lingering plumes spreading across the sky, you might decide to end that call. If you spot any cell towers, roof-mounted transmitters or high-voltage power lines within a mile of your location, you may wish to evacuate the area immediately. And once home, you will want to permanently disconnect all wireless devices, including computer routers and “always-on” portable phone cradles. Because what you see in the sky is what you breathe. And chances are you’ve been breathing barium for more than a decade.

Barium Conducts Electromagnetic Energy

Ever since Captain Kirk teleported to the surface of an alien planet and whipped out his portable communicator, everyone Earthside wanted one. And the telecos gave us flip-phones. Along with compulsive texting, streaming video, online gaming and banking, the worldwide web and more.

It took more than 20 years to connect the first billion subscribers. But only another 40 months to connect the second billion. The three billionth “user” placed a cell phone call just 24 months after that.

Never before in human history have so many embraced such risky technology so fast. In Toronto alone, there are 7,500 cell towers. In the USA: over 190,000.

BioElectric Beings

Everyone fixated on Captain Kirk’s hand-phaser. But his wireless communicator was the real ray gun that could not be dialled down.

Cell phones and “cellular networks” are aptly named. Every transmission disrupts your cells directly. “Human beings are bioelectrical systems. Our hearts and brains are regulated by internal bioelectrical signals. Environmental exposures to artificial EMFs can interact with fundamental biological processes in the human body,” states the landmark BioInitiative metastudy.

As former microwave warfare expert Barry Trower points out, an invisible ocean of electromagnetic waves from radio, radar and TV transmissions, cell towers, smart grids and overhead power cables traveling at the speed of light “can all be reflected and refracted” by metal appliances, rain, snow, glass and conductive materials deliberately sprayed into the air.

You Are an Antenna

A water-filled upright human is a sizeable antenna. And since all moving electrons generate electrical current, all those electromagnetic waves inundating our everyday lives pass into our bodies, where they each generate an electric current. These induced electric currents change the charge on which our complex bioelectrical body/brain/heart network operates to maintain our health and vitality.

Microwaves at 1/10th British safety guidelines emit frequencies causing the biggest changes in cell calcium levels… as reported in the UK Daily Mail.

Wireless Headaches

Headaches can stem from microwave-induced leakage of harmful molecules through the blood-brain barrier. [Electronics Australia Magazine Feb/00]

At one-ten-thousanth of a watt, the blood-brain barrier opens, allowing blood proteins inside to disrupt brain signals and start killing brain cells. A cell phone typically transmits at 2 watts.

Just two minutes on a cell phone, or sitting near a wireless computer router or portable phone cradle, shorts-circuits the electrical ion activity powering the blood-brain barrier. This allows proteins and other blood toxins to enter the brain and resume damaging neurons in thinking and memory centers. Dr. Leif Salford is finding “astonishing number of dead neuron cells, actually suffering holes in their brains from the damage” caused by a single cell phone call.

No wonder wireless-altered brains lead to lack of concentration, memory loss, aggressive behavior, accelerated aging, impaired learning ability and dementia. Fibrils of proteins clumping in electromagnetically-altered brains are an identifying characteristic of Alzheimer’s, Early Onset Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis and cancer patients.

“There is strong evidence that… microwaves are associated with accelerated aging (enhanced cell death and cancer) and moods, depression, suicide, anger, rage and violence, primarily through alteration of cellular calcium ions and the melatonin/serotonin balance,” writes veteran EMF researcher Dr. Neil Cherry in New Zealand.

So Far, So Bad

While hundreds of millions of wireless addicts insist that nothing negative is happening, the effects of this invisible plague are worsening. In the United States, one in six children currently suffers neurological disability. With the much heralded new 4G LTE networks and devices “producing a waveform that maximizes radiation absorption for 3-6 year olds,” writes Simon Best, the accelerating trend is straight up.

The electrosmog blanketing cities worldwide would resemble the murky view from Shanghai’s high-rise windows if it were visible. Just add micro-particulate fallout from undisclosed aerosol spray programs and one in three people can expect to be diagnosed with asthma.

Low frequencies are directly linked with epidemic rates of dementia that threaten to bankrupt Canada, the USA and much of the world within a few decades – just as the challenges and costs of crop-killing climate-shifts, sea-level rises and increasingly costly oil will require all the smarts and cash we can muster.

“The scope of the looming medical-care disaster is beyond comparison with anything that has been faced during the entire history of humanity,” declares dementia expert Dr. Barry Greenberg in Toronto.

The medical-care system is going to be bankrupt by 2050 if we don’t figure out a way to delay or treat Alzheimer’s disease,” echoes U.S. health and human services secretary, Kathleen Sebelius.

Brain cell membranes made leaky by electromagnetic radiation exposure create enough energy to excite neurons into hair-trigger mode, overloading hyperactive brains. More than 1 in 10 children in the United States are currently diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

A 6,000% increase in autism diagnosis in recent years has kept pace with the proliferation of wireless grids and gadgets.

As reported in the UK Telegraph, 1980 to 2000 saw an increase of nearly 50% in the estimated number of new cases of Malignant Brain/Central Nervous System tumors in the United States.

Anyone who starts using wireless devices at any age can expect a 500% risk of developing brain cancer within 10 years – even sooner for children. Using cell and cordless phones is even worse.

“For such a risk to show up in cellphone users within 10 years, given what we know about brain tumours, which is that they can have a latency of 40 years, is deeply, deeply disturbing,” worries Dr. Devra Davis. [MSN June 7/04; Globe & Mail Sept 24/10]

Bye Bye Babies

Up to 16% of North American couples are already experiencing infertility – a near doubling since 1992. In cell tower-festooned Delhi, one in four couples cannot conceive after trying for two years or longer. Surviving sperm are increasingly found to be too damaged to achieve fertilisation. [TNN Aug 13/09]

At current rates, plummeting global sperm counts will hit ‘zero’ by 2048.

Barium Blues

Almost from the beginning of chemtrails consciousness, Clifford Carnicom began documenting high levels of reactive barium salts falling from chemtrails grids over Santa Fe, New Mexico. Carnicom claimed these salts are making the Earth more conductive.

He was right. In the fall of 2002, a long-time landscaper working for the City of Edmonton began noticing that carefully tended flowers and trees were showing signs of severe nutrient deficiencies. City specifications call for Electrical Conductivity readings no higher than “1” in local soils. But Dave Dickie’s soil samples tested for EC 4.6 to 7-times higher than this maximum permissible level.

Dickie wondered if elevated levels of electricity-conducting metals in the soils could be leading to the plants’ “chlorosis” condition. A $33 lab test of snow samples collected in a sterilized container confirmed elevated levels of aluminum and barium. Norwest Labs lab report #336566 found
•    q aluminum levels: 0.148 milligrams/litre
•    q barium levels: 0.006 milligrams/litre
Widespread tree and fish die-offs in California are also being blamed on abnormally high levels of barium and less conductive aluminum. At Lake Shasta, Francis Mangels, a retired soil conservationist and PhD wildlife biologist who worked for the U.S. Forest Service for over 35 years, told Dane Wigington that he blames pH over 10-times the alkalinity of normal soil on huge increases of aluminum oxide.

Dane Wigington reports that normal background levels of aluminum oxide in the Mt. Shasta snow is 1/2 unit. (In this case, ug/l). Allowable aluminum in drinking water is 50 units. Government action is required at 1,000 units of detected aluminum. The EPA-tested snow on Mt. Shasta shows aluminum at 61,100 units.

Barium clocked in at an elevated 83 units.

By July 2001, California state officials still could not explain why barium levels had nearly doubled since 1991. They still can’t say why barium levels in soils and water are rising, when industrial barium pollution has all but vanished.

In March 2002, two Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists at Wright Patterson Air Force Base told award-winning reporter Bob Fitrakis that they were involved in two aerial spray programs. One spreads aluminum oxide in the upper atmosphere to reflect incoming sunlight and slow global warming. The other lays down barium stearate aerosols for “over the horizon” military communications, 3-D mapping and radar. Soapy rainwater on highways is a signature of barium salts, one scientist said.

They also confirmed that HAARP transmissions from Alaska are being used to bend the jetstream.

In 2008, a Louisiana newscast focused on barium, which the news station called a “hallmark of chemtrails.” When KSLA had chemtrail fallout analysed, the 6.8 ppm barium levels was “more than six times the toxic level set by the EPA.” The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality confirmed that the high levels of Barium were “very unusual.”

Two years later, Arizona air particulates of aluminum and barium surged. Lab tests indicate how many times they are over the allowable toxic limit:
•    Aluminum: 15.8x
•    Barium: 5.3x

Clifford Carnicom now states that the amount of Barium in our atmosphere exceeds by eight-times the level deemed safe for humans to breathe. Smaller animals are simply out of luck. And, as Earth’s Sixth Great Extinction keeps rolling, maybe out of time.

Microwave Sickness and Chemtrail Related Illness

chemtrail-mask-300x232Embryos, fetuses, infants and children are especially vulnerable to pulsed wireless signals, which penetrate directly through their rapidly developing bodies and brains.

“Children who were exposed to cell phones before and/or after birth tended to have higher prevalence of emotional symptoms, behavioral problems, inattention, hyperactivity and problems with peers,” says prominent EMF researcher Professor Kjell Mild in Sweden. Children and teenagers are five-times more likely to develop brain cancer if they use cell phones.

Microwave Sickness is already of significant public concern in countries where wireless technologies were introduced some 10 years ahead of North America. “Hot spots” include Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Greece and Israel.

Sweden leads the pack. Data collected by the Swedish government has found that the introduction of cellphone technology nationwide in 1997 coincided with an alarming increase in prostate cancer, brain tumors, melanomas and lung cancers. So did deaths from Alzheimer’s, traffic accident injuries, sick leave rates, and the numbers of infants born with heart problems.

With a quarter-million residents now on permanent paid disability for microwave illness, Sweden changes everything. [Pathophysiology June/09]

Chemtrails are also reported over these countries.

Widespread common complaints of Chemtrail Related Illness and Microwave Sickness include, but are not limited to:
•    aching joints
•    asthma attacks
•    fierce headaches
•    sudden dizziness
•    rashes and sores
•    gastro-intestinal discomfort
•    persistent dry hacking cough
•    inability to concentrate or remember simple things
•    heart flutter, inflammation, stoppage
“Cell phones have enjoyed exceptional freedom from government oversight and control to protect against health and environmental hazards,” comments Dr. John Wargo, professor of Environmental Risk and Policy at Yale University.

Just like chemtrails.

After winning the German and European Solar prizes for his hometown solar energy projects, former Greenpeace activist Werner Altnickel warns that the stratosphere is being sprayed with chemicals and metals as a means to slow climate change, manipulate the weather and create inductive fields.

Based on a complex conductivity equation known as the VTRPE, the USAF continues to spread barium into the upper atmosphere to “duct” electromagnetic energy over-the-horizon. Even if commercial wireless frequencies are not conducted as coherent signals by chemtrails specifically “tuned” to HAARP frequencies, all commercial RF/Microwave energy is going to be randomly confabulated and conducted by the barium-strontium chemtrail mix.

If you think this is too much electromagnetic radiation for any body/brain to handle, you’re right. By 1971, a (recently declassified) U.S. Navy document summarized more than 2,300 studies describing health effects from microwave radiation. Today, more than 6,000 studies connect wireless and other EMR with more than 122 biological effects.

Total number of scientific studies on the potential effects on humans, animals, plants and insects from electrically-conductive contrails: zero.

There Is No Ducking Ducting

With highly conductive barium chemtrails being spread to propagate HAARP and other military radio and radar transmissions over the horizon, chemical “antennas” spread over urban centres are also ducting, amplifying and altering already dangerously high levels of Radio Frequency and microwave pollution from ubiquitous cell phone towers, radio and TV transmitters, civilian radars and so-called “smart grids”.

Pioneer researcher Dr. George Carlo headed the first extensive wireless radiation research for Motorola from 1993 to 1999 and lost his funding over his alarming findings.

Dr. Carlo now worries:
“EMR is most likely a synergen. The exposures such as pesticides, chemtrails, harvesting of forests and urban sprawl are not causes competing with EMR – they are additive and synergistic [or amplifying] causes. They are insults to the system that requires strong biological compensation to overcome. EMR depletes that ability to compensate, and thus the person or species succumbs to the effects of the environmental insult more severely and more rapidly.”

What Now?

Things are not getting better fast.

As EU nations begin reducing wireless exposure across Europe in the wake of the landmark BioInitiative study, the global roll-out of wireless smart meters and their supporting microwave grids threatens to push exposure levels beyond human endurance.

Exposure to microwave and radiowave radiation from these meters is involuntary and continuous. Unlike cell phones and other wireless distractions operating at the same frequencies, you can’t switch smart meters off.

Smart Meters emit these hazardous frequencies almost continuously, day and night, seven days a week. The 603 million smart meters slated to be installed worldwide over the next five years will begin emitting electrosmog from billions of new transmitters just as geoengineering efforts shift into even more desperate and relentless conductivity!

Exposure is additive, points out Santa Cruz County Health Officer Dr. Poki Namkung, adding:
“No FFC safety standards exist for chronic, long-term exposure to EMF, or from multiple sources.”
To handle all the wireless traffic from smart meters and constantly updated android apps, Fourth Generation 4GHz LTE may enhance the industry’s Long Term Evolution – while severely curtailing our own. Lower frequency 4G LTE boasts even higher “penetration rates” into buildings and bodies than higher frequency microwaves. And 5G is close behind.

Just Say “NO!”

To date, no agency or organization is examining the effects of electrically conductive chemtrails over towns and cities already saturated with electromagnetic transmissions.

They should.

For city dwellers, and increasingly in rural areas, daily exposure to EMF radiation is more than 100 million times higher than it was in your grandparents’ time. As author Simon Best wrote in his book “Electromagnetic Man: Health and Hazard in the Electrical Environment“:
“Certainly if mobile phones had been a new drug they would never have got out of the laboratory.”

Chemtrails and electromagnetic fields are synergistically linked.

Since October 2002, the Freiburger Appeal has been signed by more than 6,000 doctors and health professionals asking the German Government to revise wireless safety standards and prohibit portable phones.

Alarmed by the Freiburger Appeal, the BioInitiative Report and 165 million Europeans suffering from brain disorders, the European Council ruled that mobile phones and computers with wireless internet connections pose a risk to human health. In May 2011, the Council of Europe began removing all Wi-Fi devices from schools. [Reuters Sept 4 /11; Telegraph May 24/11]

Today, EMF experts with the international stature of Dr. George Carlo, Dr. Olle Johansson, Dr. Leif Salford, Dr. Neill Cherry, Dr. Robert Becker, Dr. David Carpenter and many others are publicly expressing alarm. They warn that continually blanketing our home planet with overlapping, pulsed wireless transmissions emissions never before encountered on Earth will result in mass brain-wiping, a worldwide inability to reproduce, and the extinction of the human race.

Unless stopped, the convergence of electrically-conductive chemtrails with wireless frequencies will only ensure this outcome at an accelerated rate.

What Can You Do?

1. Never expose pregnant mothers or children to wireless radiation.

2. Turn off all portable phone cradles and wireless routers.

3. Limit your cell phone use to a minute a month. Or talk for an hour a day and accept a 400% increased cancer risk over the coming decade.

4. Demand that your city and state emulate the recommendation from the European Committee of Ministers for all member states to “ban all mobile phones, [portable] phones or WiFi or Wireless Local Area Network systems from classrooms and schools.”

5. Don’t fall for “safer” wireless speakerphones and air-tube headsets. Regardless of the excuse behind their purchase, every additional wireless gadget jacks up the need for more relay towers transmitting at ever-higher frequencies. And the higher the frequency, the more transparent our bodies become to electromagnetic energy.

6. Stop Chemtrails! Continue educating media and the public. Attend local government meetings. It is illegal to introduce stray electrical fields that use human beings to complete the circuit. Alert lawyers to this new “Illegally Conductive Barium” approach to initiating class action lawsuits.

7. Stop Smart Meters! Keep educating the media and the public. Attend local governance meetings. Alert lawyers to these “Illegally Conductive Barium” findings to initiating class action lawsuits against wireless smart meters.

8. To dissipate electromagnetic fields and ensure proper rest, “power down” bedrooms and grounding your body to the planet’s natural electromagnetic field by Googling and using grounding pad under your sheets. As Earthcalm points out, “Manmade electricity has severed the connection. Instead of resonating to the planet, the cells are resonating to the electricity in homes/and workplace.”

Related Articles on Wake Up World:
•    Chemtrails: Do You Have Heavy Metals Poisoning?
•    Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health
•    Aerosol Crimes, Illness & Weather Modification in Los Angeles
•    The Most Important Topic of 2013?
•    Geo-Engineering: Chemtrails, Cover-Ups and Human Experiments
•    Chemtrails: Why In The World Are They Spraying? And When Will They Learn?
•    Agenda 21: The Dark Underbelly of Sustainable Development
•    The ElectroMagnetic War on Humanity
•    HAARP: Weather Altering, Earthquake Making Machine

About the author:

William Thomas is an award-winning investigative reporter with over four decades’ experience. His feature writing and photography have appeared in more than 50 publications in eight countries, with translations into French, Dutch and Japanese. A life-long environmental campaigner, his video documentary “Eco War” won the 1991 US Environmental Festival award for “Best Documentary Short”. Recipient of four Canadian feature-writing awards, William has been writing about wireless hazards since the publication of “Scorched Earth” in 1991. His most recent book “Chemtrails Confirmed” records his ongoing chemtrails investigations. Visit his website:

See also:

Emergency Alert! Fukushima Radiation Remains a Serious Threat to North America and Europe — Including Norway


Emergency Alert!  Fukushima Radiation Remains a Serious Threat  to North America and Europe — Including Norway

By William Fox

Dear Fellow Norwegian or U.S. Citizen:

Below please find my letters to Members of the Norwegian Parliament and also officials at the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Washington, D.C. outlining critical Fukushima-related issues, which still have no end in sight.  I address not only environmental but also very serious national security-related concerns for both the U.S. and European countries.

More recently, I transcribed “Alfred Webre interview with Leuren Moret: Fukushima HAARP nuclear attack by CIA, DOE, BP for London banks,” dated 7 May 2011, available both as an embedded video and in transcript form on a web page I created at:

In this interview radiation scientist Leuren Moret describes the horrific impact she anticipates on fishing industries across the Pacific:

The fisheries in the North Pacific –the big salmon runs in Alaska, all of that is going to be contaminated and there will be a catastrophic drop in the fishing catch, I can guarantee, because just bomb-testing in the North Pacific did that, and that was not nearly as much radiation as what has been released from Fukushima.

Other reactor sites besides Fukushima such as Sellafield in the UK continue to pose an extremely serious threat to Scandinavia and even the shorelines of continents outside of Europe.  Ms. Moret notes:

…A scientist on … the environmental committee in the [UK] Parliament …said that Sellafield is the biggest nuclear polluter in the world. And so I began to wonder why the British would be dumping such huge amounts of radiation into the Irish Sea which has now migrated throughout Scandinavia and contaminated their fisheries, and has gone into the Arctic. But what was more shocking than anything was the discovery through an Indian scientist that that Sellafield radiation had migrated south into the Great Conveyor Belt which is the huge circulation system that loops around the Atlantic up into the Pacific and then back up into the Atlantic and it is what controls climate, and is a tremendous heat sink on the planet. It is a terribly important circulation system that affects everyone, every living thing, and every aspect of physical processes on this earth. And in my article Global Implications of Sellafield, Irish Sea Coast Effect and Beyond, I described the science and the explanation and the physical aspects of how this occurred, and then I was able to document through this Indian scientist the actual number of deaths of Indian infants who were killed by the radiation from Sellafield carried halfway around the world, and then I began to think about that when as the Fukushima disaster rolled out and I realized they are doing exactly the same thing in the Pacific from Fukushima. And that radiation is being leaked into the sea…

In the face of mainstream media suppression, we need to find better ways to educate the general public about grim realities, as well as find more effective approaches for identifying and implementing effective solutions.

I think it would be a good step in the right direction to organize a symposium in a place like Oslo, Norway or some other Scandinavian country to discuss the full range of issues.  This includes not only scientific analyses of reactor, nuclear fuel, and radiation-related issues, but also political analyses of all the various factors that permit these kinds of crises to get completely out of control and ultimately threaten all of humanity.

If you  can help in any way, I would appreciate your assistance.

Please get back to me.

Best regards,

William B. Fox
America First Institute
Sarver, PA  USA

From: William Fox
To: Every Member of the Norwegian Parliament
Sent: Wed, May 25, 2011
Subject: Critical Issues Regarding Fukushima Radiation Raised With Norwegian Embassy Officials

Dear Member of the Norwegian Parliament:

Below please find an open letter that I recently sent to Norway’s Counselor (Environment) at the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Washington, D.C.  In the Appendix please also find my letter to the Defense Attaché at the same embassy.  Both letters are now posted online in my author archive at

I address critical issues that remain urgent for not only for Norwegian and other European national interests, but also for U.S. government officials, military personnel, and the American public at large.

Let us not forget about Americans of Norwegian ancestry — who number over six million — who might get afflicted with high rates of sterility, heart attacks, cancer, and other ailments if they continue to be exposed to accumulating levels of low level radiation without adequate safeguards.

If anyone in Norway wants to help me organize a symposium in your country, I would appreciate hearing from you.

Also, please be aware that radiation expert Leuren Moret (mentioned below), in a recent phone conversation with me said that her study of Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) projections and other forecasting services has revealed indicators that radioactive plumes have been deliberately steered towards Scandinavian countries by a HAARP-related process.

I believe that NILU must immediately reinstate all Fukushima radiation-related data which was withdrawn from the web on May 11th to facilitate the investigation of these and other major issues.

Best regards,

William B. Fox

The Environmental Aspects of the Fukushima Crisis: From the Viewpoint of Both Norwegian and U.S. National Interests

by William B. Fox

May 19, 2011

William B. Fox

Ms. Mary Archer Saether
Counselor (Environment)
Royal Norwegian Embassy
Washington, D.C.

Dear Ms. Saether:

It was a pleasure to meet you at the Norwegian Constitution Day family picnic last Sunday. As per our conversation, the following is an overview regarding how the Fukushima disaster impacts on Norwegian as well as American environmental concerns.

For the sake of efficiency, as well as my policy of encouraging “openness,” “dialog,” and other forms of free flow of information and ideas among officials who may be overly compartmentalized on both sides of the Atlantic, I have decided to copy other embassy and Norwegian ministry personnel to this letter, as well as a number of American officials. I am also blind-copying certain individuals, to include members of the Norwegian-American community. Hence, this is an open letter. Please feel to pass it along to anyone you wish.

Perhaps I should start out by saying that this no ordinary environmental issue. In fact, it is probably totally off the charts compared to anything you have ever dealt with in the course of your normal duties. This crisis feels to me more like a war room scene in a movie like Fail Safe or Dr. Strangelove.

I believe we are now being subjected to massive “dirty nuclear warfare” around the northern hemisphere and are experiencing an ongoing civil defense emergency, whether or not national media sources and various authorities choose to recognize this reality. This is a major reason why I am so aggressive about contacting officials in the U.S. and Europe with open letters and by other means.

In researching the Fukushima crisis, I have come to appreciate the fact that nuclear reactors are basically slow motion atomic bombs. (Albert Einstein reportedly once said “Nuclear power is one hell of a way to boil water” as a means to drive steam turbines to generate electricity). According to Jeff Rense at, and many other sources, the total social costs of extracting nuclear fuel, processing it, handling it, using it, and disposing of it make nuclear power the most costly form of energy.

Now I understand how nuclear power plants which store spent fuel rods in vulnerable locations (according to Alex Jones, the Fukushima reactor park once stored about 640,000 fuel rods spread among the cooling pools positioned over each of the reactors) are essentially prepositioned dirty nuclear bombs waiting to go off. Depending on how much nuclear fuel they have stored which might get exposed to the atmosphere to form radioactive plumes, they can actually cost more fatalities and genetic damage than a limited number of hydrogen bomb explosions.

Therefore, the nuclear reactors in the UK and France are not just the “internal affairs” business of the UK and France, about which Norway and other European countries must not concern themselves. Depending on the magnitude of nuclear materials exposed during a meltdown, and wind direction (which can be manipulated with HAARP technology) it is possible that one or two reactor meltdowns could cause most of Norway to become uninhabitable for hundreds of years.
This obviously becomes very much “Norway’s business” as well as the vital concern of other European countries threatened by plumes that can spread across borders as a consequence of meltdowns.

Please see my recent open letter to Rear Admiral Trond Grytting in the Appendix below which gives more background on myself and the military and international diplomatic implications of this kind of threat and why I think holding symposiums with expert speakers as soon as possible would be an excellent step in the right direction.

There also are many reasons why I have come to view the Fukushima crisis as another false flag “black op” that suggests a form of covert warfare with enormous military/geo-strategic implications.

Unfortunately we saw a dress rehearsal for this catastrophe beginning on 20 April of last year with the explosion on BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig. I sent an open letter to Ambassador Strommen with yourself listed as recipient regarding this disaster dated 3 Oct 2010 and titled “Why Extraordinary Vigilance Remains Necessary Regarding the BP-Gulf Catastrophe“, posted online at .

The Fukushima Catastrophe has many disturbing parallels, as reflected in the Similarities to Handling of BP-Gulf Catastrophe and 9/11 section on my open source intelligence and alternative media summary page on the Fukushima crisis at

Unfortunately the Obama administration passed a very sinister test by being completely subservient to BP and its City of London/Rothschild handlers as the Gulf of Mexico crisis unfolded, just as it now operates in lockstep with GE and its alien overlords during the ongoing Fukushima crisis — which according to my research has pretty much the same ultimate controllers.

I do not envy Ambassador Strommen’s job, because I recognize that Norway has to walk a lot of diplomatic tight ropes based upon its geopolitical situation as a relatively small country thoroughly entangled on a many different levels with much larger countries run by people of extremely questionable character, and I accept this social reality. However, if I might offer my opinion on one particular issue related to diplomacy, it is that I believe that the ultimate controllers of both BP and GE are complete psychopaths, and beyond a certain point efforts to lay low with these vile creatures or appease them actually baits them on just like a “limp fish” signal attracts sharks. I believe their Mossad-CIA proxies are evil enough to sabotage reactors along fault lines in California, in the New Madrid Fault area near the Mississippi river, and also across the UK and France.

I now have the feeling that the Mark I GE nuclear reactors in California and the Midwest are knife blades on the throat of every American, and similarly the reactors in the UK and France are serious threats to Scandinavians, Germans, the Dutch, Italians, and other Europeans.

I think Norway needs to assemble allies who can help ship the specialized equipment necessary to contain any nuclear reactors threatened with meltdown anywhere in the world very early in the crisis development period. In addition, it needs forms of alternative media, intelligence analysis, and military and diplomatic prowess that can monitor and interdict these crises before they spin out of control like Fukushima.

I think Norway should have hung tough with the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), and not removed its forecasts from its main web site on 11 May, although the last time I checked it still posts forecasts at links listed in the comments section of: “5/12/2011 — URGENT !! NILU – Norsk Institute = ZARDOZ = radiation @ VERY HIGH levels (video),” namely at:;O=D.

Removing the forecasts from NILU’s main web site sends a bad signal regarding Norway’s resolve to help other countries on the international stage realistically characterize this crisis in order to gain control over it, as well as serve as a lead watch dog for uncovering anomalies and interdicting future crises. An important part of NILU’s standard mission following the implementation of the Test Ban Treaty is to look for radiation from unauthorized nuclear tests.

Incidentally, Leuren Moret has told me that based upon her analysis of NILU data and other sources, she sees evidence that HAARP controllers have been steering radiation over Iceland and across Scandinavia. If this is correct, there are “higher powers” that are not exactly doing Scandinavia any favors, and of course Norway does not owe them any favors in return either, such as removing the NILU forecasts on Fukushima radiation from the main web site.

Please see some examples of headlines from my Fukushima page at that underscore the seriousness of different environmental issues.

Best regards,

William B. Fox
Publisher, America First Books and the Mike Piper Report and
PO Box 137
Sarver, PA 16055
Online phone number: 832-426-2441

Uncensored/Independent Science on Fukushima Radiation… Another Perspective submitted by Alex Hunter

Uncensored/Independent Science on Fukushima Radiation… Another Perspective

submitted by Alex Hunter

1) Dangers of Nuclear War. Press conference by Helen Caldicott in Montreal.

2) Dr Rosalie Bertell; The New World Order Weaponizing of Space
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3

3) Dr Rosalie Bertell; New World Order and the Chemtrails Connection

4) Japan Tsunami Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 1/2 – Leuren Moret:

Here are their bios as it would take too long to introduce these fine, brave and dedicated women:

Dr Helen Caldicott,

Dr Rosalie Bertell, Ph. D,

Leuren Moret,

As one world government has not yet been completely established, these experts don’t go through Ottawa, Washington, England, Rome, Israel or Germany before they make statements.

In comparison to the lies fed us by the completely controlled media theirs is a much more informed, accurate and realistic perspective on the Fukushima radiation and the threat posed by various nuclear reactors and corporate – military – industrial malfeasants.

The completely controlled media is not a safe source of news. Like our own governments, it is an arm of the globalists’ government and as was intended, it has become what society uses to do their thinking. Subsequently, a desperately misled public (most individuals) gauge their own sanity by their ability to regurgitate the lies fed to them via the media muppets.

If you received this email from me it is because I think you are smart enough to recognise the difference.

What you chose to do about it is of course completely up to you.




Holes In Heaven: H.A.A.R.P. and Advances in Telsa Technology Narrated by Martin Sheen


Contact Alex Hunter at:

A Royal Flush beats a Full House of Winsor: Exchanging your tv for your lost Mind by Alex Hunter


A Royal Flush beats a Full House of Windsor: Exchanging your tv for your lost Mind

by Alex Hunter

By now you’d think we’d all be aware that the charade which is “democracy” is merely a NY Shell Game, a political puppet show put on as one of the mechanisms used to distract us from what is really going on in the world, to keep us from meddling in the decision making process and to conceal the fact we are mere tax slaves in a master slave – society. A global society ruled by a psychopathic, arrogant, inbred and ruthlessly militant global oligarchy.

Left Wing – Liberal, Right Wing – Conservative, Tail Feathers – NDP and I’ll leave it up to your imagination to determine where it is on the ruling group parrot the Green Party comes from.

If people had time to realise what is really going on in the world right now they’d be shocked – horrified even – and eventually they’d become very angry. That is why the globalists employ teams of think tanks, non governmental organisations (NGOs), secret societies and social psychologists to engineer our synthetic reality which is then pimped out to us via their agents of social control, PR departments, political puppets and media muppets.

Shortly after Sept 11th George W Bush stated that all science had to go through Washington. Shortly after that our Canadian PM parroted Bush’s statement; all science had to go through Ottawa, thus neutering it and transmogrifying it into nothing more than globalist propaganda. This is of no small significance or consequence as the elites have cooked up the great global warming swindle to relieve us of ethereal carbon taxes and make a killing on ‘carbon credits’ – and all of it gets deposited straight into the Rothschild’s unaudited Swiss bank account.

That the Rot n’ Royals are ‘experimenting’ on us with their state of the art military – industrial weather, tectonic and psychotronic weaponry (HAARP) is the largest insult to humanity, the Earth and Her creatures. The second largest insult being all of their illegitimate and unnecessary wars followed closely by the pathological monetary – military – industrial – corporate – ‘legal’
global warming – banking swindle and the great global economy swindle.

Since the Earthquake in Japan 5 weeks ago the ‘experts’ and the ‘news’ has delivered you the usual 3 week roller coaster ride of emotionally, psychologically and physically draining information and probably left you bewildered this last couple of weeks. Perhaps out of frustration many of you decided that you would just continue your lives as usual, especially as the ‘experts’ and the ‘news’ said it was safe to do so.

To be crystal clear it is because they lied to us all that we continued to exercise outdoors, bike to work, take the children to soccer, whatever… such is the design and effect of the PR, propaganda, psyops, psycholinguistics, etc pimped out to us from these mind controlled military – industrial malfeasants via their mindless media muppets. In fact it is so advanced now many of you don’t seem to realise we are 9.5 years into WWIII.

I urge you to turn off/throw out your televisions and think for yourselves. The warmongering ruling group psychopaths/sociopaths and their minions masquerading as our ‘incompetent’ leaders seem bent on leading us all to Hell itself. Judging by the myriad of ways we’re being exposed to extremely unhealthy (and  increasingly fatal) health hazards – our ‘regulatory’ bodies notwithstanding – they just can’t seem to be able to do it fast enough.


Contact Alex at:

European Parliament Issues Warnings On HAARP

European Parliament issues warnings on HAARP

March 22, 2011

“HAARP is a project of which the public is almost completely unaware, and this needs to be remedied.”

Toronto, Canada – [ZNN] The daily lives of people seem blissfully unaffected by events about which they know little or nothing. Daily news reports unfold with no mention as to why and how the powerful operate behind the scenes. We pay our mortgages, book our vacations and school our children, as a corporate and government elite engage in projects beyond our wildest imaginations.

Conditioned to accept that ‘all is well’ or, that we are powerless to affect change in a world dis-integrating before our eyes – we conduct our lives until one day it affects us directly – unfortunately by then it’s far too late.

Ask the people of northern Japan how they feel about the last three sentences and the answers they now seek in the aftermath of unimaginable loss and yet another future generation desecrated and ravaged by nuclear radiation.

A European Parliament document may provide a few answers for the inquiring mind. This parliamentary document is not some conspiratorial rant but an official governmental perspective describing authentic concern that a terribly grave technology, which the document calls a weapon, has been unleashed over many years without any public knowledge.

The technology is called HAARP and the European Parliament has put NATO, the US Air Force and Navy on notice, demanding an explanation about their involvement.

One of the most damning statements in the document reveals an American refusal to account for itself regarding HAARP research:
“[The European Parliament]… regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing or any subsequent meeting held by its competent committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the high Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) programme currently being funded in Alaska.”

Caveat – For those among you who feel all is ‘right and true’ with the world and everything you need to know about is in newspapers, or, that those in power have our best interests at heart – you’ve probably read enough by now. There is almost certainly a soap opera or celebrity awards program on TV that you are missing. Or, perhaps you simply do not want to be confused by the facts… You are excused.

However, for those among you who have an inquiring mind or the patience and concern to read about such furtive things as the demise of civilization and geo-political ethics, the document below is very instructive if not despotically frightening.

The document outlines why the strange frequency of bizarre global weather and geo-tectonic disasters appear to be on the rise and why NATO, the US Air Force and US Navy have been held accountable for their knowledge and shrouded use of HAARP technology.

High Frequency Active Auroral Research (HAARP) has been deliberated upon by world governments – but none of them – including the Canadian government have commented on what it is, what it does or how it affects life on the planet.

HAARP may well be the most silent and deadly weapon of all time – primarily because it is invisible to the naked eye and thus, its existence can be denied by government and readily dismissed by media. Those in the forefront of probing and exposing this kind of government behaviour have issued warnings about HAARP for many years. Few pay any heed. The question remains – will anyone listen now?
The European Parliament document
“The European Parliament:
– having regard to the hearing on HAARP and Non-lethal Weapons held by the Foreign Affairs Subcommitee on Security and Disarmament in Brussels on 5 February 1998,”

“T. whereas, despite the existing conventions, military research is ongoing on environmental manipulation as a weapon, as demonstrated for example by the Alaska-based HAARP system,”

“Legal aspects of military activities –

26. Calls on the European Union to seek to have the new ‘non-lethal’ weapons technology and the development of new arms strategies also covered and regulated by international conventions;

27. Considers HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing; regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration to send anyone in person to give evidence to the public hearing or any subsequent meeting held by its competent committee into the environmental and public risks connected with the high Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) programme currently being funded in Alaska;

28. Requests the Scientific and Technological Options Assessment (STOA) Panel to agree to examine the scientific and technical evidence provided in all existing research findings on HAARP to assess the exact nature and degree of risk that HAARP poses both to the local and global environment and to public health generally;

29. Calls on the Commission, in collaboration with the governments of Sweden, Finland, Norway and the Russian Federation, to examine the environmental and public health implications of the HAARP programme for Arctic Europe and to report back to Parliament with its findings;”

“HAARP – a weapons system which disrupts the climate
On 5 February 1998 Parliament’s Subcommittee on Security and Disarmament held a hearing the subject of which included HAARP. NATO and the US had been invited to send representatives, but chose not to do so. The Committee regrets the failure of the USA to send a representative to answer questions, or to use the opportunity to comment on the material submitted.

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) is run jointly by the US Air Force and Navy, in conjunction with the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Similar experiments are also being conducted in Norway, probably in the Antarctic, as well as in the former Soviet Union.

(22) HAARP is a research project using a ground based apparatus, an array of antennae each powered by its own transmitter, to heat up portions of ionosphere with powerful radio beams.(23) The energy generated heats up parts of the ionosphere; this results in holes in the ionosphere and produces artificial ‘lenses’.

HAARP can be used for many purposes. Enormous quantities of energy can be controlled by manipulating the electrical characteristics of the atmosphere. If used as a military weapon this can have a devastating impact on an enemy. HAARP can deliver millions of times more energy to a given area than any other conventional transmitter. The energy can also be aimed at a moving target which should constitute a potential anti-missile system.

The project would also allow better communications with submarines and manipulation of global weather patterns, but it is also possible to do the reverse, to disrupt communications. By manipulating the ionosphere one could block global communications while transmitting one’s own. Another application is earth-penetrating, tomography, x-raying the earth several kilometres deep, to detect oil and gas fields, or underground military facilities. Over-the-horizon radar is another application, looking round the curvature of the earth for in-coming objects.

From the 1950s the USA conducted explosions of nuclear material in the Van Allen Belts(24) to investigate the effect of the electro-magnetic pulse generated by nuclear weapon explosions at these heights on radio communications and the operation of radar.

This created new magnetic radiation belts which covered nearly the whole earth. The electrons travelled along magnetic lines of force and created an artificial Aurora Borealis above the North Pole. These military tests are liable to disrupt the Van Allen belt for a long period. The earth’s magnetic field could be disrupted over large areas, which would obstruct radio communications. According to US scientists it could take hundreds of years for the Van Allen belt to return to normal.

HAARP could result in changes in weather patterns. It could also influence whole ecosystems, especially in the sensitive Antarctic regions.

Another damaging consequence of HAARP is the occurrence of holes in the ionosphere caused by the powerful radio beams. The ionosphere protects us from incoming cosmic radiation. The hope is that the holes will fill again, but our experience of change in the ozone layer points in the other direction. This means substantial holes in the ionosphere that protects us.

With its far-reaching impact on the environment HAARP is a matter of global concern and we have to ask whether its advantages really outweigh the risks. The environmental impact and the ethical aspect must be closely examined before any further research and testing takes place. HAARP is a project of which the public is almost completely unaware, and this needs to be remedied.

HAARP has links with 50 years of intensive space research for military purposes, including the Star Wars project, to control the upper atmosphere and communications. This kind of research has to be regarded as a serious threat to the environment, with an incalculable impact on human life. Even now nobody knows what impact HAARP may have. We have to beat down the wall of secrecy around military research, and set up the right to openness and democratic scrutiny of military research projects, and parliamentary control.

A series of international treaties and conventions (the Convention on the prohibition of military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques, the Antarctic Treaty, the Treaty on principles governing the activities of states in the exploration and use of outer space including the moon and other celestial bodies, and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea) casts considerable doubt on HAARP on legal as well as humanitarian and  political grounds. The Antarctic Treaty lays down that the Antarctic may be used exclusively for peaceful purposes.

(25) This would mean that HAARP is a breach of international law. All the implications of the new weapons systems should be examined by independent international bodies. Further international agreements should be sought to protect the environment from unnecessary destruction in war.”

[This document was written 13 years ago.]

Although there seems to be no official or current governmental and scientific confirmation of the effects of HAARP technologies in your local newspaper or on the 11:00 o’clock news – the people of Japan might want an update.

Sources :-

Entire Text of European Document –…DOC+XML+V0//EN
Other References:

Government Briefings –

CBC’s Wendy Mesly TV coverage:
YouTube – HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control part 1
