Monitoring & tracking the criminal toxic chemical spraying of Beautiful British Columbia's land and people

Chemtrails over the USA

The Sky Does NOT Lie by Rand Clifford for Veterans Today

The Sky Does NOT Lie

Posted by Veterans Today on February 2, 2015

Chemtrail Planet

by Rand Clifford for Veterans Today

I’m writing with a view of southern sky spanning fully east to west. The winter sun is going for a touchdown to the southwest. The sky is mostly clear except for the geoengineering aerosol spray engulfing the sun with milk and spilling eastward. A dot is creeping from the milky end zone of the sun, spraying eastward….

An official term for what I am watching, which is officially not happening, is “Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering” (SAG); another official term for what is officially not happening as I watch it: “Solar Radiation Management” (SRM). Funny thing, an aerosol assault on sunshine sure appears to be what I’m seeing.

When this morning’s fog began to clear, spray planes had obviously been very busy dogging the sun. Most planes sprayed horizon to horizon east to west or west to east, eighty percent of them near the path of the sun. Sometimes they don’t turn on the spray until approaching the sun…and turn off the spray a ways past the sun. Also, on moderate spray days, virtually all aerosol is sprayed near the track of the sun. So SRM is obviously an objective…but they also spray at night, often in the face of the moon. Complications galore, the aerosols are quite the toolkit, but SAG is uncomplicated in terms of exactly what it looks like right now: spraying of aerosol sunscreen.

Another plane is spraying east-to-west just below the plane clearing the Idaho panhandle, spraying Montana. In a stretch of a trail several minutes old, aerosols are getting ropy on the downside…weepy-looking…taking on an edge of teeth on a giant bandsaw blade; aerosols cutting through stratosphere to smear into cloud….

Touchdown, the sun has fuzzed out of sight in the creamy end zone.

A bulky new trail, aerosols still in the sun at 40,000 feet and blushing…on their way to flaming in orange and pink, even smears of purple as dusk creeps around down here….

“Conspiracy theory” right in my face, graphic display of why things branded as conspiracy theory usually turn out to be true; a sky full of why so many people are fouled as “conspiracy theorists” for telling the truth.

Here’s how Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary defines conspiracy:

1: the act of conspiring together 2:a: an agreement among conspirators b: a group of conspirators (see also, cabal)

conspire: to join in secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement b: SCHEME

cabal: the artifices and intrigues of a group of persons secretly united to bring about an overturn or usurpation esp. in public affairs

The definition of conspiracy is fundamentally and realistically the definition of not only government, but of most any exercise of power over the masses. Doesn’t that make the term “conspiracy theory” ridiculous? “Dry dust”, or, “wet water” make about as much sense. Ridiculous and stupefying—fundamentals of psyops, fueling: confusion.

The term “conspiracy theory”, linguistically barbaric, is a  potent psyop with amazing power to stifle independent thought. No thinking required, simply default to: “conspiracy theory” if you’d rather not…think about it. Independent thought is the enemy of government. Psyops like 9/11 are weapons of mass destruction targeting independent thought.

Again, exercise of government power over the governed is, by definition, nothing but conspiracy. Yet “conspiracy theory” has become an institution of social pressure to not question authority. After all:

The world’s so scary, somebody has to be trusted with authority—look what terrorists did on 9/11!

False flag terror like 9/11 is bad enough, but authority spraying the planet with death, shouldn’t that illuminate questions regarding trust in authority? Is it really so difficult to look up and think at the same time?


The unfortunate term, “chemtrails” was crafted to obscure what is obvious to anyone handy with looking up and thinking at the same time. Enormous difference between thinking, and reacting as programmed. Certainly, non-metallic chemicals are part of the geoengineering milk, but what of the cream? What exactly are we being sprayed with?
Researchers consistently identify in Geoengineering Aerosol Spray (GAS):
Aluminum oxide particles, barium salts, barium titanates, ethylene dibromide, cadmium, methyl aluminum, desiccated human red blood cells, nano-aluminum-coated fiberglass, sub-micron particles (containing live biological matter), polymer fibers, unidentified bacteria, enterobacteria cloacal, enterobacteriaceae, mycoplasma, human white blood cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA), mold spores, bacilli and molds, yellow fungal mycotoxins, lead, mercury, nitrogen trifluoride, nickel, calcium, chromium, radioactive cesium, radioactive thorium, selenium, arsenic, titanium shards, silver, streptomyces, strontium, uranium….

Millions of people seem happy to call GAS, “contrails”. Two main problems with equating GAS and water:
1) Contrails are born to die, cannot grow into clouds.
2) Virtually all military tankers and commercial aircraft now use high-bypass turbofan jet engines which rarely produce condensation trails. [1]
Check out what Wikipedia says about contrails:
“Depending on the temperature and humidity at the altitude the contrails form, they may be visible for only a few seconds or minutes, or may persist for hours and spread to be several miles wide. The resulting cloud forms may resemble cirrus, cirrocumulus, or cirrostratus, and are sometimes called cirrus aviaticus. Persistent spreading contrails are thought by some, without overwhelming scientific proof, to have a significant effect on global climate.”
Dear readers, witness Wikipedia at maximum disinformation. Streaks of condensed water: “…may persist for hours and spread to be several miles wide”.  Glorious psyop even without the imaginary “…cirrus aviaticus”! The only clouds “cirrus aviaticus” might be are condensation of authority to fog vulnerable minds into ignoring “chemtrails”.
Most of the air breathed by high-bypass turbofan jet engines bypasses where contrails are born,  the combustion chamber.
Compared to ephemeral streaks of condensed water, GAS is immortal…indeed spreading for miles—that’s the job of geoengineering aerosol spray. Wikipedia boasts of being “…THE major source of information in the world”, even bragging with standard Zionist chutzpah that:
“Wikipedia is “…under constant, paid review of Zionist assets.”
Zionist “assets” control virtually all commercial media and the majority of Internet traffic. Their spell is keeping millions of people oblivious to geoengineering aerosols. And of course, every effort is made to keep people from looking up.
Consider the dynamic: “Who wants to believe that people we vote for would allow us to be sprayed with poisons”?
It’s so easy to surrender to the default: “contrails”, so easy to ignore what the sky says. Problem is, geoengineering is perhaps the greatest threat to life on Earth ever conceived. Not an asteroid impact, or Yellowstone eruption…this is engineered biocide on a global scale.
Default: death.
But some people remember deep blue skies, can tell the difference between vanishing streaks of condensation, and geoengineering aerosol spray.


Goengineering Aerosols and HAARP
Some people even know that the exceptionally theatrical “Polar Vortex” is an engineered psyop. Here’s a superb video that details exactly how aerosols teamed with ionospheric heaters such as HAARP can alter the jet stream, pulling down frigid polar air until Dallas Texas and Northeastern Siberia share the same temperature. [2]
If you want to know how much GAS is going to be sprayed above where you live, please visit: Chemtrail Forecast Network [3]
Several times in the last few years it has been officially announced that HAARP was going to be terminated, yet its evil continues. Please visit: HAARP Status Network. [4]
A 1996 United States Air Force report titled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025″ states: “In 2025, US aerospace forces can ‘own the weather’ by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing on development of those technologies….” Geoengineering aerosols and HAARP are key “emerging” technologies.
The full report listing a wide variety of weather modification and weather weapon capabilities is available on the official USAF website.
Also of interest is this video from GeoEngineering Watch titled: “Military to Own The Weather In 2025 – Chemtrails HAARP Space Weapons”. [5]
The USAF even has a training manual for chemtrails.
For those confronting “chemtrails” with an open mind, some of the best information is on government/military official sites. For those inclined to pay attention, there’s the sky. Damage on the ground is more obvious every day. And the damage to human health is accelerating. GAS even has its own signature disease: Morgellons [6] to go with the more pandemic, “Chemtrail Syndrome”. [7]
Zionist-occupied government is spraying vast amounts of our money to GAS us while the fed (Rothschild parasite disguised as part of the federal government) sprays the elite with fresh dollars charged to us at compound interest.
Natural predators take only what they need to survive, improving genetic integrity of their prey. Humanity’s psychopathic predators destroy what they need to survive.
Please consider the elite’s contempt for humanity in terms of what humanity might achieve if not being hounded by psychopaths. The elite subject humanity to continuous and vicious demonic predation, mutilation of mind, body and soul—then scorn humanity’s condition! But…with so many millions of us writing off GAS as “persistent contrail”, even when it’s sprayed day and night right in our faces, we seem to earn the contempt.
The only way such psychopathic evil can flourish is for people born with a conscience, born with humanity, to just watch.








Rand Clifford’s novels are published by StarChief Press. Email contact:

Breaking News: Air Raids, Chemical Weapons Hit California by Richard Sacks

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Breaking News: Air Raids, Chemical Weapons Hit California

By Richard Sacks
Posted Friday, December 27, 2013

This Chemical Weapons Assault Targets Us, And We Don’t Even Complain

Since at least the 1990′s, chemical weapons have been used in a spray form against the American people from the air, on a more or less continuous basis.  The attacks continue today.  The planes are not the air force of some other country or terrorist organization.  Thanks to the courage of recent whistleblowers, we now have confirmed that they are military aircraft and private contractors working for the U.S. government or its agencies, in cooperation with similar programs under way in many other parts of the world.  Though even local and state government agencies have refused to test soil, water or air samples delivered to them from heavily sprayed areas to identify the chemicals dropped from these planes, we now have extensive data from private labs indicating some of the components of the chemical weapons being used.  We know there are may sophisticated “recipes” involved, but the majority include toxic metals, such as aluminum, barium, strontium, and sometimes others such as lead.  There are also sophisticated chemical ingredients that are capable of many types of destructive effects on soil and all levels of natural life forms, as well as disruptive effects on natural weather patterns and human health.

The Chemtrails – HAARP Combination And The Killer Drought

Possibly in combination with the effects of the HAARP system (see “Angels Don’t Play This Haarp” by Dr. Nick Begich), the calculated spraying of these toxic metal mixtures are capable of radically changing normal jetstream patterns, thus causing climate disruption, and this has now been used to create an extremely severe protracted drought over northern California, where reservoirs that are needed to sustain California agriculture are now near empty.  The implications of this fact are sobering.

This drought-creation effect is extremely important as it is being used in northern California, where it is causing severe damage to California’s agricultural crops, and threatening much worse.   This is happening at the same time as the as the U.S. government’s plan to destroy the U.S. economy moves into its final stages.  Together, these simultaneous programs could lead to non-availability of many foods in the U.S., and prices so high on what is left that most people could not afford to buy it.  For many months now, each storm that comes normally in off the Pacific Ocean to bring rain to the drought stricken area is dissipated with extensive spraying (see detailed accounts at  The small amount of moisture that does fall is toxic.  With orchards already dying and being pulled out due to lack of necessary water, California cannot withstand this continued attack on all its life forms and its soil, especially when combined with the nuclear emergency conditions that continue as a result of the Fukushima disaster.  See an in depth discussion of the details of this combined assault (chemical attack and radioactive fallout), including scientific commentary on the ingredients in the chemical sprays that are affecting human health, at .

Who Benefits

One of the interesting features of this multi-pronged chemical attack is that there are financial beneficiaries, even while the economic well being of the country as a whole and individual Americans is being decimated.  One class of major beneficiary is the financial interests that control America’s so-called “health care” system, which brings in far more money when huge numbers of people stay permanently sick.  Even those conscientious individuals who take care of their health by buying organic fresh foods and clean, non-fluoridated water, exercise regularly and use positive attitudes to keep stress low, are forced now to breathe poisoned air, courtesy of this massive government spray program, which officially does not exist.  The other big winner (or at least they hope to be) in this deadly scenario is Monsanto and its biotech industry corporate colleagues who produce GMO’s and sell out the public’s well being to build their fortunes and their control over agriculture.  When the chemical spraying poisons the soils with metals like aluminum, not only agricultural crops but even forest trees and other wild flora can no longer grow.  They are gradually dying out now, and much more rapidly in the artificially produced drought areas.  Monsanto and friends are planning to replace them with their toxic GMO counterparts, and they are working with universities like Cornell and others to develop the GMO forest trees as fast as possible, to complement their offerings of GMO agricultural crops that will grow in aluminum contaminated soils.  If you think you or your family will enjoy good health eating foods with any GMO ingredients you need to educate yourself to know how to avoid these “foods.”  See Jeffrey Smith’s “Seeds of Deception” and numerous youtube lectures, to learn what GMO’s mean to you and how to avoid them.

Program Goals: Kill The Weather, Kill The Soil, Kill The People

Dane Wigington, lead researcher for, says the spraying currently underway both over California and out over the Pacific Ocean is blocking close to 100% of the normal northern California rainfall, to make sure the killer drought continues, along with warm temperatures overall.  Interestingly in his own area, Dane has witnessed the falling of small amounts of toxic “snow” that stays frozen on the ground up to weeks at a time, in spite of temperatures far above freezing, due to an as yet unanalyzed chemical cocktail that changes the “snow’s” characteristics.  At the same time, of course, Californians and others in almost all parts of the U.S. are now breathing toxic air laced with nano-sized aluminum and other poisonous compounds that easily cross the blood-brain barrier and affect all organs of the body in destructive ways.  You are referred to famed neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock’s interview, “What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain” for more details, at .

All of the U.S. and now most of the rest of the world is being chemically assaulted by high altitude jets that have been photographed with the poison spray billowing out of nozzles specially mounted on the aircraft.  Combining the high-def video evidence of spraying n progress with the brave testimony of military and other whistleblowers, the debate about whether or not the chemtrails assault is real is over.   The media, like most government agency personnel, continue to label those concerned about the attacks as “conspiracy theorists” (a.k.a crazy people), but this tactic is not fooling the public as well as it has in the past.  More people are realizing that what we used to consider as the “news media” is in reality just the public relations mouthpiece of a few huge corporations that own most of the news channels in the U.S., and feed what they want the public to hear and believe, through teleprompters, to their paid actors called news anchors and commentators.  They would laugh at the concept of “telling the truth,” it is not their objective to undermine their own programs by letting the public in on what is really going on.

Dimming The Sunlight, Stealing Money And Food

What is really going on is a multifaceted attack on the people of not only California, and not only the U.S., but the entire world.   It is orchestrated by the very governments people rely on to protect them, and by the huge corporations that most people would never imagine were working to intentionally destroy them and their world, yet that is the case.  Now that the attacking aircraft have sprayed enough toxic metal into the atmosphere to blanket the entire globe, and about 22% of the incoming sunlight that sustains life on Earth can now no longer even reach the surface of the planet (, we are all breathing toxic metal particles so tiny that they can pass virtually any filter system and invade our bodies.  Yet the situation with the targeting of northern California is especially important, even against such a dire overall background, because of the implications for food shortages that could arrive at the same time as new levels of economic destruction, brought to us by the same people that are directing the chemtrail program.

Chemtrails Or Geoengineering?

People wonder what is the real difference between “chemtrails” and “geoengineering.”  The difference is mainly that if you use the term chemtrails, you are considered a nut, and will be laughed at as a conspiracy theorist by many who are ignorant of the ongoing program, or who are paid to help cover it up.  If you use the term geoengineering (referring to exactly the same phenomenon, of course), then you are deemed to be more “scientific” and it can be explained to you that if geoengineering is ever actually attempted on a large scale, which may be necessary to save humanity from global warming or climate change, whichever is happening at the moment, then of course your government will let you know, but as of right now, it is only a possible option being considered for sometime in the future.  If you are a person interested in stopping the spraying, whatever it is called, and you want to be able to hold a conversation with “scientists” or most government or media people, then you have to use the term geoengineering.  For myself, it bothers me to grace this kind of genocidal military attack on humanity with any term indicating it is some kind of “engineering,” when in fact it appears to be mass murder of both people and environment at the same time.  To call it some kind of engineering is about like calling an attacker who breaks into your home to shoot you, a home penetration engineer.  But then, perhaps that’s just my own extreme point of view, I don’t have enough respect for these criminals to make believe they are engineers.  I understand that game must be played to get into establishment circles of discussion on the subject.

A Note On Global Warming

As the debate rages on regarding whether global warming is really happening or not, many good people who care about the fate of planet Earth, waste their energy in this argument.  If global warming were not real, the undersea methane fields would not be melting at an alarming rate, releasing huge amounts of methane gas into the atmosphere, which they are unquestionably doing (see data at  Still, the debate about warming or cooling is practically irrelevant, as whichever is true will eventually be obvious to everyone.  What is important to realize fully is that clean and free energy systems that would successfully replace the dirty and unnecessary practice of burning fossil fuels would already be everywhere if they were not actively and violently suppressed by governments including that of the U.S. and industries that profit from the use of fossil fuels.

Even if fossil fuels did not cause global warming, they have caused massive pollution worldwide, and are not needed by humanity at this point.  Nuclear power has always been an insane choice or worse (intentionally destructive by those who knew all along), and now, when it is about to make the entire planet unlivable, even its supporters are hard pressed to deny this fact.  Only corrupt governments (unfortunately including the U.S.) and industry heads who are happy to profit from the destruction of the world, are still promoting nuclear power.

Making It Stop

Once you realize the reality of the assault that you and your family are under every day now, breathing the spray residue whether the jets are flying that day or not, then really the only question should be, how do we get this to stop?  Most people talking about this issue agree that informing the sleeping public that the attack is happening is an important first step.  Social media can of course be used to spread this awareness (see and associated facebook group now with over 14.000 members).  Excellent and effective educational posters are also available from  Some organizations like the Natural Solutions Foundation ( have developed sophisticated electronic systems to make it easy for millions of people to get messages to their “representatives” and others in decision making positions, and are using these systems in the effort to stop chemtrails and numerous other government and corporate crimes.

Since most of the public is still allowing themselves to be hypnotized by the lies of the corporate media, whose job it is to keep them completely out of touch with reality, it is important to keep a constant barrage of communications going to the media outlets.  There are actually good people in the mainstream media, and sometimes they have a chance to expose some important truths before they get fired for being so presumptuous (e.g. Judge Napolitano and others like him).  Local newspapers and radio stations need constant pressure as well.   Although most talk radio tries to pre-censor their callers to avoid anything they consider controversial or too close to the truth on air, you can certainly call in, and then at the last minute once you are on the air, just spontaneously decide to discuss chemtrails and give references for people to check.

Attorneys, Other Legal Professionals Are Needed

Legal professionals are also needed, who may be able to bring lawsuits against parties responsible for poisoning us and our environment.  The federal U.S. law actually does allow for lethal experiments to be done by our government on its own people (i.e. it says these activities are strictly not allowed UNLESS and then lists all kinds of cases such as for “science” that it is OK to go right ahead).  Highly recommended for those interested in learning more about how the federal government and its state and local counterparts actually work, is investigative researcher/reporter Clint Richardson’s great documentary, The Corporation Nation ( ) .  Even most attorneys are not aware of the vital information in this valuable presentation.  Remember, even though it is officially “legal” in the U.S. for your government to perform lethal tests on you as long as the motive is in the acceptable list of reasons, high visibility lawsuits to expose this criminality embedded in the law could be very helpful.  For example it could be shown that such laws allowing mass murder were unconstitutional.  If that could be done, the legal foundations that allow the spray attacks to be considered legitimate might be able to be removed.

What Happens When Mass Murder Is Called “Legal?”

At some point, however, making a law that some activity is acceptable does not really make it OK.  The original common law principles did not allow for murder, no matter by what name it might be called, and any law that did allow it would be considered of no effect.

To Respond Or Ignore – What Are The Odds Of Our Success?

Some have mentioned that once the government and the power structure above it that actually direct what government does (no, that’s not us, even in America) have the assault aircraft flying over our heads every day and once they have become a familiar part of the landscape to the average oblivious person being sprayed, then they have the mechanism in place to eliminate most or all of us suddenly by just changing the mix in the spray, any time they want to do so.  As a result, we have no guarantee we can win this contest to get our lives back from an insane power structure that sees us as expendable, or worse as its enemy.  However, if we don’t stand up and do our best to try, any chance we might have had for success is lost, and then we can say for sure that are chances are zero.  When our lives are finally ending, and we look back on how we spent the time we had, lets do what we have to now, so that at that time we will not be ashamed of our efforts, the principles we lived by, and the contributions we made, out of care for ourselves, our families, and all of our fellow creatures in the bigger family of creation on our beautiful planet Earth.   If we do are best, whatever happens in the end, we have already succeeded in the real effort to remain true to ourselves and to that which we love.

We are many, while those directing these programs of destruction from the top positions of power are few.  We are not the helpless, dependent and stupid beings they want us to think we are.  There is brilliance, creativity, resilience and courage in each and every single one of us.  Let’s live up to our real heritage and who we really are.


eXtreme Chemtrails Amsterdam filmed by Fred Grauf 9 February 2011 Nato Aerosol Crimes in Netherlands?



Hi Arthur,

Joe Greene here from Harrisburg PA.

I picked the “smartest” dummies from in here, a real estate office of 70 and have been doing this little experiment as to what point someone, anyone will agree something is really wrong in the sky. Here is the latest vid I’m using to make my visual case…

After that link, I now then send them to your new site to take in a little well-deserved abuse.

Attached is a pic I took with my phone some 6 weeks ago, nothing unusual they say?

My one dummy thinks “60 Minutes” would have jumped on this if there was anything at all to it (the same people who now own the sky’s also own the media)



Reply to Joe from BCCA Webmin:

Hi Joe,

As Fred repeatedly says in the video “UNBELIEVABLE!!!”.

Wow, what a video and what a great thing you’re doing. It ought to wake up at least a few dummies no? 🙂

I will get this up on the site asap!

Much appreciated Joe,
