Monitoring & tracking the criminal toxic chemical spraying of Beautiful British Columbia's land and people


Chemtrails and Monsanto: Controlling & Culling the “Useless Eaters”

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By Arthur Topham

BCCA Moderator

My wife and I are both concerned about the source of our food and whether or not it’s been adulterated or sprayed or if it contains genetically modified organisms such as the frankenfoods that Monsanto is attempting to introduce throughout Canada and the USA and other non-European countries.

This evening while she was canning up some apples that we’d picked locally from a friend’s trees we were discussing the issue of ingredients such as aluminum that have been identified in the chemtrail sprays that are ever present in our skies on a daily basis now. Given that Monsanto has already patented particular GMO crops that are able to grow in soils containing high levels of aluminum it appears plainly obvious that the intent of these spraying programs is to eventually destroy our natural, God-given biological soil medium so that normal, organic plants won’t be able to survive and only the GMO varieties will.

The outcome of course will be absolute control of the food supplies for untold millions of people and from then on the negative effects of these frankensteinish ingredients will work their nefarious way into the living cells of all their victims and the ensuing sickness and disease that will follow will be an added bonus to these same criminals who are now responsible for poisoning the air, water and soil because, they just happen to also control the medical industry and the drug industry as well and we all know that sickness is an industry that makes megabucks for those who control the pharmaceutical end of it.

It’s all rather sordid and incredibly irresponsible on the part of these transnational corporations and those who are aware of what they’re up too had better start making a stink about it if they want to avoid what’s coming down the track. Another generation or two and we’ll all be looking like those Mutant Ninja Turtles that our kids used to play with!

“WHO in the World is Spraying?” from Michael J. Murphy

Screen Shot 2013-08-19 at 10.50.44 PM“WHO in the World is Spraying?” “WHO” in the World is Spraying?

Fellow chemtrail/geoengineering activists,

Thank you for helping to make the chemtrail/geoengineering movement one of the fastest growing movements around the world.   Our third film, “WHO” in the World is Spraying?” is currently in production by the proven, most effective and award winning team of Producers: Michael J Murphy and Barry Kolsky.  The last films, “WHAT in the World are They Spraying?” and “WHY in the World are They Spraying?”,  have made the chemtrail/geoengineering issue a household name.   The support of our films and activism from people around the world has helped to awaken millions of people who are now active in getting these damaging programs stopped.  In order to wake up the rest of the world and stop these programs immediately, we need to have the best and most effective production, advertising and investigation team.

While millions of people now believe that geoengineering is the greatest threat to natural life on our planet, we are still faced with the reality of these programs as test from around the world continue to reveal the continued aerosol assault in our skies. In previous films, every answer has lead us to a new question. The first film,  “What in the World are They Spraying?, we proved the reality that these programs are a reality and are destroying eco-systems and human health around the world. In the second film, “WHY in the World are They Spraying?” we answered the question of one of the of the many agendas behind these damaging programs , “weather control.” This film quickly became an award winning film because it revealed the fact that geoengineering/weather control is a very effective way to consolidate an enormous amount of both monetary and political power into the hands of a few at the expense of all natural life on our planet.

To meet our goals in stopping these crimes, we are expecting this to be our most expensive project to date.   Because we believe this to be the most important issue that has ever been addressed, we allow all of our films on this subject to be made available to the public for free. While it enables millions to be made aware of the direness of these crimes, it is impossible for us to complete the project without partnerships. That is why we need your support by becoming a funding partner and/or by pre-ordering, “WHO in the World is Spraying?” With your help, we will achieve our goals in putting an end to geoengineering.

While there are literally thousands of questions yet to be answered, the one that is believed by many, to be the answer to stopping these damaging programs is: “WHO” in the World is Spraying?” While we believe there are thousands of governments and corporations who are involved with chemtrail/geoengineering programs, there are some that we have found to be the “key players” in the daily, ongoing destruction of our planet.  “WHO in the World are They Spraying?” is an investigation into the main governments, corporations, and ultraistic individuals who are responsible for these crimes.  When they are revealed through this film, we believe that we will quickly see an end to the daily poisoning of all life on our planet and thus, the restoration of nature and humanity.

Since the release of “WHY” in 2012, we have continued our research and tracking data that is leading us in the direction of implicating certain governments, corporations and individuals. We have found a pattern of individuals and corporate/governmental entities who are behind these clandestine operations.  With your support, we can make “WHO in the World is Spraying?” become another multi-award winning film that will put an end to these crimes.  Also, because this film is expected to reach the critical mass that is needed to end these programs, our goal is to have it in theaters around the world.   This will activate millions more around the world to become educated, activated, and effective in addressing this issue. To be a part of what many are considering to be the most important issue that we will ever face, go to and pre-order and DVD or become a funding partner.

Thanks again for your support and as always, “keep looking up!!!!!”

Michael J. Murphy

Former BC Premier Bill Vander Zalm blows the whistle on Chemtrails! by Arthur Topham

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[EDITOR’S NOTE: Once again B.C.’s former controversial premier Bill Vander Zalm has taken the courageous step of speaking out on an issue that has been plaguing hundreds of thousand of people around the world for close to two decades – the controversial issue of Chemtrail spraying of the earth’s atmosphere. In my own case I cannot thank Bill enough for finally taking this issue by the horns and demanding that government and politicians come clean on what the hell has been going on for so many years. It truly is a major breakthrough in terms of gaining coverage and I would personally like to than Bill for taking this stand. Please listen to Bill’s radio show talk on this issue and pass this message to everyone you know.]

Former BC Premier Bill Vander Zalm blows the whistle on Chemtrails!

August 17, 2013


Former BC Premier Bill Vander Zalm blows the whistle on Chemtrails!

Bill Vander Zalm puts politicians on notice

Former Premier of British Columbia acknowledges chemtrails in public letter

Former Premier of British Columbia, Bill Vander Zalm sent the following letter to dozens of politicians across BC

August 14, 2013

We’re told that “Global Warming”, now conveniently called “Climate Change”, is a threat to Agriculture and therefore an issue of National Security. As a National Security issue, whatever they do to combat climate change, can be kept out of the public domain.

For years, many people have observed, what we were told to be, “Con-Trails” (Airplane engine condensation trails), but different from the contrails as we used to see them. Instead of dissipating quickly, they spread, stayed in the atmosphere for a pro-longed period, and if a lot of them, criss-crossing, caused a more cloudy sky. In the Pacific Northwest, we often suffer cloudy skies, the evidence was not always visible, but many people here, as elsewhere, referred to the cloud forming trails as “Chem-Trails”, trails not caused by water condensing but trails full of toxic substances to supposedly fight Global Warming.

In government circles it is referred to as “Geo-engineering”, it’s manipulating the earth weather system. Scary stuff, especially when we consider the enormous capabilities of the HAARP technology. For the purpose of our submission, to seek information, Geo-engineering and Chem-Trails are defined as a military-industrial complex program in partnership with private contractors and possibly major fuel suppliers and airline companies, whereby planes spray particulate matter into the atmosphere that would otherwise not be there.

It may seem ‘far-fetched’ to some, but it’s only recently that we found out a Drone can see a human face on the ground, from 10,000 ft. up, that the government can monitor every phone call we make and every email we send and a terrorist can detonate a bomb by using a cell-phone from miles away.

Chem-Trails are said to consist of tiny particles of the very harmful toxins, Aluminum and Barium. Toxins that we inhale, poison our water and kill the soil. We can avoid cancer causing second hand smoke, but there’s no way to avoid the far more toxic particles that fall from the sky. Already diseases like Cancer, Alzheimer, Lou Gehrichs, Huntingtons, Parkinsons, Autism and Bone diseases are at a highest level ever, all of which could be directly linked to Aluminum.

Whenever man manipulates nature, be it for profit or politics, the cost and consequences are horrific. Events like the Hurricanes in the East, the Tornadoes in the Mid-West, the flooding  in Toronto, the unprecedented flooding in Calgary, the loss of millions of trees in B.C. due to a pine beetle epidemic, will all be attributed to “Mother Nature” and Climate change and not a mention of Geoengineering.

I would highly recommend that anyone wanting further information, check the internet for well known Neuro Surgeon Dr. Russell L. Blaylock who tells us about Social Engineering by the Elitists, funded by such foundations as “Rockefellers”, Ford and Carnegie.

According to documents released by the National Academy of Sciences, the CIA is funding a scientific study to determine the feasibility of altering the planet’s climate, in order to stave off climate change. When a government agency does a study, it might well be to justify activities already in play.

No such activity, as spraying the atmosphere with toxic chemicals could ever take place without government consent, Federally, State or Provincially and without a detailed agreement governing times, places and materials used. The government of Maui, Hawaii is now considering an Ordinance (law) prohibiting the release of aerosols and other particulates into the atmosphere without informed consent from the people of Maui.

Neither Federal, State or Provincial government has ever announced such a “Climate Control Program” nor denied it existed.

I’m aware that any attempt at rationalizing complicated problems will be characterized, by the Elitists and those they control, as Conspiracy theories, and some will be, but this is then used to stop all attempts at creating a public awareness. Not too long ago, mention of governments telephone evesdropping or screening all our emails, would have been tagged as Conspiracy theory at its worst.

(1) I, Bill Vander Zalm, request through “Freedom of Information”, both Federal and Provincial, all information on file about “Climate Control Programs” with the government or anyone of its Ministries.

(2) I, Bill Vander Zalm, request that Municipal Councils, City Councils and Regional Boards pass a resolution to say that “no particulate matter for climate control be sprayed in the atmosphere above their jurisdiction, without informed consent” and that the issue be presented to the annual meeting of the Union of Municipalities for debate and consideration this September.

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What if Alberta Floods Were Caused by Men? – Rod Taylor

Christian Governance

What if Alberta Floods Were Caused by Men? – Rod Taylor

Saturday, June 29th, 2013

By Rod Taylor


As I write this, floodwaters are moving from Calgary towards Medicine Hat through the Bow and South Saskatchewan rivers. The devastation in Calgary, Canmore, High River and other Alberta communities, including loss of life, has been shocking. As Alberta reels under the impact and concerned Canadians send gifts to help residents deal with the massive infrastructure problems that follow such an event, all of us ponder how such bizarre conditions could so suddenly overwhelm a province which, only a week before, was experiencing a normal June and preparing for regular annual events such as the Calgary Stampede, with little thought that Calgary’s world-class downtown core would soon be a disaster zone. Downstream, in Medicine Hat, volunteers are feverishly sandbagging and taking every step possible to minimize the damage when peak floodwaters hit, as they inevitably will. Our hearts go out to the displaced residents, the grieving families and the teams of men and women in business, government and service organizations who are trying to cope with a world now upside down.

Screen Shot 2013-07-01 at 9.55.57 PMWe all know that disaster can strike an individual, a family, even a nation, at a moment’s notice through a confluence of unforeseen events, unfortunate timing, the laws of nature, atmospheric conditions, plagues, disease and sometimes war, terror and coldly calculated crimes against humanity. I’m always amazed how families and communities can rise from the ashes—or in this case, the mud and debris—and rebuild, regroup and begin anew to hope and dream. All that seems far away now to those hardest hit by the Alberta Floods of 2013 but it will happen. The tragic personal losses, especially of human life, will be marked and remembered by many as a poignant monument to man’s vulnerable place in a delicate and intricate ecosystem.

But what if the high-water events of June, 2013 were not merely the result of naturally occurring storms? What if human activity were implicated in the deadly mix of weather systems that collided over Alberta and brought record-breaking rainfalls on steep snow-covered mountains? No, I’m not caving in to the man-caused global warming agenda. I’m not going to bore you with more vain speculations about “carbon footprints” and unproven theories which are being anxiously passed off as facts. There are those who would like to claim that every unfavourable weather event is yet more evidence that oilsands development leads to catastrophe. I’m not one of them. I believe the oilsands are a marvellous natural resource which can and should be developed (with care) for the benefit of all. What I’m talking about is not a gradual increase in CO2 but a deliberate discharge of chemicals and particulates into our atmosphere.

There is growing evidence that supports the theory that man is manipulating the weather. I have come to the very inconvenient conclusion that some (not all) of the extreme weather events of the past few years have been set in motion by the activities of mankind operating in a realm now being referred to as “geo-engineering”. Geo-engineering is being talked about at world conferences as something mankind might wish to explore in the future and yet strong evidence exists that experiments with the weather have already been taking place for some time. The “contrail / chemtrail” controversy has been kept far from the public eye and those who raise questions are dismissed as “conspiracy theorists”. Yet in Canadian skies, events are taking place regularly which can be seen with the naked eye if only people would “look up” and observe. There is little disagreement that jets flying at high altitudes can sometimes leave a trail of vapour, visible as condensation in the thin, icy atmosphere in which these jets fly. These are known as “contrails”. We’ve all seen them. They are not the topic of my concern.

In recent years, observant sky-watchers have noticed that not all those vapour trails dissipate and vanish, as most do, within a few minutes or even seconds. “Persistent contrails” sometimes linger for hours, spreading themselves thinner and merging with other jet trails or with existing cloud cover until the whole sky is hazy. Unusual cloud formations have been seen, unlike the natural cloud formations we have all seen as we were growing up. Frequently, these hazy skies lead to rainstorms and snowstorms. I’ve seen them myself, I’ve watched and photographed the progression and have—over the past year—gone from being a sceptic to a troubled believer in the concept of chemtrails.


In 1985, Canada passed the Weather Modification Information Act, yet few Canadians know of its existence nor of the activities now taking place in Canadian skies—activities involving the suspected discharge of aluminum particles, barium, strontium and other chemical compounds. Efforts to obtain information about current programs are met with passive resistance and denial. If the worst-case scenarios prove true, Canadians are being lied to and military-type aircraft taking off from bases on American soil are discharging undisclosed substances into Canadian airspace for reasons known only to those involved. These substances may affect our air quality, our weather and our crop production. They may lead to flooding in some areas and drought or heat waves in others.

You may scoff. You may laugh. I did. But I invite you to become an observer. Pay attention to those jet trails that linger. See how they behave. Notice what kind of weather develops. If you want to learn more, visit: one of many sites exposing this little-known activity. If you have the time and the bandwidth, watch the Youtube video called What in the World are they Spraying? and its sequel, Why in the World are they Spraying? 


In this little planet we call home (the one God placed on a 23 ½ degree axis, rotating at just the right distance from the sun so that we neither freeze nor burn…yes, the one with oxygen, fresh water and lots of fruit trees…yes, that one) we enjoy a marvellous variation in weather and seasons. I trust Almighty God to watch over us and give us the weather He deems to be in our best interest. He’s also given us access to His throne so that we can ask Him to provide the rain and the sun we need for crops and our well-being. What a marvellous plan! He’s also given us the time, talent and resources to build shelters, aqueducts, greenhouses and to otherwise control our “local environment” to make ourselves even more comfortable. Nowhere can I see that He wants us to take responsibility for heating or cooling the planet or for making more rain or less. We do not have His infinite wisdom or power. When He makes the thunderclouds and brings the North wind, we know that He knows when “enough is enough!” I could imagine God saying to the human race: “Don’t try this at home!”

God is all-knowing, all-powerful and able to be present everywhere. We are not. Let’s not complicate our world by trying out our technical skills on making it rain. We and our neighbours downstream will have to live with the “unintended consequences”. If this topic is new to you or has piqued your imagination, inform yourself and do your own research. Become a sky-watcher. Keep looking up. I’ll be interested to hear your observations over the summer.

Final note: none of the above is meant to detract an iota from God’s sovereignty over all creation, including the weather and climate. God can and often does overrule mankind’s puny attempts to “do things our way”. However, as we know, He also at times allows sinful man to choose his own destructive lifestyle and practices, even when it results in calamity. When a nation rejects His warnings it cannot count on His blessings. Our nation is polluted with the innocent blood of the preborn. The covenant of marriage between one man and one woman has been despised by the courts, by government decree and in many cases by the shifting will of the people. In our schools, His majestic power in creation has been explained away as the meaningless result of random forces. His name has been sullied and His voice censored. The One who rules the raging of the seas will not surrender His throne to usurpers, neither to abortionists nor those who aspire to take responsibility for the weather. Let us continue to proclaim in the storms of life, in the floods and against the swelling humanist tide that our God reigns over all and will not be mocked.


Rod Taylor
Deputy Leader CHP Canada
Box 724 Telkwa, BC  V0J 2X0
Ph: 250-846-5432 Cell: 250-877-8426
Rod Taylor

Wireless, Chemtrails And You By William Thomas

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Next time you’re on a cellphone looking up at those long lingering plumes spreading across the sky, you might decide to end that call. If you spot any cell towers, roof-mounted transmitters or high-voltage power lines within a mile of your location, you may wish to evacuate the area immediately. And once home, you will want to permanently disconnect all wireless devices, including computer routers and “always-on” portable phone cradles. Because what you see in the sky is what you breathe. And chances are you’ve been breathing barium for more than a decade.

Barium Conducts Electromagnetic Energy

Ever since Captain Kirk teleported to the surface of an alien planet and whipped out his portable communicator, everyone Earthside wanted one. And the telecos gave us flip-phones. Along with compulsive texting, streaming video, online gaming and banking, the worldwide web and more.

It took more than 20 years to connect the first billion subscribers. But only another 40 months to connect the second billion. The three billionth “user” placed a cell phone call just 24 months after that.

Never before in human history have so many embraced such risky technology so fast. In Toronto alone, there are 7,500 cell towers. In the USA: over 190,000.

BioElectric Beings

Everyone fixated on Captain Kirk’s hand-phaser. But his wireless communicator was the real ray gun that could not be dialled down.

Cell phones and “cellular networks” are aptly named. Every transmission disrupts your cells directly. “Human beings are bioelectrical systems. Our hearts and brains are regulated by internal bioelectrical signals. Environmental exposures to artificial EMFs can interact with fundamental biological processes in the human body,” states the landmark BioInitiative metastudy.

As former microwave warfare expert Barry Trower points out, an invisible ocean of electromagnetic waves from radio, radar and TV transmissions, cell towers, smart grids and overhead power cables traveling at the speed of light “can all be reflected and refracted” by metal appliances, rain, snow, glass and conductive materials deliberately sprayed into the air.

You Are an Antenna

A water-filled upright human is a sizeable antenna. And since all moving electrons generate electrical current, all those electromagnetic waves inundating our everyday lives pass into our bodies, where they each generate an electric current. These induced electric currents change the charge on which our complex bioelectrical body/brain/heart network operates to maintain our health and vitality.

Microwaves at 1/10th British safety guidelines emit frequencies causing the biggest changes in cell calcium levels… as reported in the UK Daily Mail.

Wireless Headaches

Headaches can stem from microwave-induced leakage of harmful molecules through the blood-brain barrier. [Electronics Australia Magazine Feb/00]

At one-ten-thousanth of a watt, the blood-brain barrier opens, allowing blood proteins inside to disrupt brain signals and start killing brain cells. A cell phone typically transmits at 2 watts.

Just two minutes on a cell phone, or sitting near a wireless computer router or portable phone cradle, shorts-circuits the electrical ion activity powering the blood-brain barrier. This allows proteins and other blood toxins to enter the brain and resume damaging neurons in thinking and memory centers. Dr. Leif Salford is finding “astonishing number of dead neuron cells, actually suffering holes in their brains from the damage” caused by a single cell phone call.

No wonder wireless-altered brains lead to lack of concentration, memory loss, aggressive behavior, accelerated aging, impaired learning ability and dementia. Fibrils of proteins clumping in electromagnetically-altered brains are an identifying characteristic of Alzheimer’s, Early Onset Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis and cancer patients.

“There is strong evidence that… microwaves are associated with accelerated aging (enhanced cell death and cancer) and moods, depression, suicide, anger, rage and violence, primarily through alteration of cellular calcium ions and the melatonin/serotonin balance,” writes veteran EMF researcher Dr. Neil Cherry in New Zealand.

So Far, So Bad

While hundreds of millions of wireless addicts insist that nothing negative is happening, the effects of this invisible plague are worsening. In the United States, one in six children currently suffers neurological disability. With the much heralded new 4G LTE networks and devices “producing a waveform that maximizes radiation absorption for 3-6 year olds,” writes Simon Best, the accelerating trend is straight up.

The electrosmog blanketing cities worldwide would resemble the murky view from Shanghai’s high-rise windows if it were visible. Just add micro-particulate fallout from undisclosed aerosol spray programs and one in three people can expect to be diagnosed with asthma.

Low frequencies are directly linked with epidemic rates of dementia that threaten to bankrupt Canada, the USA and much of the world within a few decades – just as the challenges and costs of crop-killing climate-shifts, sea-level rises and increasingly costly oil will require all the smarts and cash we can muster.

“The scope of the looming medical-care disaster is beyond comparison with anything that has been faced during the entire history of humanity,” declares dementia expert Dr. Barry Greenberg in Toronto.

The medical-care system is going to be bankrupt by 2050 if we don’t figure out a way to delay or treat Alzheimer’s disease,” echoes U.S. health and human services secretary, Kathleen Sebelius.

Brain cell membranes made leaky by electromagnetic radiation exposure create enough energy to excite neurons into hair-trigger mode, overloading hyperactive brains. More than 1 in 10 children in the United States are currently diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

A 6,000% increase in autism diagnosis in recent years has kept pace with the proliferation of wireless grids and gadgets.

As reported in the UK Telegraph, 1980 to 2000 saw an increase of nearly 50% in the estimated number of new cases of Malignant Brain/Central Nervous System tumors in the United States.

Anyone who starts using wireless devices at any age can expect a 500% risk of developing brain cancer within 10 years – even sooner for children. Using cell and cordless phones is even worse.

“For such a risk to show up in cellphone users within 10 years, given what we know about brain tumours, which is that they can have a latency of 40 years, is deeply, deeply disturbing,” worries Dr. Devra Davis. [MSN June 7/04; Globe & Mail Sept 24/10]

Bye Bye Babies

Up to 16% of North American couples are already experiencing infertility – a near doubling since 1992. In cell tower-festooned Delhi, one in four couples cannot conceive after trying for two years or longer. Surviving sperm are increasingly found to be too damaged to achieve fertilisation. [TNN Aug 13/09]

At current rates, plummeting global sperm counts will hit ‘zero’ by 2048.

Barium Blues

Almost from the beginning of chemtrails consciousness, Clifford Carnicom began documenting high levels of reactive barium salts falling from chemtrails grids over Santa Fe, New Mexico. Carnicom claimed these salts are making the Earth more conductive.

He was right. In the fall of 2002, a long-time landscaper working for the City of Edmonton began noticing that carefully tended flowers and trees were showing signs of severe nutrient deficiencies. City specifications call for Electrical Conductivity readings no higher than “1” in local soils. But Dave Dickie’s soil samples tested for EC 4.6 to 7-times higher than this maximum permissible level.

Dickie wondered if elevated levels of electricity-conducting metals in the soils could be leading to the plants’ “chlorosis” condition. A $33 lab test of snow samples collected in a sterilized container confirmed elevated levels of aluminum and barium. Norwest Labs lab report #336566 found
•    q aluminum levels: 0.148 milligrams/litre
•    q barium levels: 0.006 milligrams/litre
Widespread tree and fish die-offs in California are also being blamed on abnormally high levels of barium and less conductive aluminum. At Lake Shasta, Francis Mangels, a retired soil conservationist and PhD wildlife biologist who worked for the U.S. Forest Service for over 35 years, told Dane Wigington that he blames pH over 10-times the alkalinity of normal soil on huge increases of aluminum oxide.

Dane Wigington reports that normal background levels of aluminum oxide in the Mt. Shasta snow is 1/2 unit. (In this case, ug/l). Allowable aluminum in drinking water is 50 units. Government action is required at 1,000 units of detected aluminum. The EPA-tested snow on Mt. Shasta shows aluminum at 61,100 units.

Barium clocked in at an elevated 83 units.

By July 2001, California state officials still could not explain why barium levels had nearly doubled since 1991. They still can’t say why barium levels in soils and water are rising, when industrial barium pollution has all but vanished.

In March 2002, two Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists at Wright Patterson Air Force Base told award-winning reporter Bob Fitrakis that they were involved in two aerial spray programs. One spreads aluminum oxide in the upper atmosphere to reflect incoming sunlight and slow global warming. The other lays down barium stearate aerosols for “over the horizon” military communications, 3-D mapping and radar. Soapy rainwater on highways is a signature of barium salts, one scientist said.

They also confirmed that HAARP transmissions from Alaska are being used to bend the jetstream.

In 2008, a Louisiana newscast focused on barium, which the news station called a “hallmark of chemtrails.” When KSLA had chemtrail fallout analysed, the 6.8 ppm barium levels was “more than six times the toxic level set by the EPA.” The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality confirmed that the high levels of Barium were “very unusual.”

Two years later, Arizona air particulates of aluminum and barium surged. Lab tests indicate how many times they are over the allowable toxic limit:
•    Aluminum: 15.8x
•    Barium: 5.3x

Clifford Carnicom now states that the amount of Barium in our atmosphere exceeds by eight-times the level deemed safe for humans to breathe. Smaller animals are simply out of luck. And, as Earth’s Sixth Great Extinction keeps rolling, maybe out of time.

Microwave Sickness and Chemtrail Related Illness

chemtrail-mask-300x232Embryos, fetuses, infants and children are especially vulnerable to pulsed wireless signals, which penetrate directly through their rapidly developing bodies and brains.

“Children who were exposed to cell phones before and/or after birth tended to have higher prevalence of emotional symptoms, behavioral problems, inattention, hyperactivity and problems with peers,” says prominent EMF researcher Professor Kjell Mild in Sweden. Children and teenagers are five-times more likely to develop brain cancer if they use cell phones.

Microwave Sickness is already of significant public concern in countries where wireless technologies were introduced some 10 years ahead of North America. “Hot spots” include Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Greece and Israel.

Sweden leads the pack. Data collected by the Swedish government has found that the introduction of cellphone technology nationwide in 1997 coincided with an alarming increase in prostate cancer, brain tumors, melanomas and lung cancers. So did deaths from Alzheimer’s, traffic accident injuries, sick leave rates, and the numbers of infants born with heart problems.

With a quarter-million residents now on permanent paid disability for microwave illness, Sweden changes everything. [Pathophysiology June/09]

Chemtrails are also reported over these countries.

Widespread common complaints of Chemtrail Related Illness and Microwave Sickness include, but are not limited to:
•    aching joints
•    asthma attacks
•    fierce headaches
•    sudden dizziness
•    rashes and sores
•    gastro-intestinal discomfort
•    persistent dry hacking cough
•    inability to concentrate or remember simple things
•    heart flutter, inflammation, stoppage
“Cell phones have enjoyed exceptional freedom from government oversight and control to protect against health and environmental hazards,” comments Dr. John Wargo, professor of Environmental Risk and Policy at Yale University.

Just like chemtrails.

After winning the German and European Solar prizes for his hometown solar energy projects, former Greenpeace activist Werner Altnickel warns that the stratosphere is being sprayed with chemicals and metals as a means to slow climate change, manipulate the weather and create inductive fields.

Based on a complex conductivity equation known as the VTRPE, the USAF continues to spread barium into the upper atmosphere to “duct” electromagnetic energy over-the-horizon. Even if commercial wireless frequencies are not conducted as coherent signals by chemtrails specifically “tuned” to HAARP frequencies, all commercial RF/Microwave energy is going to be randomly confabulated and conducted by the barium-strontium chemtrail mix.

If you think this is too much electromagnetic radiation for any body/brain to handle, you’re right. By 1971, a (recently declassified) U.S. Navy document summarized more than 2,300 studies describing health effects from microwave radiation. Today, more than 6,000 studies connect wireless and other EMR with more than 122 biological effects.

Total number of scientific studies on the potential effects on humans, animals, plants and insects from electrically-conductive contrails: zero.

There Is No Ducking Ducting

With highly conductive barium chemtrails being spread to propagate HAARP and other military radio and radar transmissions over the horizon, chemical “antennas” spread over urban centres are also ducting, amplifying and altering already dangerously high levels of Radio Frequency and microwave pollution from ubiquitous cell phone towers, radio and TV transmitters, civilian radars and so-called “smart grids”.

Pioneer researcher Dr. George Carlo headed the first extensive wireless radiation research for Motorola from 1993 to 1999 and lost his funding over his alarming findings.

Dr. Carlo now worries:
“EMR is most likely a synergen. The exposures such as pesticides, chemtrails, harvesting of forests and urban sprawl are not causes competing with EMR – they are additive and synergistic [or amplifying] causes. They are insults to the system that requires strong biological compensation to overcome. EMR depletes that ability to compensate, and thus the person or species succumbs to the effects of the environmental insult more severely and more rapidly.”

What Now?

Things are not getting better fast.

As EU nations begin reducing wireless exposure across Europe in the wake of the landmark BioInitiative study, the global roll-out of wireless smart meters and their supporting microwave grids threatens to push exposure levels beyond human endurance.

Exposure to microwave and radiowave radiation from these meters is involuntary and continuous. Unlike cell phones and other wireless distractions operating at the same frequencies, you can’t switch smart meters off.

Smart Meters emit these hazardous frequencies almost continuously, day and night, seven days a week. The 603 million smart meters slated to be installed worldwide over the next five years will begin emitting electrosmog from billions of new transmitters just as geoengineering efforts shift into even more desperate and relentless conductivity!

Exposure is additive, points out Santa Cruz County Health Officer Dr. Poki Namkung, adding:
“No FFC safety standards exist for chronic, long-term exposure to EMF, or from multiple sources.”
To handle all the wireless traffic from smart meters and constantly updated android apps, Fourth Generation 4GHz LTE may enhance the industry’s Long Term Evolution – while severely curtailing our own. Lower frequency 4G LTE boasts even higher “penetration rates” into buildings and bodies than higher frequency microwaves. And 5G is close behind.

Just Say “NO!”

To date, no agency or organization is examining the effects of electrically conductive chemtrails over towns and cities already saturated with electromagnetic transmissions.

They should.

For city dwellers, and increasingly in rural areas, daily exposure to EMF radiation is more than 100 million times higher than it was in your grandparents’ time. As author Simon Best wrote in his book “Electromagnetic Man: Health and Hazard in the Electrical Environment“:
“Certainly if mobile phones had been a new drug they would never have got out of the laboratory.”

Chemtrails and electromagnetic fields are synergistically linked.

Since October 2002, the Freiburger Appeal has been signed by more than 6,000 doctors and health professionals asking the German Government to revise wireless safety standards and prohibit portable phones.

Alarmed by the Freiburger Appeal, the BioInitiative Report and 165 million Europeans suffering from brain disorders, the European Council ruled that mobile phones and computers with wireless internet connections pose a risk to human health. In May 2011, the Council of Europe began removing all Wi-Fi devices from schools. [Reuters Sept 4 /11; Telegraph May 24/11]

Today, EMF experts with the international stature of Dr. George Carlo, Dr. Olle Johansson, Dr. Leif Salford, Dr. Neill Cherry, Dr. Robert Becker, Dr. David Carpenter and many others are publicly expressing alarm. They warn that continually blanketing our home planet with overlapping, pulsed wireless transmissions emissions never before encountered on Earth will result in mass brain-wiping, a worldwide inability to reproduce, and the extinction of the human race.

Unless stopped, the convergence of electrically-conductive chemtrails with wireless frequencies will only ensure this outcome at an accelerated rate.

What Can You Do?

1. Never expose pregnant mothers or children to wireless radiation.

2. Turn off all portable phone cradles and wireless routers.

3. Limit your cell phone use to a minute a month. Or talk for an hour a day and accept a 400% increased cancer risk over the coming decade.

4. Demand that your city and state emulate the recommendation from the European Committee of Ministers for all member states to “ban all mobile phones, [portable] phones or WiFi or Wireless Local Area Network systems from classrooms and schools.”

5. Don’t fall for “safer” wireless speakerphones and air-tube headsets. Regardless of the excuse behind their purchase, every additional wireless gadget jacks up the need for more relay towers transmitting at ever-higher frequencies. And the higher the frequency, the more transparent our bodies become to electromagnetic energy.

6. Stop Chemtrails! Continue educating media and the public. Attend local government meetings. It is illegal to introduce stray electrical fields that use human beings to complete the circuit. Alert lawyers to this new “Illegally Conductive Barium” approach to initiating class action lawsuits.

7. Stop Smart Meters! Keep educating the media and the public. Attend local governance meetings. Alert lawyers to these “Illegally Conductive Barium” findings to initiating class action lawsuits against wireless smart meters.

8. To dissipate electromagnetic fields and ensure proper rest, “power down” bedrooms and grounding your body to the planet’s natural electromagnetic field by Googling and using grounding pad under your sheets. As Earthcalm points out, “Manmade electricity has severed the connection. Instead of resonating to the planet, the cells are resonating to the electricity in homes/and workplace.”

Related Articles on Wake Up World:
•    Chemtrails: Do You Have Heavy Metals Poisoning?
•    Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health
•    Aerosol Crimes, Illness & Weather Modification in Los Angeles
•    The Most Important Topic of 2013?
•    Geo-Engineering: Chemtrails, Cover-Ups and Human Experiments
•    Chemtrails: Why In The World Are They Spraying? And When Will They Learn?
•    Agenda 21: The Dark Underbelly of Sustainable Development
•    The ElectroMagnetic War on Humanity
•    HAARP: Weather Altering, Earthquake Making Machine

About the author:

William Thomas is an award-winning investigative reporter with over four decades’ experience. His feature writing and photography have appeared in more than 50 publications in eight countries, with translations into French, Dutch and Japanese. A life-long environmental campaigner, his video documentary “Eco War” won the 1991 US Environmental Festival award for “Best Documentary Short”. Recipient of four Canadian feature-writing awards, William has been writing about wireless hazards since the publication of “Scorched Earth” in 1991. His most recent book “Chemtrails Confirmed” records his ongoing chemtrails investigations. Visit his website:

See also:

Map of Chemtrail Spraying showing areas around the globe affected

Screen Shot 2013-04-21 at 1.09.14 PM

Big thanks to Eve for sending this map to BCCA! It certainly helps to put things into perspective.

Here is the url to the map:


Goodbye Blue Sky   by Rand Clifford


Goodbye Blue Sky
by Rand Clifford for Veterans Today
March 2, 2013

“Look, Mummy. There’s an airplane up in the sky.”

Thirty-four years later, perhaps Pink Floyd’s creative genius, Roger Waters, might write something more along the lines of:

“Look, Mummy. Chemtrails up in the sky.”

Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering

“SAG” for short.

Edward Teller is sometimes called “The father of the hydrogen bomb”. Another of Teller’s children was born via his:

While scientists continue research into any global climatic effects of greenhouse gases, we ought to study ways to offset any possible ill effects. Injecting sunlight-scattering particles into the stratosphere appears to be a promising approach. Why not do that?”

Thanks again, Dr. Teller, for fathering another satanic child—the spraying of metallic aerosols to deflect sunlight and cool the Earth. Though Teller was unable to secure funding for his research, sunlight-scattering particles are being sprayed into the stratosphere right now, have been for years. Insidious consequences are piling up like snow on the slopes of Mr. Shasta, alarming people especially in NATO countries around the world. Meanwhile, apathy, ignorance and distraction of American masses help to keep this taxpayer-funded covert government operation a…Conspiracy Theory!

The original patent for, “The Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding For Reduction of Global Warming” was issued to Hughes Aircraft in 1991, U.S. patent #5,003,186. It involves spraying into the upper atmosphere a “…very fine, white-talcum-like aerosol of aluminum oxide, barium oxide and other oxides…” to reduce global warming.

Contrails, Chemtrails?

A best friend of SAG is something common under the right conditions: contrails. Hot jet exhaust can produce contrails, streaks of condensed water vapor that readily dissipate. But for people occupied beyond paying attention to happenings above their heads…chemtrails, contrails, what’s the difference?

Apparently it doesn’t matter how many pictures, videos, testimonials of people involved, and evidence from the stratosphere to the ground verify that SAG is already an enormous operation, many people don’t want to believe their government could be such an enemy of the common good.

Another line from The Wall: “Mother should I trust the government?”

And since SAG is linked to anthropogenic climate disruption (“global warming”), millions of people automatically dismiss the whole schmeer—they don’t want it to happen.

People that know the least about climate dynamics, especially climate as opposed to weather, often seem to have the most profound prejudices regarding global warming.

Wing and tail nozzles of planes often unmarked spray metallic aerosols that can persist all day…even coalescing into haze that covers much of the sky after heavy spraying; these are chemtrails.
Contrails are more like your breath on a frigid day.

Something interesting about “chemtrails” being the folksy term for primarily metallic-oxide aerosols…there is evidence of various chemicals, self-replicating nano-fibers, even biological ingredients such as human pathogens in the SAG “clouds”.

Let’s focus on the sunlight-scattering oxides of aluminum, barium, strontium, titanium and other metals. Aluminum seems to be causing the most obvious damage on the ground.

In this ABC news video of a crashed SAG spray plane, please notice the extensive pools of an “…aluminum-like substance” bled from the wreckage. The tail omega is the plane’s only obvious marking. The crash happened on May 18, 2011, at Point Muga, California.

Here in Spokane, Washington, for many that remember what the sky looked like when airplanes sometimes left dissipating white streaks of vapor across blue sky, SAG’s heavier spraying days are very disturbing. Chemtrails have been obvious for years. California seems a main target, and that brings us back to Mt. Shasta in Northern California.

Whatever SAG sprays in the sky ends up the ground. The whole Mt. Shasta region offers snowballing evidence of SAG fallout damage. People are witnessing rapid ecosystem breakdown—trees, vegetation and wildlife dying.

Heavy spraying can decrease output of solar energy systems by up to 60%.

Tests of water from Lake Shasta’s Pit River Arm tributary reveal levels of aluminum over 4,000 times the maximum allowed for drinking water by the State of California; snow samples from Mt. Shasta have shown 60 times the maximum.

Bark of dying trees in the area contain aluminum, titanium, barium, strontium….

Soils normally in the pH range of 5 to 5.5 have tested between 6.5 and 7.5—over ten times the normal alkalinity, a signature of aluminum.

The Mt. Shasta City Council refuses to have their water tested; surely, Mt. Shasta being the source of a burgeoning bottled water industry is not the only reason.

Conspiracy Theory

Dr. Teller fathered the hydrogen bomb, and SAG—science fiendishly employed against the common good.

Another dazzling scientific coup (social science) involves Power’s Perception Managers (PPMs). They manage public perceptions, sculpt reality for the masses. Perhaps even eclipsing their success at programming the public in ways that make the public think they are coming up with their own ideas…the PPMs’ ultimate mother lode, success “beyond wildest dreams”—without further ado, the winner is the popular term: “Conspiracy Theory”.

Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary definition of conspiracy:

1: the act of conspiring together 2:a: an agreement among conspirators b: a group of conspirators (see also, cabal) conspire: to join in secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement b: SCHEME

PPMs know that folks tend to resist thinking for themselves. In this regard, conspiracy theory, a veritable modern American “institution”, is majestic. When threatened with various social blacklisting just around the corner from thinking for themselves…not to mention the responsibility of awareness…folks need only bark, “Conspiracy theory!”

No thinking required, responsibility relieved. And not only that, being a quick-draw with the term conspiracy theory is like having a Teflon shield against any sticking of such PPM epithets as, “truthers”, “preppers”, “chemmies”—even the comprehensive “conspiracy theorist” and its dread “tinfoil hat” accessory.

Considering the meaning of the term conspiracy, when it comes to the exercise of power over the people (government of, by and for the elite), can you think of anything that is not a conspiracy? Even just one thing?

If Americans spent more time thinking for themselves and less time worrying about what other people think, perhaps the term “common good” would not be such a sick joke, and blind debunking would not be such a growth industry.

Owning the Weather

A 1996 United States Air Force report titled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025″ states: “In 2025, US aerospace forces can ‘own the weather’ by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing on development of those technologies….”

The full report listing a wide variety of weather modification and weather weapon capabilities is available on the official USAF website.

Also of interest is this video from GeoEngineering Watch titled: “Military to Own The Weather In 2025 – Chemtrails HAARP Space Weapons”

The USAF even has a training manual for chemtrails.

For those confronting chemtrails with open eyes and an open mind, some of the best information is on government/military official sites.

Also for those inclined to pay attention, there’s the sky. And damage on the ground is more obvious every day.

9/11 proved to power that, if the packaging, fear ensemble, shock factor and perception management are finessed just right, the American public will swallow any elite atrocity—doesn’t even matter if it’s executed right in the public’s face. So, absolute contempt for the common good demonstrated by the elite…we earn it.

It’s even fashionable for elites such as Jeb Bush to call taxpayers “fodder units”. OFUs, that’s us…one American taxpayer equals one fodder unit.

How do the elite get away with denial of things like chemtrails—even keeping such atrocities buried in conspiracy theory? We let them.

In 1787, Alexander Tyler of the University of Edinborough wrote that all “democracies” go through eight stages, 200 years being the average cycle time. The stages are:

From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back to bondage.

The United States is a textbook oligarchy dressed up with certain democratic illusions. But we seem to have the same trajectory as Tyler’s “democracy”…and are dallying, solidly embedding into apathy after well over 200 years.

As for bondage: the New World Order flies at us on the wings of our apathy.

And regarding the sunlight-scattering wall SAG sprays around the planet…another line from Pink Floyd’s The Wall:

“Mother did it need to be so high?”

Rand Clifford lives in Spokane, Washington. His novels, CASTLING, TIMING, Priest Lake Cathedral, and many earlier articles are published by StarChief Press. Contact for Rand Clifford:

Sunset on Chemtrials: An Update by Arthur Topham


News Year Greetings to all!

ATBCCApicOnce again I must apologize for the inordinate length of time since I last posted here. Those who have been following the articles on the site will recall that I was unable to post from May of 2012 until November due to severe legal restrictions that had been imposed on me by our wonderful Canadian court system after I was arrested and charged with a “Hate” crime last spring. I won’t go into all the gory details again but only want to say that for the remainder of 2012 I was in the thick of it battling to retain my right to freedom of speech and just couldn’t find the added time to focus on the chemtrail issue.

In the first part of January 2013 I was able to gain a bit of a respite time wise and now have until April before the preliminary trial begins and I’m doing my best to catch up with all of my other loves that had been set aside in order to focus on the censorship matter which, without our freedom of speech, all else is for naught.

Anyway I do keep getting mail from folks who come across the BCCA site and they send photos and video of incidents which they feel would be of benefit if shown to a greater audience. A good example is the photo below which I received a couple of days ago. It was taken in Peachland, B.C. back in September of 2012 by Vincent Webb-pelchat. He was asking whether or not it was “evidence of chemical spraying” and I wrote back saying yes, it was a typical and very clear example of what is going on daily around the world.

Okanagan chemtrial copy

Since I regained my right to access and post articles on my various website (I manage a few) I’ve also been able to go back on Facebook which of course is the greatest repository for images of chemtrails and also the best place to find groups who are opposed to this global assault on our earth and atmosphere.

Recently as well I was in contact with an old associate from out in Ontario who has been bloggin the Beast now since 1996 and helping others to understand what in the old days we used to refer to as “the nature of the deal” when it came to realizing what is going on in the world and what needs to be changed in a good way so that future generations can continue to live and play safely on this massive green playground we call Gaia. His name is Brian Holmes and his website is naturally called 🙂

There you will find a wealth of pertinent information related to most if not all aspects of this global assault that’s being carried out against the indigenous peoples of  planet Earth. Of course when it comes to environmental issues especially WE ARE ALL INDIGENOUS!

In particular I wanted to draw readers’ attention to the new CHEMTRAIL PETITION 2013 that Brian has so kindly and conscientiously created. It’s a very positive, pro-active step in providing all those concerned with the spraying with a tool that we can use to try to bring this issue to the forefront of the public attention. It’s also one that will dovetail quite nicely with the Idle No More movement that’s spreading like wildfire across the global landscape. Reading through Brian’s materials on this issue one will easily see that here is a person who definitely has not been sitting idle when it comes to addressing environmental concerns. I highly recommend visiting and passing along Brian’s website and information to others. The petition is something we can all work with in our separate communities.

While I’m at it I also wanted to share with viewers a few photos that I took recently in Quesnel, B.C. where I live close by. My wife and I were in town to do some shopping in the late afternoon when we realized that the sky above was suddenly turning into a phenomenally and grotesquely ugly coloured sunset where the normally vibrant hues of a natural sunset of this type would be clearly discernible and one’s sense of beauty and proportion appropriately satisfied. Not in this case. It was more of a doom and gloom scenario even though the brightness was still there. For many, including the local community newspaper, the realization that these sunsets are unreal rather than natural was lost on them and photos that appeared in the paper later indicated that the lack of awareness of what is going on is still monumental and the public still ignorant.

Those who have been keeping their eyes clean and their focus sharp will undoubtedly see in these images exactly what I’m talking about. If only the public could realize that all of these colours are the result of man-made chemicals being sprayed into our atmosphere and know the deadly effects of them upon the people and the animals and the ecosystems they would hardly be standing there awe-struck as if the Creator were the one providing us with this visual show.

We must persist in our efforts to educate the masses still unaware. Brian’s petition is a good place to begin.

For Clear and Clean Skies,

Arthur Topham

BCCA Admin

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BCCA is back publishing!

Dear BCCA readers,

[This post, due to legal restrictions, has been updated Nov. 15, 2017]

There are many stories that people give when it comes to explaining their absence. Mine is somewhat unique and also somewhat unbelievable yet true.

First off though I would like to apologize to everyone who has been either visiting this site or who came across it in their travels and wondered why it was sitting there in cyberspace silent.

On May 16th of this year while on my way to work I was apprehended by the BC HATE CRIME TEAM who came up from Surrey, B.C. and arrested me and put me in jail. I was charged with a sec. 319(2) Criminal Code of Canada offence.

I will leave to those with a good imagination and with street smarts to figure out who might be making such outrageous claims against my person and my other website (now removed from the Internet upon a Court Order as of March of 2017) .

“Thank you for your patience!”


I want to thank KYOSTI Goldie for taking the time to photograph and compile this stunning documentary of chemtrail activity in the Comox area of BC’s west coast. This is the type of irrefutable data that we require in order to discredit all those naysayers and geoengineers who would otherwise have the general public that nothing is going on in our skies besides the usual weather patterns and the occasional passenger jet leaving their tell-tale contrails. Arthur. BCCA Webmin.


KYOSTI Goldie writes: hello, I’m sending these to you, because I’m not completely sure what else to do with these pictures. It just happened that yesterday morning I was heading to the harbour area to meet with my girlfriend for a walk and these huge chemtrails were in the sky above us. Lately I’ve really been understanding how important it is to communicate local and larger-scale issues with others, and not to feel close-mouthed about it…so anyway.

The first picture was a quick one shot from my car while driving down from my home to the downtown area – immediately after exiting my driveway I noticed the looming chemtrail in front of me across the sky. Which, once I got closer I could actually see the plane leaving the trail behind.

These pictures were taken approximately 15-20 minutes later. After meeting with my girlfriend, we both headed down to the harbour, where the sky looked even more interesting. I’ve never seen so much activity up there…and variety. It all looked so out of place and barely a soul gave it a second glance.

In these images that particular chemtrail was made by a plane heading to the right of us, so I thought it was a little strange that the tail of the trail was wider than the rest of it. The trail was very slowly dissipating, leaving perpendicular streaks to the trail…like wet paint being blown on a flat canvas.

As a reminder, a regular plane (chemtrail-free) flew overhead to show us an example of what a contrail looked like compared to a chemtrail. Which, the picture i have of it is much too hard to see …since I guess it’s so high up. But I’ll attach it anyway. Just zoom into the near centre of the image – down and to the right. But, of course there are better contrail images out there to compare to.

After observing the chemtrail hanging in the air for a while, another plane showed up leaving a very similar streak in the sky.
When we started to leave the harbour and headed back downtown – I think that same plane curved around leaving more trails – circling the town.

And this is all just from one day…I do see them all the time and I’m sure many do.. the more we remind ourselves with these pictures the better. People act so oblivious to something that’s right over our heads. We should be looking at the sky everyday… this is important that we are aware of these things, because we should have the right to know what’s in the air that we breathe.

Share as much of this as you’d like 🙂 – thanks!


Contact KYOSTI Goldie at: