Monitoring & tracking the criminal toxic chemical spraying of Beautiful British Columbia's land and people

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Long overdue update from BCCA Moderator

BCCA Moderator

Dear BCCA readers,

It’s been so long since I last posted on the site that I’m actually embarrassed by the fact although there are serious and justifiable reasons for the long absence.

The world, as we all know, is under constant duress that comes from numerous sources and manifests itself in so many ways that it makes one’s head spin trying to fathom it all. Chemtrails are one major facet of the assault upon humanity as a whole and the planet’s ecosystems but there are also many other forms that the darkness uses to wreak havoc, despair and destruction.

Unfortunately in my line of work (I run other websites and news sites) those that don’t wish to have the truth revealed, be it the nature of chemtrails or any of the other politically-motivated disasters that are happening around the globe at the moment, have decided to attack the messenger and thus I have been embroiled in legal suits for a number of years now all of which have had a detrimental effect upon my ability to maintain sites like this one.

I can be reached at

Thanks for your understanding and once again I apologize for the sorry state of the site over the past while.

Arthur Topham

Moderator – BCCA

BCCA is back publishing!

Dear BCCA readers,

[This post, due to legal restrictions, has been updated Nov. 15, 2017]

There are many stories that people give when it comes to explaining their absence. Mine is somewhat unique and also somewhat unbelievable yet true.

First off though I would like to apologize to everyone who has been either visiting this site or who came across it in their travels and wondered why it was sitting there in cyberspace silent.

On May 16th of this year while on my way to work I was apprehended by the BC HATE CRIME TEAM who came up from Surrey, B.C. and arrested me and put me in jail. I was charged with a sec. 319(2) Criminal Code of Canada offence.

I will leave to those with a good imagination and with street smarts to figure out who might be making such outrageous claims against my person and my other website (now removed from the Internet upon a Court Order as of March of 2017) .

“Thank you for your patience!”